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Reds in Trammel, from the other place...


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Just been reading the thread over on the official forum regarding this and I thought to myself... I did this many, many moons and got reported, jailed and a slap on the wrist. I've not played red in well over a decade but I thought to myself, surely this must have been fixed and thought I'd test it... Nope, still possible, they have known for all this time and still did nothing, that blows my mind.

Locking the thread on the other forum doesent fix it!

But at the heart of what I'm saying, a red can do nothing in Trammel other than go there. Whilst I don't play red anymore I feel they should be able to travel anywhere, red is just a colour now, no one really cares for it unless you are a teenage, pubescent egotistical loser that lives in his mums basement.

Red is a thing of the past and I'm all for restrictions being lifted on them, it really doesent mean anything these days.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yooz furgotz da bestest part ob da post :

Mesanna Posts: 9Dev

1:00PM Flag

Hello Everyone,

Yes a player showed us how this is done, and yes we will fix this but until it is fixed we are NOT going to action or do anything to players that use this exploit for now. If a GM comes to you they will ask you the steps but this is only to insure we have all ways this is being achieved. Once again I have told the GM;s to not action accounts or delete any buffs, I do not feel its fair to slap the hands of the Reds going to Tram when we have not fixed it yet.

Keep in mind after this is fixed we will at that point action any reds in Tram.

Thanks guys hope this helps clear up any confusion.



Yooz nooz wut meez gitz fum diz - EXPOLIT UHWAY - yooz guud to go til demz "fix da exploit"! Dat meez uhnudda 30 yearz to EXPLOIT! :rolleyes: well, exploit uhway unlezz yooz legally placed uh house by uh bridge....... den itz da AXE FUR YOOZ! :rolleyes:


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Funny thing is, i've been red in Tram before. Killing blue NPC Healers used to give you murder counts. After 5 Murder counts, i went red in Tram, and as i was going around people were freaking out (this was back when being Red still meant something).

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
this exploit has been around for a very long time. all of a sudden, its a problem. the devs have known about reds in tram but may not of known the buff exploit. the reds should be able to get a buff in bucs fel and maybe nujelml but this is just my opinion. sometimes it seems the devs dont know whats goes on in the game.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
I don´t care if it´s 25 minutes or 25 years old. If it´s an exploit, it´s an exploit and the GMs should take action.
Sad, but unfortunately not shocked, to hear her decision.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don´t care if it´s 25 minutes or 25 years old. If it´s an exploit, it´s an exploit and the GMs should take action.
Sad, but unfortunately not shocked, to hear her decision.
Like building floors with gozas is an exploit... do you propose everybody´s goza creations be deleted too? Common sense seems lacking...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What about glacier spellbooks? Or those TB Guard "black" horses? or break those globes to create metal floors? What about someone using the satyr to skill gain?

Btw since it's technically legal, can we discuss how it's done?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If that is an exploit the devs intend to fix then yes.
I believe they did "fix" this so that you can no longer do it but I still think some things are "floating" based on previously used exploit. I didn't really know of any castles with the goza mat added floors to see if they are still there but would be curious if they were still there.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe they did "fix" this so that you can no longer do it but I still think some things are "floating" based on previously used exploit. I didn't really know of any castles with the goza mat added floors to see if they are still there but would be curious if they were still there.
there are lots of 4th and even 5th floor castles around the only fix I know of is stone work can only go so high then it wont let you,

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
this exploit has been around for a very long time. all of a sudden, its a problem. the devs have known about reds in tram but may not of known the buff exploit. the reds should be able to get a buff in bucs fel and maybe nujelml but this is just my opinion. sometimes it seems the devs dont know whats goes on in the game.
Gee like people's house cuz f those people but reds keep on coming to get a town buff they're not entitled to until we're sure we got it figured out and remember Those home owning haxxors


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
If a GM comes to you they will ask you the steps but this is only to insure we have all ways this is being achieved. Once again I have told the GM;s to not action accounts or delete any buffs, I do not feel its fair to slap the hands of the Reds going to Tram when we have not fixed it yet.
When I got jailed, I explained to the GM how it was done and that was a looooooooooooooooong time ago, not even sure town buffs were a thing back then but... still not fixed.

Without explaining the method I'll just say 'boat'. Are there (m)any other ways? I Thought it was the only way.

As per normal priorities are akin to pissing in the wind.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The thing about bugs in UO is, one publish/patch fixes them, and a subsequent publish/patch re-introduces them.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I got jailed, I explained to the GM how it was done and that was a looooooooooooooooong time ago, not even sure town buffs were a thing back then but... still not fixed.

Without explaining the method I'll just say 'boat'. Are there (m)any other ways? I Thought it was the only way.

As per normal priorities are akin to pissing in the wind.
One way I heard of was to go red while in Tram (basically, delayed murder counts pushing you over), but you would be punted to Fel if you recalled. Basically, it was glorified banksitting where nobody could attack you.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
One way I heard of was to go red while in Tram (basically, delayed murder counts pushing you over), but you would be punted to Fel if you recalled. Basically, it was glorified banksitting where nobody could attack you.
If that's still the case, I almost wouldn't care if reds are in Trammel, as there's not much difference between hanging around and macroing off counts in a house (in the rare case anyone bothers burning them off). But as much of a joke as I always thought "player justice" is, combined with the ease of going red in doing Felucca champ spawns, there's still the idea that if you've helped kill enough blues, your character becomes freely attackable. So no, there should never be a red just happening to be at the Luna bank while others can't do a thing to him, or participating in an EM event.

The oldest of Sonomans may remember Keys, the only person I've known to get a red into Trammel and kill blues. Early on in the facet split, one of his Counselor friends teleported him into Trammel, and Keys went on a killing spree. Back then the color check code blocked blue against blue, and allowed green against green or orange, but it didn't account for the possibility of a red in Trammel. Keys was caught quickly enough and immediately banned for good, I believe on the same day or the next one. It took years, though, for the old DLS tower to finally fall.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Seems kind of like a double standard... if someone is red and just wants to do stuff in Tram (anything not involving killing people) then who cares?

It's just like some blue doing the same thing, you can't attack them and they can't attack you. You would think people who are all about consensual PvP would understand if a red wants to be able to relax in Tram without worrying about someone bringing them to justice.

That said, being red these days is pretty irrelevant given they introduced royal pardons to wipe out every single count you have in 1 shot for those with 100s of murders (and even forged pardon for 1 off murders).

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It's always been strange to me to see folks fighting for access to a place they say they despise, and already can access using other characters. Perhaps the intent here is not benign? At any rate, the real solution here is to make all regular content in the game accessible in both rules sets. Though of course stuff associated with Trammel should spawn more often there, and stuff associated with Felucca should spawn more often there, but both sets of stuff should be accessible in both. That way reds can get any regular item they want without stepping into a map the rules for which they actively scorn, and those of us who are just well past wanting to PvP can get anything we want without needing to.

In the past I've put forth all kinds of well thought out specifics about how this would work but, since it'll never happen (we'll see reds in Trammel long before we'll see something like this), I'm not wasting my time on well thought out specifics anymore.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's always been strange to me to see folks fighting for access to a place they say they despise, and already can access using other characters. Perhaps the intent here is not benign? At any rate, the real solution here is to make all regular content in the game accessible in both rules sets. Though of course stuff associated with Trammel should spawn more often there, and stuff associated with Felucca should spawn more often there, but both sets of stuff should be accessible in both. That way reds can get any regular item they want without stepping into a map the rules for which they actively scorn, and those of us who are just well past wanting to PvP can get anything we want without needing to.

In the past I've put forth all kinds of well thought out specifics about how this would work but, since it'll never happen (we'll see reds in Trammel long before we'll see something like this), I'm not wasting my time on well thought out specifics anymore.
They mostly want the town buffs I guess, since they can't grief anyone around.

John Knighthawke

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
They mostly want the town buffs I guess, since they can't grief anyone around.
If that's literally it then it's simple: Tie it in to the VvV system somehow. Are VvV artifacts still superior to their non-VvV versions like was the case in Factions? If so then what's the need for a town buff? If not then, yeah, just tie it into the VvV system somehow. Just like how in Trammel one has to participate in city loyalty (by declaring citizenship in a city) in order to get the town buff, in Felucca one would have to participate in VvV (and let's face it, it's difficult to NOT be involved in that system if you're actively PvPing) to get the town buff.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
If that's literally it then it's simple: Tie it in to the VvV system somehow. Are VvV artifacts still superior to their non-VvV versions like was the case in Factions? If so then what's the need for a town buff? If not then, yeah, just tie it into the VvV system somehow. Just like how in Trammel one has to participate in city loyalty (by declaring citizenship in a city) in order to get the town buff, in Felucca one would have to participate in VvV (and let's face it, it's difficult to NOT be involved in that system if you're actively PvPing) to get the town buff.
It's ironic because if you really think about it, the "town buffs" are essentially based on town loyalty for citizens of those towns and a murderer for all intent and purposes is an outcast/outlaws (especially early UO when reds couldn't even go into town without because guard whacked). So for me, I would think that if/when you became a murderer you would actually lose citizenship of all towns and therefore wouldn't be able to receive a buff regardless.

I think some minor changes over the course of time which have essentially "done away" with an actual "justice system". The original rules would allow people to report murderers and place bounties which was actually cool to see people on the bounty boards and justice be imposed. Then they introduced Tram and did away with bounties, then they allowed reds in town in Fel (aside from Bux Den), then forged pardons followed by royal pardons so now it really doesn't matter if you are a murderer or not (unless you really want the town buff).

Even once they fix the Red in Tram thing; if you really want/need a town buff just use a pardon to turn blue and get it.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Some very thought out responses here and it really does highlight the point. Red means nothing, when you go to Tram you should show as blue plain and simple, you go to Fel and you have sufficient counts, you show as red and are freely attackable, thats the (small) price you pay.

There are more blue PKs these days because it is sooooo easy to wipe the counts, red means nothing.


There are more blue PKs these days because it is sooooo easy to wipe the counts, red means nothing
Indeed it means nothing unless ppl are constantly crying about it. In that case we get to watch the show and start more pointless threads to continue our entertainment.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Indeed it means nothing unless ppl are constantly crying about it. In that case we get to watch the show and start more pointless threads to continue our entertainment.
And that is exactly what forums are for, yours and my entertainment.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
The pros of letting reds in tram way outweigh the cons, IMO. It's outdated to keep them in Fel, but did make sense before as kind of an RPy thing.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Heres a thought, if PS dropped in Trammel, can you imagine how dead Felucca would be be?? Yeah, that tells a story, no one cares about your PvP e-boner anymore. As an ex-red I can safely say, if it did happen (And I'm not saying it should but I'm open to it) UO would probably be far more lively than it currently is... Fact.

MMORPGs have moved on from the cutthroat 90's playstyle, it's impossible to deny this. Any free-for-all sandbox MMOs that have been created since, have all fell flat on their face for exactly the same reasons. Those days are gone and will never return no matter how much we whine (me included). If UO is to progress to the masses it needs to be rid of the Felucca mind/rule set.

Siege/Mugen rulesets are a f*cking joke, RoT/character limit should be abolished (This is from someone who has completely established characters on each with a million soulstones!) there is Zero incentive for new players to go there, it basically only attracts veterans all of which don't care for RoT. And whats the point of farming Shadowguard for all those artis if you cant do anything with them?? I digress...

I have all the PS I care for on all shards I play but I feel the pain of a new player, the economy is completely insane, UO needs to move on from it's history in my opinion. PvP needs to grow beyond simply killing the weak.

I've gone off my OP but as much as I love UO, it really needs a serious change of direction if it's going to survive for much longer. Generic Champ spawns and collections only appeal to veterans and they will tire of it eventually.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Obviously there would be some details to flesh out but:

-Merge all the Fel dungeons and Lost Lands into Tram, only 1 version of each accessible from either facet. Marking runes/recall would be allowed anywhere except around spawns.

-Enable VvV on all facets dungeons/lost lands/ML dungeons (dungeons are dangerous regardless of champ spawns). All facets overlands (except Fel) would be PvP free.

-Dungeons and Lost Lands would maintain the Champ Spawns and Harrower under the Tram rule set with active VvV.

-Overland Fel would still exist and allow for non-consensual PvP and VvV town fights.

-Justice would be gained from killing oranges, and only be available to use for VvV.

-120 scrolls and 25 stats scrolls would only be available as drops to VvV members. Binding would work for all.

-Additional updates to VvV town battles to provide meaningful rewards.

-Eliminate murder counts, they really are a relic system at this point.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
In regards to allowing PS to drop in Tram; what would be the purpose of Felucca then? You could basically just remove Fel at that point.

Many people seem to ignore the notion that there needs to be some sort of risk vs reward in the game to keep the interest. Items that last forever and losing nothing become boring very quick; especially when you can essentially solo most end game content with it (I'm fine with that part as I don't like relying on people needing to be on but I do like a challenge).

We are about 2 week into the "new content" and I've been bored with it for a week. It was cool and something different to do for a few days but given how easy it all is (half of it is literally just walking around farms picking stuff up) and how little reward there is, I have zero interest in spending more than maybe 15-30min a day playing for that.

I'd argue that there should actually be MORE content in Fel; with greater reward associated with the risk. The most basic of examples would be more eggs in Fel to reward the people who risk going there to be killed while collecting (keep the insurance in place so you don't lose your eggs but you are inconvenienced). The risk of murder in Fel is a natural correction to bots railing around unattended taking all the eggs. While I would probably be bored collecting eggs; I would probably be interested in helping or hurting others (depending on their attitude :) ) that were egg hunting. I've already said in another thread that I've been going to Fel and fighting the reds that are trying to PK the trammies coming to Fel; to me the fun is in the fight.

Some of you people are acting like as soon as you step foot in Fel there is a horde of bloodthirsty reds looking to kill you and take all your stuff. The reality is that you can more times than not travel through Fel without incident and never see a red at all. If you actually do die, I'd guess 90% of your stuff is insured so really no loss just inconvenience. For those that don't want to be inconvenienced, there is Tram and the convenience fee is that you should not be able to obtain things as fast (or at all).


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
what would be the purpose of Felucca then? You could basically just remove Fel at that point.
A free sandbox to do what you want. PVP, don't PVP, feel the thrill... An extra place to risk getting more holiday items. Extra resources... Some fun EM content where players are a danger to each other.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
In regards to allowing PS to drop in Tram; what would be the purpose of Felucca then? You could basically just remove Fel at that point.

Many people seem to ignore the notion that there needs to be some sort of risk vs reward in the game to keep the interest. Items that last forever and losing nothing become boring very quick; especially when you can essentially solo most end game content with it (I'm fine with that part as I don't like relying on people needing to be on but I do like a challenge).

We are about 2 week into the "new content" and I've been bored with it for a week. It was cool and something different to do for a few days but given how easy it all is (half of it is literally just walking around farms picking stuff up) and how little reward there is, I have zero interest in spending more than maybe 15-30min a day playing for that.

I'd argue that there should actually be MORE content in Fel; with greater reward associated with the risk. The most basic of examples would be more eggs in Fel to reward the people who risk going there to be killed while collecting (keep the insurance in place so you don't lose your eggs but you are inconvenienced). The risk of murder in Fel is a natural correction to bots railing around unattended taking all the eggs. While I would probably be bored collecting eggs; I would probably be interested in helping or hurting others (depending on their attitude :) ) that were egg hunting. I've already said in another thread that I've been going to Fel and fighting the reds that are trying to PK the trammies coming to Fel; to me the fun is in the fight.

Some of you people are acting like as soon as you step foot in Fel there is a horde of bloodthirsty reds looking to kill you and take all your stuff. The reality is that you can more times than not travel through Fel without incident and never see a red at all. If you actually do die, I'd guess 90% of your stuff is insured so really no loss just inconvenience. For those that don't want to be inconvenienced, there is Tram and the convenience fee is that you should not be able to obtain things as fast (or at all).
So PS are and have really always been bait?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
A free sandbox to do what you want. PVP, don't PVP, feel the thrill... An extra place to risk getting more holiday items. Extra resources... Some fun EM content where players are a danger to each other.
I'd be all for this but if I'm being realistic none of those, unfortunately, are likely to happen (except resources which is currently bumped in Fel) because the last time there was a holiday event (VDay 2021) in Fel people threw hissy fits and had meltdowns. Could you imagine an EM event in Fel where you are lagging out and someone kill shots you OR the boss kills you and someone loots you? There would be riots! lol

So PS are and have really always been bait?
If you want to look at it from a trammie pessimist perspective sure. In reality, I think this shows the true nature of risk vs reward. For what it's worth, just about every single shard outside of ATL (and maybe LS/Europa) are pretty wide open for Fel Champ spawns. So I could see this request maybe 10-15 years ago when more people played in Fel and might stumble upon you doing the spawn, but it's 2022 and majority of shards aren't near the same population. Feel free to DM me and I'll help you do some spawns if you want company (I'd likely be the only person you see while doing the spawn anyway).

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I'd be all for this but if I'm being realistic none of those, unfortunately, are likely to happen (except resources which is currently bumped in Fel) because the last time there was a holiday event (VDay 2021) in Fel people threw hissy fits and had meltdowns. Could you imagine an EM event in Fel where you are lagging out and someone kill shots you OR the boss kills you and someone loots you? There would be riots! lol

If you want to look at it from a trammie pessimist perspective sure. In reality, I think this shows the true nature of risk vs reward. For what it's worth, just about every single shard outside of ATL (and maybe LS/Europa) are pretty wide open for Fel Champ spawns. So I could see this request maybe 10-15 years ago when more people played in Fel and might stumble upon you doing the spawn, but it's 2022 and majority of shards aren't near the same population. Feel free to DM me and I'll help you do some spawns if you want company (I'd likely be the only person you see while doing the spawn anyway).
I'm very capable of doing a champ but that doesn't change the facts.
Reds want victims
Pvp without said victims is the same 25 of the pvpers left killing each other on multiple shards
Multiple accounts with 7 characters plus auto follow makes player and player interaction unnecessary
You have your blue start and work the spawn another using justice your red incase of raids i could go on about the brokenness but it's pointless..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In regards to allowing PS to drop in Tram; what would be the purpose of Felucca then? You could basically just remove Fel at that point.
Personally I think Fel has outlived it’s time. I think expanding the areas of the game where players who consent to PvP can engage in combat with a little extra reward is a better direction for PvP.

To my previous list I would add:

-1000 luck bonus for being in VvV

-10% increased drop chance for any non-instanced boss encounter in VvV.
Last edited:


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm very capable of doing a champ but that doesn't change the facts.
Reds want victims
Pvp without said victims is the same 25 of the pvpers left killing each other on multiple shards
Multiple accounts with 7 characters plus auto follow makes player and player interaction unnecessary
You have your blue start and work the spawn another using justice your red incase of raids i could go on about the brokenness but it's pointless..
Do you pvp at all? No, right? Then please do not tell us what we want.

If you want to look at it from a trammie pessimist perspective sure. In reality, I think this shows the true nature of risk vs reward. For what it's worth, just about every single shard outside of ATL (and maybe LS/Europa) are pretty wide open for Fel Champ spawns. So I could see this request maybe 10-15 years ago when more people played in Fel and might stumble upon you doing the spawn, but it's 2022 and majority of shards aren't near the same population. Feel free to DM me and I'll help you do some spawns if you want company (I'd likely be the only person you see while doing the spawn anyway).
Even on LS you can still do spawns, even now. I've done it. Same with Atl, though that was the launch day of Spring Fever? Or the day before.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I'm very capable of doing a champ but that doesn't change the facts.
Reds want victims
You are ignoring the main piece of what I said and this basically proves my point.

For what it's worth, just about every single shard outside of ATL (and maybe LS/Europa) are pretty wide open for Fel Champ spawns.
What reds?

You are trying to gloss over the fact that there really aren't many reds crashing spawns these days. Outside of ATL spawns you likely will not see a single person (red/blue/orange/etc) for the entire spawn. Your entire argument is a moot point about "reds want victims" because 90% of the time nobody even comes to the spawn. I just went to Origin (your shard right?) and checked Despise. It's empty. I was on my necro so I checked for ghost cams and nada anywhere. I have a few different chars on various shards (plus I hop if i don't have a char on other shards) and I can't remember the last time I had someone crash my spawn much less a red (we are talking months). I have purposefully started spawns on peak hours on various shards with the hope a red will come so I can gain some justice and they never do.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
You are ignoring the main piece of what I said and this basically proves my point.

What reds?

You are trying to gloss over the fact that there really aren't many reds crashing spawns these days. Outside of ATL spawns you likely will not see a single person (red/blue/orange/etc) for the entire spawn. Your entire argument is a moot point about "reds want victims" because 90% of the time nobody even comes to the spawn. I just went to Origin (your shard right?) and checked Despise. It's empty. I was on my necro so I checked for ghost cams and nada anywhere. I have a few different chars on various shards (plus I hop if i don't have a char on other shards) and I can't remember the last time I had someone crash my spawn much less a red (we are talking months). I have purposefully started spawns on peak hours on various shards with the hope a red will come so I can gain some justice and they never do.
Only a nub would go pop despise as it's so patrolled i like khaldun or the bog or one of the abyss spawns and you never see a soul until champ is up. on Origin unless an out of town zerg guild is around not a soul..


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Only a nub would go pop despise as it's so patrolled i like khaldun or the bog or one of the abyss spawns and you never see a soul until champ is up. on Origin unless an out of town zerg guild is around not a soul..
you do realize that popping Despise is the point, right? With how common it is to check it, doing so means you WANT people to come and fight.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Only a nub would go pop despise as it's so patrolled i like khaldun or the bog or one of the abyss spawns and you never see a soul until champ is up. on Origin unless an out of town zerg guild is around not a soul..
So you've literally just proven my point with your own post. No need to move powerscrolls to Tram when you can do an uninterrupted Fel champ spawn on most of the shards most of the time. It's funny because when I do champ spawns; I'm doing Despise because I'm hoping someone tries to crash (but yea I'm a newb) so when I say I haven't seen a red in months, I'm talking specifically about not seeing a red (or many blues for that matter) at the Piper spawn in Despise.

So thank you for proving my point.

EDIT** I think the ironic thing about this is that it's a pretty well known fact by anyone that actually does Fel Champ spawns that they aren't crashed very often these days so even if 1 out of 3 are crashed and you die without getting any scrolls (but get scrolls in the other 2) that means you are walking away with 12 (or 24 with another toon running justice) scrolls. Now let's say Tram suddenly started getting powerscrolls. Without a way to do anything to other players (and keeping in mind luring is illegal in Tram too so that could be an issue) that might "crash" your spawn (ie they show up when the champ pops); you will likely now receive maybe 2 depending on how many players are there. You go from getting 12 (or 24) scrolls in 3 spawns to getting MAYBE 6 (12 if you use justice) in 3 spawns.

Congrats you just played yourself to get less than half the amount you would now because "mean reds just want to kill you".

Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should have the option to make that call if they so wish.. trade amount of reward for safety of reward.. a bird in the hand or some such...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They should have the option to make that call if they so wish.. trade amount of reward for safety of reward.. a bird in the hand or some such...
But that isn't what people like Mcdougle want. The ONE thing that Fel has over Trammel, many of which hold A LOT of value thanks to pet training? Powescrolls. Mcdougle & others want it completely removed from Fel. I'm sure they don't even do the champ spawns in Trammel either. Those are on a set respawn timer, unlike Fel spawns - when the gate to the Star Room disappears, you can pop the spawn again. And there are only...7 spawns in Trammel? the 3 "legacy" spawns in Ilshenar, Twisted Glade, Sleeping Dragon in Tokuno, Dragon Turtle, and the Pestilence spawn in Bedlam

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
But that isn't what people like Mcdougle want. The ONE thing that Fel has over Trammel, many of which hold A LOT of value thanks to pet training? Powescrolls. Mcdougle & others want it completely removed from Fel. I'm sure they don't even do the champ spawns in Trammel either. Those are on a set respawn timer, unlike Fel spawns - when the gate to the Star Room disappears, you can pop the spawn again. And there are only...7 spawns in Trammel? the 3 "legacy" spawns in Ilshenar, Twisted Glade, Sleeping Dragon in Tokuno, Dragon Turtle, and the Pestilence spawn in Bedlam
You forgot this thread is about reds in tram?