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UO's PVP soon to be gone, if not already....


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event should of been in fel/tram! Devs know that when the event for the fire dungeon (wildfire drops) went live pvp increased along with maybe old subscribers came back to play. Since then all the events have been in tram dungeons except the one that was only on limited shards( not cool). If it wasnt for fel spawns i think pvp if not uo itself would of been gone seeing pvp is what made uo as big as it is. Fel spawns have been around 15 + years and it always makes pvp fun.(who ever created spawns was a genious!) Why have pvp gear/items if theres no use for them....

Devs, can we please get some pvp action, maybe something big that will last 15+ years ...

PS- Maybe the devs need some help , please post some idea's and in hopes it helps.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Post on the official forums if you are going to address the devs. They most likely won’t reply, but at least it will have a higher possibility of being read.


Slightly Crazed
What kind of PvP with auto insured drops ? There are no reasons in PvP for me. If there will be any reward, I'll make it myself. Just like Justice points.
Nowadays you will make more PS farming champ spawn yourself rather then raiding em. And raiding pisses people out of game. This is what you PvPyers do.

P.S. You have Siege to PvP all you want.


Wow what a pointless thread. One don't post here as mentioned. two it's known and has 1000 more like it. Three didn't even post on unleashed to get some good crying. Four *yawn* what was this post about again?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I do see how this would be a bad thing? I'd like to see an accurate % of people who PVP as thier main gameplay


I do see how this would be a bad thing? I'd like to see an accurate % of people who PVP as thier main gameplay
Yea just saying bring it to unleashed where we cry the most atleast if your going to make a thread about it. I'm suprised this guy can post here about crop but can't figure how to get unleashed.... go back and get thread closed by mods on UO forums....


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event should of been in fel/tram! Devs know that when the event for the fire dungeon (wildfire drops) went live pvp increased along with maybe old subscribers came back to play. Since then all the events have been in tram dungeons except the one that was only on limited shards( not cool). If it wasnt for fel spawns i think pvp if not uo itself would of been gone seeing pvp is what made uo as big as it is. Fel spawns have been around 15 + years and it always makes pvp fun.(who ever created spawns was a genious!) Why have pvp gear/items if theres no use for them....

Devs, can we please get some pvp action, maybe something big that will last 15+ years ...

PS- Maybe the devs need some help , please post some idea's and in hopes it helps.
If the devs have to get involved to give value to pvp, what does that tell you ? I'll never understand why pvp'rs don't take care of it themselves. If there are so many people longing for the days of pvp there's nothing to stop them from logging in and doing it. I've recently returned to Siege, and sorry to hurt feelings but nothing has changed. The same old gen chat arguments between "pvprs" , the same lack of structured/organized pvp, it's still just skewed numbers gank fests, or he said she saids, ie: I killed you, no you didn't it was 5 on 3, no it wasn't there were only 2 of us, blah blah blah...

The Black Smith

Seasoned Veteran
If the devs have to get involved to give value to pvp, what does that tell you ?
By putting the event in trammel, instead of fel only, it kinda limits the playground, i mean i know there are some good PKers out there, but asking people to kill people in trammel is raising the bar a little high surely.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
By putting the event in trammel, instead of fel only, it kinda limits the playground, i mean i know there are some good PKers out there, but asking people to kill people in trammel is raising the bar a little high surely.
I was thinking about this today as I'm watching the same multiboxer spam wither with all his chars stacked.... I thought to myself maybe I should so go find 2 paragon shadow wyrms or GD and walk them over bc surely wither isn't going to do enough damage to kill those before he loses a couple of guys.... then I remembered that I could get in trouble for luring in Tram.... the whole basis of the facet encourages afk multiboxing.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
i have no problem if they put in fel. i dont care about fel and the pvp now a days. its all about the best scripts/programs. if you dont cheat you cant compete. so i suck lol. i had to laugh where on atl, all the bots spamming in destard. it was truly funny at the time but the devs have gone the way of the multichar users, whether cheating or not. most new or returning players will not stay in a game that allows this to go on without themselves joining the cheating activities. whether its pvp, events, bods, resources, idocs, the game has changed to such a point, where long time vets are sick of it and are leaving. until the devs do there jobs and stop these activities, there will be more and more of this type of issues. just my opinions
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was thinking about this today as I'm watching the same multiboxer spam wither with all his chars stacked.... I thought to myself maybe I should so go find 2 paragon shadow wyrms or GD and walk them over bc surely wither isn't going to do enough damage to kill those before he loses a couple of guys.... then I remembered that I could get in trouble for luring in Tram.... the whole basis of the facet encourages afk multiboxing.
You think you are the only player that has run from a paragon and invised on someone? If you do not talk in chat there is no proof. Or you could even type sorry or lookout.

But what you will find is, they are not afk and they will move.

I tried that with the ninja tiger in Fire. He killed them all.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or just type in ‘GM’ and enter key when near them. Many AFK scripts will auto log out the character when the letters ‘GM’ appear in their chat logs. This way they can claim when a GM shows up to check their status ‘I lost connection which is why I couldn’t respond to your questions’. Last Halloween event I did had TONS of folks in Heartwood. One quick loop around spamming GM GM GM had population down to mayb 3 of us... was funny af.

Better scripts will include all known GM names so you may have to type in specific names. It usually works to log them out if they are really AFK. ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
It would be pretty easy to just have UO up in the background on your desktop scripting and being "afk" while working your desk job from your laptop if you can work from home. In that scenario you just monitor your desktop screen to see if a GM pops (or if you die).

I did this a few times for skilling magery or other skills I can assign to 1 hit key and just lodge of piece of paper in the keyboard to keep it spamming; that said I don't know enough coding to make a script so my own experience pretty much starts and stops with the 1 account / 1 skill hot key :(


Slightly Crazed
It would be pretty easy to just have UO up in the background on your desktop scripting and being "afk" while working your desk job from your laptop if you can work from home. In that scenario you just monitor your desktop screen to see if a GM pops (or if you die).

I did this a few times for skilling magery or other skills I can assign to 1 hit key and just lodge of piece of paper in the keyboard to keep it spamming; that said I don't know enough coding to make a script so my own experience pretty much starts and stops with the 1 account / 1 skill hot key :(
You can make really long macro in EC.
Do something - delay - repeat
Skilling, crafting (training or making scrolls /pots) , training pets all can be done afk .

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
You can make really long macro in EC.
Do something - delay - repeat
Skilling, crafting (training or making scrolls /pots) , training pets all can be done afk .
I think people need to clarify between having a macro running and not paying attention VS having a macro running and going grocery shopping when you say AFK i assume you mean the latter which is illegal


Still pointless extra pointless to mention here and mods will let this go but I will reply and many more if ya figure out where to post this. Can't believe we getting policed on leashed threads but this doesn't count as...* fyi ty mods for not hitting me too hard lord knows I forget and ther is alot of crap I wanna respond to in spur of the moment

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Still pointless extra pointless to mention here and mods will let this go but I will reply and many more if ya figure out where to post this. Can't believe we getting policed on leashed threads but this doesn't count as...* fyi ty mods for not hitting me too hard lord knows I forget and ther is alot of crap I wanna respond to in spur of the moment
Yes what he said