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Mana Regen Cap


So according to publish 46,

However, afterwards, the dev Phoenix gave, (link: Mana regen formula?) us the formula which said,
" 4C> Let Intensity Bonus be the square root of the sum of your Mana Regen intensities, capped at 5.5 (30 total intensity)."

Effectively, because it is capped at 5.5, it means that there is indeed a hard cap of 30 mana regen from items. Which is why Knuckleheads.dk shows a cap of 30 there in their calculator. This is also reflected in the UO-CAH and UOGuide mana regen calculators (though they have it set at 31 instead of 30 based on the way they did their formulas).

So my confusion here is that Publish 46 explicitly tells us the hard cap is removed,
  • "This means that adding more MR will always give more mana regeneration." [Though there is diminishing returns, of course.]
while the formula Phoenix gave us basically gives us a hard cap of 30 for mana regen from items.

Am I missing something?


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
when they say hard cap lifted they mean that mathematically there is a gain, it is just so infinitesimally small.... but it is still a gain.

it's like saying you don't die when you jump off of a building, you die when you stop.


when they say hard cap lifted they mean that mathematically there is a gain, it is just so infinitesimally small.... but it is still a gain.

it's like saying you don't die when you jump off of a building, you die when you stop.
I don't feel that is correct because the formula Phoenix gave us and which the mana regen calculators use has a hard cap:
" 4C> Let Intensity Bonus be the square root of the sum of your Mana Regen intensities, capped at 5.5 (30 total intensity)."

So if you have 25 mana regen from your suit, you take the square root of that which is 5. And that works because the cap is 5.5. The square root of 30 mana regen is 5.48 (rounded) and therefore is a hard cap as it is the closest you can get with a whole number. The square root of 31 is 5.57 (rounded) and that exceeds the cap of 5.5 so it is treated exactly 30 mana regen. If somehow it was possible to get 10000 mana regen from our suit, it would still be treated like 30 mana regen because the square root of 10000 is 100 which exceeds the cap of 5.5 and hence is treated just as if it's mana regen of 30. That's why the mana regen calculators out there don't ever change their value no matter what number you put once you're past 31 or 30 (depending on the way they made their calculator).

There is definitely diminishing returns which can be seen, but once we reach the hard cap of 5.5, that's that. Now you can increase your meditation or focus for example and your total will go up for mana per second. But for items, once you reach the square root cap of 5.5 (30 total mana regen from items), it's hard capped.

Given that the formula Phoenix gave was a couple of years after publish 46, it feels like the publish 46 notes are in error. If the cap of 5.5 was not there, then we could continue to see diminishing returns but that cap is like a wall we can't go past.