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We need Draconi...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
...to blow up Destard, just like he did Magincia. Now THAT was an event!
I'd be down for this. I think for the Devs to kind of right the ship they should do something where maybe like the dungeon collapses so nobody can enter (in Tram) and move this event to a different dungeon. Make the storyline something like the imbalance of Fey in the dungeon causes an avalanche and all of the Fey have moved to X location.

This event 100% needs a reset.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I'd be down for this. I think for the Devs to kind of right the ship they should do something where maybe like the dungeon collapses so nobody can enter (in Tram) and move this event to a different dungeon. Make the storyline something like the imbalance of Fey in the dungeon causes an avalanche and all of the Fey have moved to X location.

This event 100% needs a reset.
Have the fey champ move to despise returning it to the old way and having a champion on both sides maybe have her riding rikktor to make it harder in fel to make up for uncursed drop


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Have the fey champ move to despise returning it to the old way and having a champion on both sides maybe have her riding rikktor to make it harder in fel to make up for uncursed drop
That's not going to happen. You keep mentioning it and it just isn’t going to change anything. You can go to Despise in Fel if you miss it that much. All your stuff can be insured so no need to fear a PK.


Publishing Manager, Stratics Leadership
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In case anyone is curious what Tim *Draconi* Cotton is up to these days ;)

Yes I do miss the Master of Disaster!

The link to the podcast since this event is over.

Luc of Legends

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I was there talking to him standing on the building for several minutes before he blew it up.. Much respect for that man, if he would have stayed UO would have been a LOT different.
I never understood why he left. Did he quit, was he laid off or what? In that vein, I knew he was a Dev. At one point I understood he was the Producer. I was present when someone mentioned "Draconi the Producer" at a Meet & Greet with Mesanna. OMG! Talk about a nuclear reaction! She just about ripped the poor person's head off. "Draconi was NEVER a producer of UO EVER! He was just a member of the dev team!" That how she typed it. WOW! So was he or wasn't he? I always though he was amazing! I'd give anything for another blow up a city event.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was there talking to him standing on the building for several minutes before he blew it up.. Much respect for that man, if he would have stayed UO would have been a LOT different.
He also blew up the mega scripter/duper houses in Luna, and left the "Effigy of a Traitor" scarecrows there for awhile. Destard could definitely use that right now.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never understood why he left. Did he quit, was he laid off or what? In that vein, I knew he was a Dev. At one point I understood he was the Producer. I was present when someone mentioned "Draconi the Producer" at a Meet & Greet with Mesanna. OMG! Talk about a nuclear reaction! She just about ripped the poor person's head off. "Draconi was NEVER a producer of UO EVER! He was just a member of the dev team!" That how she typed it. WOW! So was he or wasn't he? I always though he was amazing! I'd give anything for another blow up a city event.
You have your answer. He was too good and made certain people look like the incompetent crap they are. So they promoted him to get him out of the way. At least that is how it normally works in the real world. That's my theory anyway.


Lord of the Dance
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Stratics Legend

In case anyone is curious what Tim *Draconi* Cotton is up to these days ;)

Yes I do miss the Master of Disaster!

The link to the podcast since this event is over.
Thank you so much for sharing this!

He was involved in Legends of Aria? Man...what happened to that game? So much potential and then it just got abandoned. (Oh, I think I sort of got an answer at 46:30, although I don't think it failed because of a small team. The reason it died IMO was the poor decision making after the soft launch. Everything SEEMED solid/in place. But you can't change the rules, like how combat works, horses, guard zones, and the big one...literally strip people away from their houses, and expect them to stay. They broke the players trust, and thus were abandoned. At least IMO. If they would of just created a Trammel-like server, it might of survived (I think this because literally 3 of my friends quit due to the PKers.) All it really needed was bug fixes, more content, better design choices, etc, and it would of been great. If anyone has any info as to what really happened I'd love to hear the real story please.)

What does it take? Love. Minecraft was made by 1 man. Stardew Valley was made by 1 man. Those aren't MMORPGs. But love and passion make a difference. When the goal of your game is to harm others in a nonconsensual way, you've already lost before you've begun.

Oh wait he said "money" Got my answer. Stupid money. Ruins everything. They ran out of money I guess. But then there's 100s of free fan made games/mods out there...so maybe it does go back to love. (But you can't eat love. I get it.)

Inexperienced team? Bit off more than they could chew? Possibly. But they were close. So close. Sad to see it fail.

He also mentioned Meridian 59...no wonder he is a legend :p Love it when people acknowledge that game! One of the best MMORPGs ever in my opinion. (Had to be there.)

Very interesting podcast overall. Don't know if I want to stick around for the future ... I already get irritated at how many streaming services there are (And NONE of them do it correctly IMO) and how many game launcher apps there are (Steam, Epic, Origin, Ubisoft Connect, Battlenet, GoG, Humble Vault, XBox xX GaXme x PaXssX, etc etc,) and now there's going to be 100 metaverses?! Or people trying to standardize it? When they can't even get streaming apps to be perfect or user friendly? Haha. No wonder people are trying to make a mad dash for space! They want off this planet! :p ... or money. Money is probably why. *sigh*

If they ever do get this 'identity' stuff figured out can I please link my movies and games to my REAL LIFE person so I don't have to buy them multiple times on multiple platforms and can watch them in any metaverse I want no matter which company owns said metaverse? No? Why? Because of money? Gotcha.

Interested to see his new project. I liked Sims and Black & White. I wish him all the luck in the world! Just remember one thing: Please add dancing to the game! (That is one thing Aria did get right! :heart:)

Oh yeah back on topic: Boom boom!

I'd give anything for another blow up a city event.
Me too...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
. "Draconi was NEVER a producer of UO EVER! He was just a member of the dev team!" That how she typed it. WOW!
Because she knows he and everyone else before her, would've been 100x the producer she is.
Her volatile petulant behaviour is exactly the reason she shouldn't have been made producer.

Draconi was awesome though, heck, so many of the devs of that time were just amazing, Grimm, CatHat (loved him!), Wilki etc.
But Draconi would've made a great producer, as long as he had a hand in the actual development as well, he knew what players loved.

Meat Elemental

Seasoned Veteran
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Because she knows he and everyone else before her, would've been 100x the producer she is.
Her volatile petulant behaviour is exactly the reason she shouldn't have been made producer.

Draconi was awesome though, heck, so many of the devs of that time were just amazing, Grimm, CatHat (loved him!), Wilki etc.
But Draconi would've made a great producer, as long as he had a hand in the actual development as well, he knew what players loved.
Every Halloween I put out my draconi pumpkins miss the guy....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Because she knows he and everyone else before her, would've been 100x the producer she is.
Her volatile petulant behaviour is exactly the reason she shouldn't have been made producer.

Draconi was awesome though, heck, so many of the devs of that time were just amazing, Grimm, CatHat (loved him!), Wilki etc.
But Draconi would've made a great producer, as long as he had a hand in the actual development as well, he knew what players loved.
The above says it all and is spot on. He was a great Dev and he was touchable, he'd talk to you (getting info etc to use changing stuff) and always was available when you saw him in game. I admire him greatly, the game would be a lot different if he was still around.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The above says it all and is spot on. He was a great Dev and he was touchable, he'd talk to you (getting info etc to use changing stuff) and always was available when you saw him in game. I admire him greatly, the game would be a lot different if he was still around.
It sure would be a whole lot more fun than the current "event".


Slightly Crazed
Don't need to be super - designer. Just spawn Slasher of Veils (or couple of Selectus minions)every 20th paragon Latex Warrior Seeker is killed (after 20 spawn para Slasher)
And Navery every 20 para Shadow wyrms/ greater dragons .
Small shards will be ok with this. On populated ones Slasher will wipe all bots and people will actually need to play and cooperate .


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Don't need to be super - designer. Just spawn Slasher of Veils (or couple of Selectus minions)every 20th paragon Latex Warrior Seeker is killed (after 20 spawn para Slasher)
Latex warrior seeker?

I think you're playing a different game than the rest of us.

Either way, come to Unleashed and tell us all about it :p