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IDOC - how to break the outer barrels


I have 40 westling, but it always says "your blows seem unable to harm...". So what skills are required to break those barrels surrouding the house area?


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You can use shields. In fact, it helps if you use one with 10ssi. Skills themselves don't matter but ssi def helps. All my idoc guys have a shield. Spellbooks are also ok to have in hand - just no weapons in hand.


I Hate Skilling
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Also after the IDOC you can gain wrestling by continuing to break barrels around the IDOC.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
You can use shields. In fact, it helps if you use one with 10ssi. Skills themselves don't matter but ssi def helps.
you swing at max 1.25 seconds with 10 stamina and 0 ssi, for wrestling, but yeah 10 ssi definitely helps…

please keep the great tips coming


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With the 10ssi Helm, jewelry set with 10ssi each, and shield, I hit the barrels twice for a naked new toons one hit. So once again, SSI helps.


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Today after an Idoc, I got a new toon - stripped him to his old white undies and made sure he only had the 10 stam he started with. I had my idoc toon with 40 ssi. I got them side by side on the outer barrels and started hitting the barrels. I started new guy first so he got an extra hit in - at least least one. Then I started my ssi toon. Ssi toon was hiting 2 for new guy's one. SSI also finsihed her barrel while new guy was only half way thru. So, how is SSI not helping to break the barrels faster? Break more barrels: get more loot. Tell me oh wise ones, what am I missing? Something is helping one toon to do more damage faster.


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Another Idoc more testing - it was on my home shard so I took my high dex toon with ssi gear removed, a new toon I gave 40 ssi to, and a new toon with nothing. I started nothing toon first, then ssi, and finally high dex. SSI and dex finished first with high dex a hit or two ahead. They both sat and waited for first to go nothing toon to finish it's half a barrel still to go. So I still gather that if you use a fighter with high dex, you good to go. If you use a high mana mage, load up on ssi. If you use a fresh toon, you can still break the barrels but you will be much slower.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Today after an Idoc, I got a new toon - stripped him to his old white undies and made sure he only had the 10 stam he started with. I had my idoc toon with 40 ssi. I got them side by side on the outer barrels and started hitting the barrels. I started new guy first so he got an extra hit in - at least least one. Then I started my ssi toon. Ssi toon was hiting 2 for new guy's one. SSI also finsihed her barrel while new guy was only half way thru. So, how is SSI not helping to break the barrels faster? Break more barrels: get more loot. Tell me oh wise ones, what am I missing? Something is helping one toon to do more damage faster.
What weapon speed do hands have?
Mine use a 10 ssi shield. And have dex instead of mana. Since I get a few things in a crowd I never explored it more.
I can't use my main toons because they carry too many items.
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The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
You get more loot if you do more damage to the barrels? This is news to me. I thought you only have to do 1 damage so long as you are near it when it breaks

Maximus Neximus

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Today after an Idoc, I got a new toon - stripped him to his old white undies and made sure he only had the 10 stam he started with. I had my idoc toon with 40 ssi. I got them side by side on the outer barrels and started hitting the barrels. I started new guy first so he got an extra hit in - at least least one. Then I started my ssi toon. Ssi toon was hiting 2 for new guy's one. SSI also finsihed her barrel while new guy was only half way thru. So, how is SSI not helping to break the barrels faster? Break more barrels: get more loot. Tell me oh wise ones, what am I missing? Something is helping one toon to do more damage faster.
What are their wrestling skills? HCI? The swing speed should be the same. Whether or not those hits land can differ.


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You get more loot if you do more damage to the barrels?
Yes. Ex. - you get to a barrel that only one person has hit and you only get 1 or 2 hits - you will get nothing.

What are their wrestling skills? HCI? The swing speed should be the same. Whether or not those hits land can differ.
All toons had 0 wrestling - not counting Joat. Not sure what HCI is on the high dex one (That toon is basically a barbed leather getter for my crafter so I really never payed attention.) Other 2 were stripped naked.

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
It seems i was incorrect, bare hand swinging is only max rate at 10 stamina if you're holding a fishing pole. Bare-handed swing speed with 100 stamina will be 7 ticks, or 1.75 seconds , so swing speed bonus would make it swing faster


Stratics Veteran
Yes. Ex. - you get to a barrel that only one person has hit and you only get 1 or 2 hits - you will get nothing.

stop saying false information to people...barrel have 50 items per...if 10 persons hit the same barrel with like 1-2 punch they will reveice 5 items each...the damage you do to the barrel change nothing yeah if you rbeak it alone you get 50 items...and yes ssi and max stamina help to hit faster...if you manage to get 2 hits on the barrel you will get loot but you need to be near the barrel when he broke


Seasoned Veteran
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Yes. Ex. - you get to a barrel that only one person has hit and you only get 1 or 2 hits - you will get nothing.

stop saying false information to people...barrel have 50 items per...if 10 persons hit the same barrel with like 1-2 punch they will reveice 5 items each...the damage you do to the barrel change nothing yeah if you rbeak it alone you get 50 items...and yes ssi and max stamina help to hit faster...if you manage to get 2 hits on the barrel you will get loot but you need to be near the barrel when he broke

Just saw this reply; not sure how I missed it earlier.
I am not spreading false information; I am relaying what has actually occurred to me with past Idocs. There have been several times when I was the only one on a barrel and someone comes near the end and hits it. I still got all 50 items. There are also been several times I go to a barrel that only one person has hit and get a couple hits. I got nothing.


Stratics Veteran
Yes. Ex. - you get to a barrel that only one person has hit and you only get 1 or 2 hits - you will get nothing.

stop saying false information to people...barrel have 50 items per...if 10 persons hit the same barrel with like 1-2 punch they will reveice 5 items each...the damage you do to the barrel change nothing yeah if you rbeak it alone you get 50 items...and yes ssi and max stamina help to hit faster...if you manage to get 2 hits on the barrel you will get loot but you need to be near the barrel when he broke

Just saw this reply; not sure how I missed it earlier.
I am not spreading false information; I am relaying what has actually occurred to me with past Idocs. There have been several times when I was the only one on a barrel and someone comes near the end and hits it. I still got all 50 items. There are also been several times I go to a barrel that only one person has hit and get a couple hits. I got nothing.
if it s a bods book inside only one person will get it if 250 bods inside and nothing else will be in the barrel


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It's not only on BOD books. I have gotten all 50 items (separate individual items) when someone else only gets in a couple of hits on the barrel. I can't say what the other person gets when I don't receive any items when getting a couple of hits; only that person knows.