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Is there something wrong with me ?

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I don't get all hot and bothered over event rares/EM items. Sure I own some but I can't see spending 100s of PLATINUMS on stuff that that have been rehued and renamed.
I think something is wrong with me. Other UO players are gaga for them but I think they're pretty that's it. For the most part I have fun exploring, playing the game and decorating my homes.
I like doing the seasonal event stuff. Maybe its more the same way I perceive the guy selling $2.99 blind box toys for $50, my reaction is "HUH?!?! I don't get it".

Anyone else feel this way or am I weird?

Acid Rain

Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Not only do all the rares need to burn but the collectors as well..
All the cities should burn especially luna !!
Thank you for voicing your concerns regarding Britannia, they have been duly noted.

Representatives from the Britannia Bureau of Investigations (BBI) will be contacting you shortly to address your suggestions.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
My opinion is that the events that these "rares" come from should be a historic moment for a shard. The rewards for completing such an event should be little more than a memento showing that the recipient of the reward was there and helped contribute to that moment. The rewards should be destroyed should they ever leave the hands of the account which obtained them in any fashion.

Unfortunately, it seems the only metric that the staff worrys about is participation in the events. The ability to trade these rewards brings about false participation numbers in the events, which eliminates the need for an EM to come up with a decent idea for a good story or contribute to the shard in a meaningful way. This is probably the main contributer to the death of role-play in the game. The EM program is a beautiful idea at heart and even the rewards are not necessarily a bad idea to encourage participation, but the ability to trade the rewards killed it.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
My opinion is that the events that these "rares" come from should be a historic moment for a shard. The rewards for completing such an event should be little more than a memento showing that the recipient of the reward was there and helped contribute to that moment. The rewards should be destroyed should they ever leave the hands of the account which obtained them in any fashion.

Unfortunately, it seems the only metric that the staff worrys about is participation in the events. The ability to trade these rewards brings about false participation numbers in the events, which eliminates the need for an EM to come up with a decent idea for a good story or contribute to the shard in a meaningful way. This is probably the main contributer to the death of role-play in the game. The EM program is a beautiful idea at heart and even the rewards are not necessarily a bad idea to encourage participation, but the ability to trade the rewards killed it.
Return all rares to the shard ofOrigin place in museum located at brit commons and shard bound all future em i promise em event participation would plummet


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If you're having a good time Luc, that's all that matters.

One of the things I do enjoy in UO though is the auctions.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Has anybody here known the thrill of accidentally eating a rare item?
Yes most rare collectors have. and I have the honour just like many other people not locking something down. Lost a few plat that way. Lost a chest as well to a revert got back on and it was gone.

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Has anybody here known the thrill of accidentally eating a rare item?
I haven't. I did know a former player that ate a pie named "A Cow Pie".

They were given out as awards for Legends Cow Tipping Contest and El DaNgEl accidental ate his.

OMG, we carried him high for weeks. Everyone kept reminding him you ate 1662495397484.png ! LOL
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think something is wrong with me
It's all subjective. There's only something wrong if you feel that you need to enjoy everything. [Different strokes for different folks - some like crafting, others making profits, others still rez-kill/ganking...]

Rares are just another in-game pursuit - the players who spend plats for a single item get joy from owning that item. (More joy than they would have had they hoarded more gold...)

Personally, I spend gold when it helps me achieve a decorative goal/theme/idea and I am unable to get the item otherwise.

My opinion is that the events that these "rares" come from should be a historic moment for a shard. The rewards for completing such an event should be little more than a memento showing that the recipient of the reward was there and helped contribute to that moment. The rewards should be destroyed should they ever leave the hands of the account which obtained them in any fashion.
I do wish there was a permanent museum on each shard (as opposed to the current reward hall that removes the items at the end of the year).
However, I disagree with account-bound items or item destruction. Some friends really enjoy when I give them an item that they did not receive from RNJesus.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I attend almost every EM event across all shards, to me they are a lot of fun and I have made several new friends that are not from my home shard. I have traveled and visited these folks in their game homes and marvel at the deco skills they have, far better then I, yes far better then I. Now as for the drops, I love getting them, some I sell right away, some I take to auctions (one that comes to mind is "Toad" over on Atlantic. Every Sunday evening 6pm EST. Others I take to Sonoma and place in my homes, they are open to the public as I love seeing people visit my houses. If you ever wish to visit drop me a line in Discord.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
However, I disagree with account-bound items or item destruction. Some friends really enjoy when I give them an item that they did not receive from RNJesus.
My point is that the items should be a memento for being there and contributing to shard history. If someone wasn't there and didn't earn the reward, it's just rehued, renamed junk to sell. My opinion is that people who weren't there and didn't contribute don't deserve to hold a piece of a shard's history.

It cheapens the whole event when people come only to get rewards to sell for big gold. The people that are only after the reward are often disruptive at the events and don't care about the shard they are on. They're likely the main reason that a lot of EMs don't put a lot of thought into their events and the overarching story behind them. Why work hard and put thought into creating something when 90% of the people only care about the gold they'll get for the reward?

I know that there are players like @Drakelord that attend events across multiple shards. I think they just enjoy events and would prefer a good story and a fun event over the gold. Getting rid of the players that are there for the reward would also help reduce the lag as well, providing a better experience for everyone.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
There was a drop once on Europa I loved, posted that I got it, was told congrats etc.. It was a statue that did the fortune telling, but when I got it back to Sonoma I found it would not work when locked down, so I took it back to Europa and ask if this was attended to work in the pack only (it was huge). When told that they could not fix it to work when locked down I sought a Europa player and gave that drop to him/her. IMO it was not meant for me. I now have this mirror that is a fortune teller, love it.


Lake Superior Tabloid Journalist
Stratics Veteran
As a late answer to the topic at hand, I do not believe that your indifference to EM items/rares doesn't mean there is something wrong with you. I have done exactly one EM event, lagged to the point my computer crashed, and haven't been back for another since. I do not miss the items one bit. I keep my collections to a select few things (armor suits, artisan festival items, BOD rewards and guild signs from trade orders) and give other items to either my wife or friends that collect what I don't.

Always remember, each player plays for his/her own reason(s) and does what he/she enjoys doing. There really is no wrong answer.


UO Forum Moderator
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No, but if you have a sourc for the old Seika blind box Macross Pencil sharpeners, I'd be interested (I had a full set 20 years ago, but an addict stole them to give to their toddler, never mind the choking hazards)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't get all hot and bothered over event rares/EM items. Sure I own some but I can't see spending 100s of PLATINUMS on stuff that that have been rehued and renamed.
I think something is wrong with me. Other UO players are gaga for them but I think they're pretty that's it. For the most part I have fun exploring, playing the game and decorating my homes.
I like doing the seasonal event stuff. Maybe its more the same way I perceive the guy selling $2.99 blind box toys for $50, my reaction is "HUH?!?! I don't get it".

Anyone else feel this way or am I weird?
Well, if it makes you feel any better, it could be worse. Not only I don't care about EM rares, but I don't care about any non-functional seasonal "collectibles" either. And on top of that, all my Cus are the default color because all I care about is stats. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!!!


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I'm in the same club. EM items, collectables, rares mean nothing to me. I am attached to certain pixels though. I take joy in seeing the items that were gifted me over the years. I treasure the nostalgia.


Stratics Veteran
Not only do all the rares need to burn but the collectors as well..
Ouch ... I kind of take a bit of personal offense to that. Some of us "collectors" collect things for our own personal deco and enjoyment.

I sell items, sure, but only usually if it's something I don't like or that doesn't align with the things I collect and decorate my houses with ... not all collectors are mega-vendors ...

As to the OP's question ... no, nothing wrong with you. I played UO for years and years before getting excited about collecting some EM rewards. And I really only got excited about it when I started looking at the vast amounts of rewards there have been over the years and specifically building my houses around certain "collections" (Easter items ... Christmas items ... Virtue items ... things that make my house look more like a "functional" house ...). I also still spend most of my in-game time
playing UO. I don't attend EM events on every. single. shard. and if I miss an EM event, whatevs.

You do you, booboo.

Lindae Lives

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A hoard is of no use without one's personal enemies constantly trying to steal it. Waiting for a hated nemesis' house to fall down peacefully of its own accord doesn't have quite the same thrill as burning it down and pillaging their rare carrots from the ruins.