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Max Swing (1.25) for a Soul Glaive


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Hmm well this started out as a simple question and has quickly snowballed as I add more backup details (sorry!).

I just wanted to check with a few others who have throwers your thoughts on my suit vs soul glaive.

With all my warrior builds I try to build SSI / DI into my suit so it frees up properties on my weapons. As you know this is not a simple task in itself and then add to that trying to maximize your stats on top of all of that to be 150 str / 210stam.

Initially I was using the Beserker Breasplate (10SSI / 15DI were both used) with Aug Wings (+5 SSI) so that I didn't need either SSI/DI on my weapons. In addition to Beserker's & Aug Wing SSI; I have 10 from both jewels (20 total) / Cameo (5) / SSI Eps (10) / City Buff (5) to bring me up to 55% SSI. The issue here was that I'm only at 200 stam (133 dex) with the Beserker chest (due to lack of dex or stam) which means I need to chug agility potions to maintain my swing speed which could become an issue in a longer or back to back fight. I If I drop my str any further,I will be a couple points short of 150 str after buff.

Then the Balron chest came out and it was a major upgrade for my stats which was great (plus I'm able to hit 55 LMC). The trade off was that I now needed to find 15 DI and 10SSI. So I swapped out my Aug wings for a Jumus to solve the DI problem and I'm left with needing 15% SSI (at 213 dex - no potion needed) to swing at 1.25.

So I have a couple questions:

  1. Since I switched over to the Balron chest, I've created a Soul Glaive with 15 SSI. I'm wondering if that is really my only choice now to put SSI on my Soul Glaive to reach 1.25swing? Obviously aside from the loss of a property to use on my weapon it also knocks down my Mana Leech to 40% from 50% (although havent seen a huge difference in leeching).
  2. One thing that I'm also wondering is what are the properties everyone else is using on their Soul Glaive (are there 5 other mods I should be using instead of SSI?). I've gone with Mana Leech / Hit Lighting / Hit Lower Defense / pick between Hit Lower Attack or Velocity. Since my thrower stays as far as way as possible and I'll typically bring him along when I have my tamer to tank stuff; I don't see the use for leech life / stam / area spell (typically only fighting 1 or 2 high end targets at once).
  3. Based on what everyone else is using for Mods I'm also wondering if I'm even losing out on a mod by using SSI on my weapon.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just like archers you need SSI on the weapon to get max speed. I take bows to 40 on archer/bard.

I use max SSI on my throwers weapons

Damage Inc

Very basic for mine.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Not sure you read the entire post. I was at 55% SSI from my suit alone before switching to Balron Chest and only 10 short on the stam which I used agility potions to correct so I didn't need SSI or DI before the switch but the rest of my stats were lacking (lower str / stam / mana / LMC).

So really the first question is about if there is something else I'm missing perhaps that others are doing where they are able to get max swing speed from their suit without using potions (sounds like you can't really help there). Part 2 & 3 from my original post is asking if I'm really missing out that much by having SSI on my weapon; I typically don't add slayers to my weapons since I have a full set a cameo's to use in combo with 120 Chiv EEO (that gets me pretty close even if I can't honor).

So based on my suit/play style; I'd agree with you that HML & HLD are good to have but instead of DI (which I dont need) and slayer (typically won't need this unless maybe fighting Fey) what other mods would you suggest?

Follow up question would be if I were to switch back to beserker chest and just carry pots (or someone else can give me some tips to not need SSI on my weap); what would be the 3rd mod you would suggest instead of SSI?

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not sure you read the entire post. I was at 55% SSI from my suit alone before switching to Balron Chest and only 10 short on the stam which I used agility potions to correct so I didn't need SSI or DI before the switch but the rest of my stats were lacking (lower str / stam / mana / LMC).

So really the first question is about if there is something else I'm missing perhaps that others are doing where they are able to get max swing speed from their suit without using potions (sounds like you can't really help there). Part 2 & 3 from my original post is asking if I'm really missing out that much by having SSI on my weapon; I typically don't add slayers to my weapons since I have a full set a cameo's to use in combo with 120 Chiv EEO (that gets me pretty close even if I can't honor).

So based on my suit/play style; I'd agree with you that HML & HLD are good to have but instead of DI (which I dont need) and slayer (typically won't need this unless maybe fighting Fey) what other mods would you suggest?

Follow up question would be if I were to switch back to beserker chest and just carry pots (or someone else can give me some tips to not need SSI on my weap); what would be the 3rd mod you would suggest instead of SSI?
I always use a slayer weapon/Cameo combo (when useful). That said, Hit Life Leech never hurts if you have the room for it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't use potions but am lacking in Str. He is max for SSI and can still use town buff.

Not sure what your asking but if you have 55 SSI on your suit you are lacking Stats because SSI pieces don't add to stats very much.

PS noticed that I stole his Britches. He now has 45 HCI.
Last edited:

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I just don't worry about it o get what I can and make do i can do all content with my thrower with little issue although some swampy damage reduction would be great...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Or a better answer would be, when you make an Archer/Thrower/Macer. Get 210 Stamina minimum. The next stamina step up is 240 Stamina 50SSI for 4s weapon. Swords suit r too easy to make.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
The thing I didn't like is if you put it on weapon you need every slayer to have same amount if crafting weapons it's ok but if you buy them finding same setup tough


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
  1. Since I switched over to the Balron chest, I've created a Soul Glaive with 15 SSI. I'm wondering if that is really my only choice now to put SSI on my Soul Glaive to reach 1.25swing? Obviously aside from the loss of a property to use on my weapon it also knocks down my Mana Leech to 40% from 50% (although havent seen a huge difference in leeching).
  2. One thing that I'm also wondering is what are the properties everyone else is using on their Soul Glaive (are there 5 other mods I should be using instead of SSI?). I've gone with Mana Leech / Hit Lighting / Hit Lower Defense / pick between Hit Lower Attack or Velocity. Since my thrower stays as far as way as possible and I'll typically bring him along when I have my tamer to tank stuff; I don't see the use for leech life / stam / area spell (typically only fighting 1 or 2 high end targets at once).
  3. Based on what everyone else is using for Mods I'm also wondering if I'm even losing out on a mod by using SSI on my weapon.


1. Yes, in my opinion, it is necessary to have SSI on your weapon in order to get to the 55 SSI necessary for max swing speed. I am with you that it does kind of bite to have to give up a mod in order to get the max swing speed, but thems the breaks when it comes to playing a gargoyle unfortunately. If you have SSI on your talisman (5), jewels (20 total) and the Epps (another 10) along with the town bonus (5), then yes, you can get away with only 15 SSI so that atleast you have the rest of your imbue intensity for other mods. I don't personally use the Berserker plate or Aug wings on my two throwers...


I carry different glaives for different situations. Costly and time consuming, but worth it in the long run to be as effective as possible. Here's a few of mine...

Single target and PVP:


Mystic thrower:

3. Again, not much choice to have some SSI on your weapon if you want to have max swing speed. If you use all the Artifacts you stated above, you might be losing out on other stats you may want to have... so you likely need to pick and choose what's most important to you.

I do suggest using potions though on your suit and having jewels with max 50% Enhanced Potions. You can probably have around 182 Stam from your suit, but save enough room in available Dex so you can pot up to 210+ Stam and max Strength. It takes some finagling with your suit and stats to make it work, but its well worth it. Plus, as a thrower with a friend hand, there no use to not be using potions. That's probably the one advantage of the Garg race is that you can have an AI weapon and a free hand for potions.



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sorry first time asking this and possibly wrong way to do it, anyway I have thrower toons on all shards for events, I simply aim for 90 dex 45ssi and as much hit points and mana as possible, thing is my regular hits with a glaive do a measly 30-50 damage whereas my AI hits for 180-220 typically with the proper slayer. I max lmc with upwards of 25+mr. Is everyone else doing so much damage with regular hits to actually make the stam hassle worth the effort?

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Sorry first time asking this and possibly wrong way to do it, anyway I have thrower toons on all shards for events, I simply aim for 90 dex 45ssi and as much hit points and mana as possible, thing is my regular hits with a glaive do a measly 30-50 damage whereas my AI hits for 180-220 typically with the proper slayer. I max lmc with upwards of 25+mr. Is everyone else doing so much damage with regular hits to actually make the stam hassle worth the effort?
I'm going to say no enemy of one will increase it along with the other things you listed but unless you have a two handed (,heavy weapon) ((they should be wasaay slower)) and use honor (ie be a sampire..) just keep doing it the way you are


Slightly Crazed
I go with either parry + Grugor shield (or shield with 10SSI and 25-35 DI)
or with Spellweaving. Reaper form gives you up to 16SSI !!
Chivalry Divine Fury also gives you 10SSI but is boring to maintain.

James [W^H]

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Merlin I see you have HLD on some of your weapons that you posted. What do you use for your Head Slot? I've always used M&S Glasses for the HLD.


Slightly Crazed
Just like archers you need SSI on the weapon to get max speed. I take bows to 40 on archer/bard.

I use max SSI on my throwers weapons

Damage Inc

Very basic for mine.
But with max SSI your HML is pathetic.
Also SSI takes slot where I prefer to put HLL or Hit area.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Sorry first time asking this and possibly wrong way to do it, anyway I have thrower toons on all shards for events, I simply aim for 90 dex 45ssi and as much hit points and mana as possible, thing is my regular hits with a glaive do a measly 30-50 damage whereas my AI hits for 180-220 typically with the proper slayer. I max lmc with upwards of 25+mr. Is everyone else doing so much damage with regular hits to actually make the stam hassle worth the effort?
Short answer is yes. At minimum, you should be at 1.5, but 1.25 is worth it if you can manage to get it on your suit. Probably tougher if you're running one on every shard but it should be the goal of any thrower to be at max speed. Potions are a big help with this if you have the jewels, just need to do some math on how it works with your stats.

@Merlin I see you have HLD on some of your weapons that you posted. What do you use for your Head Slot? I've always used M&S Glasses for the HLD.
Keep in mind this is about throwers, gargoyles don't have actual head slots but rather a glorified "earring". I typically use a crafted or legendary piece (if I can find a decent enough garg one) and put stats on it that I need to complete the build.

But to be honest, even if it weren't a thrower, I'm not a fan of the M&S head piece. I just find it always screws up my stats some how and I never end up with it on my final suit.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But with max SSI your HML is pathetic.
Also SSI takes slot where I prefer to put HLL or Hit area.
Give and take. My guy is also Mystic and Mage so I do not have points to spare. Also he flies and does damage at a distance no need for HLL or parry or DCI. I have tried hit area before, very little damage.

No room for 120 parry like you.


Slightly Crazed
@Merlin you can use whetstone on a throwing weapon? I never tried myself and I was told you cannot do this. Thanks for sharing.
BTW, why your mystic has SC soul glaive instead of FC? Enchant (with skill higher than 80) gives SC for free, isn't it?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@Merlin you can use whetstone on a throwing weapon? I never tried myself and I was told you cannot do this. Thanks for sharing.
BTW, why your mystic has SC soul glaive instead of FC? Enchant (with skill higher than 80) gives SC for free, isn't it?
You can use a whetstone on a soul glaive which I've done on 2 weapons ( I don't need DI).

I see people mentioning using a shield but doesn't that mess up your HCI on a thrower (I think you need parry?).


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can use a whetstone on a soul glaive which I've done on 2 weapons ( I don't need DI).

I see people mentioning using a shield but doesn't that mess up your HCI on a thrower (I think you need parry?).
As long as the Soul Glave is Exceptional, yes, you can use a Whetstone on it.

I have not tested Throwing with Parry in years, but last I knew, it still did not work properly. You do need Parry, last I knew or throwing misses EVERYTHING.


Slightly Crazed
You can use a whetstone on a soul glaive which I've done on 2 weapons ( I don't need DI).

I see people mentioning using a shield but doesn't that mess up your HCI on a thrower (I think you need parry?).
yes, 110 real parry +10on a Grugor shield.