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Returning from long ago


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very disappointed with endless journey, can't take anything out of my bank,no bag of sending,couldn't even join in fighting the boss at a champ spawn. Sorry but after so many years, nostalgia isn't worth paying same price as when I left 10 years ago. For the same price maybe even cheaper there's newer mmos. Sorry had to vent.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Yea, the price is high especially with other options. But the people are fun to play. Some people have a big investment in it. It's up to you if you want to jump in. I will say my biggest complaint was the economy but the recent event helped me get my footing back under me through gameplay and not other means.

At least with EJ you can get a good feel if you really want to play or you just wanted another look at it.


Most ppl have moved on to free shards if they have nothing to lose. content almost never changes here. If you don't have friends in game it's basically as boring as it gets. You can also become a luna/brit sitter. Apparently that's interesting?...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Most ppl have moved on to free shards if they have nothing to lose. content almost never changes here. If you don't have friends in game it's basically as boring as it gets. You can also become a luna/brit sitter. Apparently that's interesting?...
Apparently it is... it's right along the lines of people who don't pay/play UO coming here to post/whine about the game (that they don't even play). I'm not sure what they get out of either one but seems to be a solid handful of people that fall into one of those categories... I guess it's cheaper than owning a cat/dog to talk to lol

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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You can use the endless journey to get a feel for it and get a Vault token to remove the crap from your bank to get to the "good stuff" so you can use the bank. after that you can play around. Or you could buy a one month game-time card and give it a shot for 30 days to see if you want to return. As far as the price, I will disagree. paying the same price as 10 years ago is a positive in my opinion. I'm paying more for everything else in my budget, way more, paying the same for UO for so long is a blessing. Below is the cost of a Vault token, along with the description. 500 Sovereigns in the EA store will cost you $4.99 plus any applicable tax, so that's $3 and some change to declutter your banks 12.99 for a one month game-time. not a bad deal for so much fun.



Stratics Veteran
I pay for two active UO accounts, six months at a time. A six month sub is $59.99, which comes out to $9.99 per month. (That's a savings of $35.90 every year, just for paying every six months. Or ... three months free, depending on how you wanna look at it.)

A monthly sub fee is literally less than the cost of a movie in a movie theater. Or less than one lunch at McDonald's or any other fast food restaurant - let alone a sit-down restaurant.

It's definitely worth it for a hobby.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I pay for two active UO accounts, six months at a time. A six month sub is $59.99, which comes out to $9.99 per month. (That's a savings of $35.90 every year, just for paying every six months. Or ... three months free, depending on how you wanna look at it.)

A monthly sub fee is literally less than the cost of a movie in a movie theater. Or less than one lunch at McDonald's or any other fast food restaurant - let alone a sit-down restaurant.

It's definitely worth it for a hobby.
^This. For less than the cost of a sit down dinner for two I can pay for a whole month of UO for my 4 accounts. Very inexpensive hobby.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
^This. For less than the cost of a sit down dinner for two I can pay for a whole month of UO for my 4 accounts. Very inexpensive hobby.
Except there are free options and for very little more you can play in a more modern MMO. And while that doesn't appeal to you, obviously it appeals to most people.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Except there are free options and for very little more you can play in a more modern MMO. And while that doesn't appeal to you, obviously it appeals to most people.
I think there is a difference between having divergent interests and something not being worth the money, though sometimes they overlap. I might not particularly like paintings by Picasso, but my lack of interest doesn’t make them worth less… it just means I spend my money on something else.

If UO isn’t your thing that’s cool, hopefully there is an MMO that is. But, IMO, the idea that $10-15 a month is somehow an unfair price for what UO has to offer isn’t a valid argument.


Stratics Veteran
Except there are free options and for very little more you can play in a more modern MMO. And while that doesn't appeal to you, obviously it appeals to most people.
Hm ... thank you for telling me what does or doesn't appeal to me?

UO is not the only video game I play, or have ever played.

The argument was that a monthly subscription fee for UO is too much to pay. The argument was not about "is UO even a game worth playing anymore, let alone paying for".

My Netflix subscription costs 50%+ more than my UO subscription.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
The topic isn't about you all. It's about them and other players. Your arguments are all narcissistic instead of being constructive about the issue.
A constructive argument about a negative post bashing UO? and my reply to the OP wasn't Narcissistic, it was constructive and offered options. the other two, well, one was a silly reply to at @Ellie and the other one was my opinion about modern MMO's, to which I am entitled to state.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One night out on a bender would pay for dozens of monthly subs, so I find it definitely not expensive..

PLUS, it keeps me from going out on said benders, thus saving me money (and health!) its a bargain! :heart:


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Most other MMO's are what I call "hand holders" which lead you around by your nose enticing you with quest after quest but every character you build and make it's the same thing over and over... every warrior wears this and that gear at this and that level it's all linear with zero imagination on your part... zero ability for you to be "unique" and it's all the path they wish you to go on... you can't be you. You are what they pigeonhole you into being... IMO boring.

UO is a true sandbox... you can do what you want... when you want... how you want... now you won't be the biggest and baddest on the block if you don't work at it... and you won't be the most effective if you put tailoring on your mage or whatever... but it is your choice to do that if you want. UO will not lead you around on a series of quests and tell you how to play. THAT is what makes it special.

You can get together with like-minded individuals and make and build your own "town" ... elect your own "government" and do whatever strikes your fancy... if you and your friends decide you can only wear xyz for clothing... and you are to survive that way then so be it... you can do that. The game is what you make of it...

Now some might think that's dull or boring or insane... but again doesn't matter.

IMO what makes UO great is what it doesn't do... and the community that plays it...


I didn't mean to bash UO as much as i do hate the current trend. I enjoy it and every thing that it brings me as far as relations and my first cpu game I played with my brother(i still play). I was just stating what I find relative to those who come back back as far as content and options. The money is literally nothing to think about as far as subscription. Even minimum wage can pay for months subscription with around 1hr of real life work.... it seems obvious that OP isn't attached to game as most, really needs to watch his spending very closely, or has no friends in game worth it. To each there own but if ya need help or friends in game, I would say there is no better place then OG UO players. We may all bash each other in unleashed but it's a tight community if you wish to get back into it at anytime.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO is a true sandbox... you can do what you want... when you want... how you want...
Unless you want to change your underwear, go for a swim or breed offsprings from pets (things you can do in other sandboxes). In Minecraft you can build fully working computers, to give an idea what other sandboxes are capable of.

How do you play a thief in UO? You can't even raid other people houses (i.e. bases). It's the worst sandbox I can think of regarding thief/raid gameplay, to pick one aspect where games like Ark or Rust are a way better "true sandbox". But they are just games as well and in the end have limitations everywhere too.

You can do what the game provides to you and that's it. I really love UO for what it is, but I don't need to patronize it.
Last edited:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very disappointed with endless journey, can't take anything out of my bank,no bag of sending,couldn't even join in fighting the boss at a champ spawn. Sorry but after so many years, nostalgia isn't worth paying same price as when I left 10 years ago. For the same price maybe even cheaper there's newer mmos. Sorry had to vent.
EJs are not meant to have fun let alone give feedback. There is not much interesting stuff in the UO shop to make EJs players spent more money than a mere $10 sub per month.

I understand they don't have the resources to put out much new cosmetic items, but I bought cosmetic packs for double the price on a weekly basis in other games. FOMO alone will make people spent way more than a simple sub, but Broadsword is only after that sub.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
@yars What else can you get for the same price you paid that many years ago? In relative terms, UO has actually gotten cheaper to play, because it hasn't gone up with inflation.
EJ is meant to be a 'taster' to allow you to experience the game and decide if it's for you or not. It's not meant to compete with the full game that subscribing players experience, and it's right that it shouldn't. That would not be fair to those players.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Most other MMO's are what I call "hand holders" which lead you around by your nose enticing you with quest after quest but every character you build and make it's the same thing over and over... every warrior wears this and that gear at this and that level it's all linear with zero imagination on your part... zero ability for you to be "unique" and it's all the path they wish you to go on... you can't be you. You are what they pigeonhole you into being... IMO boring.

UO is a true sandbox... you can do what you want... when you want... how you want... now you won't be the biggest and baddest on the block if you don't work at it... and you won't be the most effective if you put tailoring on your mage or whatever... but it is your choice to do that if you want. UO will not lead you around on a series of quests and tell you how to play. THAT is what makes it special.
While i agree with this UO is similar in that if you are training resisting spells you will be on a boat near haven or in a sheep pen for parry..
You can get together with like-minded individuals and make and build your own "town" ... elect your own "government" and do whatever strikes your fancy... if you and your friends decide you can only wear xyz for clothing... and you are to survive that way then so be it... you can do that. The game is what you make of it...

Now some might think that's dull or boring or insane... but again doesn't matter.

IMO what makes UO great is what it doesn't do... and the community that plays it...


EJ is free. So you could use it to decide if you wanted to pay 10/month to play without restrictions.

If it's really about cost/value for entertainment, I recommend watching Steam for the sales and also GOG. You can get a good deal (<20 USD) for games like Fallout 4, Witcher 3, and Skyrim. Many hours of play time, for an extremely low price all expansions included.

If it's really about getting scrolls, try doing TMap hunting in Fel with your EJ account. That might not be restricted.

Is it really bad that EJ accounts are restricted so gold sellers can't zerg champs or macro 24/7 as easily? Seems not really a problem to solve.


I returned not long ago, quit for other games in 2000-2001. I tried EJ and jumped into a full subscription. The game has so much more content now from when I left. It's well worth the money imo, I poured a ton of hours into the game since I subbed. Only problem as a returning player is I'm solo most of the time and that sucks. Most of the player base is already established and has no interest in the older content. I'm on Great lakes but I made a toon on Atlantic to look around and the lower level areas are busy and full of life, seems a lot of new players and returning players are going there.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is it really bad that EJ accounts are restricted so gold sellers can't zerg champs or macro 24/7 as easily? Seems not really a problem to solve.
yes it would be that bad. it doesn't seem like a problem because it is working. :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well avatar and John still spamming it's only in help channel now imagine a new person who doesn't know it's not ok...
correct, i was referring to the zerg/macroing gold comment. maybe new paying players should be dropped into gen chat.


No solution to the gold seller advertisements in gen chat. Within 5 minutes any player can discover the price of 10 million gold in USD. Rather than strip these accounts out and nuking the parent accounts, the idea is to make it easier farm for free(muh EJ needs to be able to farm Champs or I'll "quit" again argument). Permanent strike the buyers too.

Devs seem a little deaf to the rate of inflation. How many people would come back and actively play, or keep a subscription if the price of things was somewhere around Siege's price structure, aka doable for solo play PvM.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
They did something right cus the gold prices are much higher than I remember.