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[Price Check] Considering selling a fully trained 3 slot Dragon


Stratics Veteran
Just looking to check the price before I make any deals -

I have a prepatch dragon that was about 77% intensity before, and I managed to train it up at the perfect time between patches, so it got two full rounds of training without taking the slot jump. It ended up with so many extra points that I made it a chivalry dragon (with AI as usual)

600 hits, 808 strength, 20/25/30 regen, and resists are 80 for all except poison (45). It’s fully scrolled and trained to 120.
(Could have gone 700 hits but I find that I never use the 100 extra hits at all)

Any ideas?


On another note, I have about 4 pp nightmares and 4 pp white wyrms, 2 bane dragons (myst and magery), 3 pp bake kitsune, a dread warhorse, and a lot of cu's, all also full 120. No 760 str wyrms though (758). I've been away for awhile and prices have gone wild again. What's the current value of those? They have intensity of 60% upwards on average. It's getting hard to keep track over the years and I'm considering finally cleaning up "duplicates" in my stables, haha.
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The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Just looking to check the price before I make any deals -

I have a prepatch dragon that was about 77% intensity before, and I managed to train it up at the perfect time between patches, so it got two full rounds of training without taking the slot jump. It ended up with so many extra points that I made it a chivalry dragon (with AI as usual)

600 hits, 808 strength, 20/25/30 regen, and resists are 80 for all except poison (45). It’s fully scrolled and trained to 120.
(Could have gone 700 hits but I find that I never use the 100 extra hits at all)

Any ideas?


On another note, I have about 4 pp nightmares and 4 pp white wyrms, 2 bane dragons (myst and magery), 3 pp bake kitsune, a dread warhorse, and a lot of cu's, all also full 120. They have intensity of 60% upwards on average. No 760 str wyrms though (758). I've been away for awhile and prices have gone wild again. What's the current value of those? It's getting hard to keep track over the years and I'm considering finally cleaning up "duplicates" in my stables, haha.
Can you post up pics of all stats?


Just looking to check the price before I make any deals -

I have a prepatch dragon that was about 77% intensity before, and I managed to train it up at the perfect time between patches, so it got two full rounds of training without taking the slot jump. It ended up with so many extra points that I made it a chivalry dragon (with AI as usual)

600 hits, 808 strength, 20/25/30 regen, and resists are 80 for all except poison (45). It’s fully scrolled and trained to 120.
(Could have gone 700 hits but I find that I never use the 100 extra hits at all)

Any ideas?


On another note, I have about 4 pp nightmares and 4 pp white wyrms, 2 bane dragons (myst and magery), 3 pp bake kitsune, a dread warhorse, and a lot of cu's, all also full 120. No 760 str wyrms though (758). I've been away for awhile and prices have gone wild again. What's the current value of those? They have intensity of 60% upwards on average. It's getting hard to keep track over the years and I'm considering finally cleaning up "duplicates" in my stables, haha.
Prices are subject to change and a little stat-dependent but here is a rough estimate based on recent sales in the forum: ppWWs 800M-1.5 P depending on Gen and stats, Bane 1P-1.3P also depending on stats, ppNM 180 - 300 M dep. on stats, ppBake 25-35 M hard to sell a little bit, Dreads 400-550 M easy sell, IF you have not trained or touched them at all. Cus fully 120'd are variably 200 - 600 M depending on stats and color and specialization/trainiing. Paragon color Cus (rarest color) usually sells for up to 5-7 Plats now days, unless you trained it.
I hope that this gives you a rough idea about the prices nowdays, but may vary and depend on supply/demand/buyer availbility.
All these numbers are based on sales within the last 6 months and may have changed.
Don't expect immediate/instant sales and patience rewards massively in this.
Be very careful selling any of these in game. Ask in the traders hall about bids, pricing etc. Don't get scammed. Good luck and congrats for this awesome stable. Selling a few of these will help you finance starting back in the game.


Stratics Veteran
I don't think pp WWs go for that much. Their prices are slightly higher to what people pay for pre-patch NMs, as Mihali has mentioned. You can get more for those with more STR. The one you have with 758 STR can sell for a bit higher than that.


Guess he is starting after having quit since pet revamp. These prices are not 100% accurate, but give some baseline so hopefully he will not get ripped off.
Most important thing I found out is patience is extremely important, and waiting a little bit after posting a sale helps a lot. Being is a hurry to sell (or buy) can cause quite a consternation, as I found out the hard way.:pie:


Stratics Veteran
Prices are subject to change and a little stat-dependent but here is a rough estimate based on recent sales in the forum: ppWWs 800M-1.5 P depending on Gen and stats, Bane 1P-1.3P also depending on stats, ppNM 180 - 300 M dep. on stats, ppBake 25-35 M hard to sell a little bit, Dreads 400-550 M easy sell, IF you have not trained or touched them at all. Cus fully 120'd are variably 200 - 600 M depending on stats and color and specialization/trainiing. Paragon color Cus (rarest color) usually sells for up to 5-7 Plats now days, unless you trained it.
I hope that this gives you a rough idea about the prices nowdays, but may vary and depend on supply/demand/buyer availbility.
All these numbers are based on sales within the last 6 months and may have changed.
Don't expect immediate/instant sales and patience rewards massively in this.
Be very careful selling any of these in game. Ask in the traders hall about bids, pricing etc. Don't get scammed. Good luck and congrats for this awesome stable. Selling a few of these will help you finance starting back in the game.

Thanks for all the tips! This makes for a good frame of reference, I'll take note of everything. Prices keep changing whenever I take a break, so I'll definitely be careful.
Still no idea about the dragon, though - I haven't seen another one yet. Getting some offers from this post, so I'll see what people think I guess.


There are likely not many Dragons like this one at all, and it is awesomely powerful with the massive strength and also Chiv/AI. chances are you will not see another like this. I would NOT sell him for anything, and would use him on some really hard phys. resist mobs. He will cast Cons Weap and also hit at least a few shots at the low enemy resistance. Would be interesting to see what kind of damage hits he does with CW and EoO, AI and the huge Str. You may want to try him on some Balrons and also Pra Balrons in Chaos gate area. Massive hits with the 800+ Str!! He is a real beast. I would not sell for any price. Esp if you are a tamer. Sell the Cus instead if you need gold. Cus can be re-made. This Dragon not really since they go to 4 slots from the start now. Also if you bless him he is even stronger!


Stratics Veteran
There are likely not many Dragons like this one at all, and it is awesomely powerful with the massive strength and also Chiv/AI. chances are you will not see another like this. I would NOT sell him for anything, and would use him on some really hard phys. resist mobs. He will cast Cons Weap and also hit at least a few shots at the low enemy resistance. Would be interesting to see what kind of damage hits he does with CW and EoO, AI and the huge Str. You may want to try him on some Balrons and also Pra Balrons in Chaos gate area. Massive hits with the 800+ Str!! He is a real beast. I would not sell for any price. Esp if you are a tamer. Sell the Cus instead if you need gold. Cus can be re-made. This Dragon not really since they go to 4 slots from the start now. Also if you bless him he is even stronger!
Aye, got it. Thanks again haha. I might hold onto him then.

Just took a trip to the ancient wyrm and was pretty surprised by the damage - consistent 300+ damage hits, and that's with only 90 chiv (I forgot that I wasn't done training skills). That's something I haven't seen even my near perfect chiv/ai Cu manage (fully trained 120 chiv)

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I collect interesting dragons like these + banes & PP ww's. These are definately very nice.
Id keep this dragon if I were you or look in the plat(s) range of price if you were to sell it. Id deffo be interested in acquiring it if you were to sell.

Warning.. long winded text below cause it's my first post in a while + I like to write :D

I was accused of lowballing on an imperfect specimen of these trained 3 slot prepatch dragons that some tamer was selling.
The tamer had wasted alot of points and only put 110 scrolls on it to save money.. sigh. This must have been in 2018 or something, so gold wasnt as inflated and it wasnt very long after the hotfix came in place. These 3 slot fully trained to 5 slot were certainly not in platinum range yet.

The tamer got mad at me for "lowballing" and dared me to show my collection - little did he/she know that Im a dragon hoarder extraordinaire.
I logged on one of my my stable holder alts and started showing off my collection :p made some jaws drop that day when one after another was claimed from the stable.

(please dont ask me to show banes.. Ill have to login 3 or more chars then :D )

Historical info about these dragons:
These are "prepatch" dragons were created in the period after release of new taming system, when the 3 slot dragons could be trained 2 full rounds of training without getting slot jump to 5.
What makes them cool is the high str, all the way up to 825 I believe.

PP WW's are the closest in type of these, max 760str and less wasted point to switch magic school / dragon breath.

These dragons were only able to be created for a few days once the hotfix got announced to prevent some overpowered / exploited pets.
Once I heard the news of the patch hitting Origin I hurried and trained up double digit number of these 3 slot dragons ready at last round of scrolling. I had bought quite a few of these in the weeks prior to that hotfix so I was definately lucky.

These days, if you try to train a prepatch dragon they will get stuck at 4 slot and now allow more training or slot jump to 5. (depends a little on if the blue button was clicked prior to patch or not) . Ive posted my findings in a patch note thread previously, you can check my post history if you really want to know.
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Aye, got it. Thanks again haha. I might hold onto him then.

Just took a trip to the ancient wyrm and was pretty surprised by the damage - consistent 300+ damage hits, and that's with only 90 chiv (I forgot that I wasn't done training skills). That's something I haven't seen even my near perfect chiv/ai Cu manage (fully trained 120 chiv)
This pet is worth multiple plat IMO. I have pre patch dragons that are 3 slots but I've been told if I train them they will become a 4 slot as soon as I begin the process.