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GM or someone of "dev team" rename something inside my house


Lore Master
Why did you pick GoldMan as a name for your bless deeds and why did you only pick 8 of them. Where you trying to get people to think you had a full set of the Golden Man Armor and now I wonder why you would try to do that. Your attempt to dupe people into thinking you have a very rare full set of armor was caught and fixed.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why did you pick GoldMan as a name for your bless deeds and why did you only pick 8 of them. Where you trying to get people to think you had a full set of the Golden Man Armor and now I wonder why you would try to do that. Your attempt to dupe people into thinking you have a very rare full set of armor was caught and fixed.
A true talent indeed, imagining the worst from people, and then being proven to be completely wrong... How on earth do you manage never to fail at it?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How am I proven wrong, because you say so, what a friggen joke.
It looks like the armor was dyed using a metal metallic paint tub. Golden Man armor is much brighter. If the change had to do with that, I was because some passer by was fixated by it. Not the OP.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Goldman is a last name of Jewish background Am sure you all heard of at lest one person with that name growing up with OJ and if I did it book.

For all we know the players last name can be it.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@MaryForUo, have you received any email messages from Broadsword about the situation?
nothing... like always!
She have better to do i suppose.

@John Knighthawke
Only dev teams or GM or mesanna can rename object in-game. O i suppose this.
I am no longer surprised by anything or anyone. Strange, unjustifiable, absurd things happen and everyone is silent.
So I adapt "on this forum", and I would have a lot to say about this too.
better to play and have fun ;)


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I would pick this at 100 turn in points over some of the other things. But they'd probably go for 300 if they added it at all ...
In regards to bless deeds being a reward for the treasures event; 100 drops is WAYYYY too much given that a regular item bless deed now for maybe 65m?? If you take the average 2-3m per item that's only 20-30 drops and that doesn't equate the price drop that will happen when people start choosing them.

I agree with you @HRH Liz - something just doesn't sound right about this whole situation. I'm not ruling out it could just be a coincidence but the facts are that someone recently created a char that is very similar to an in game character (so it's not like they've had it for years and the game named it after them coincidentally) and made an entire suit of what looks like regular non-crafter armor (like that you would see for an event item) and dyed it a color close to the actual Gold Man armor and then used personal bless deeds to bless all 8 pieces of armor AND put them on a mannequin instead of on the char they created to use the PBD. I mean that sounds fishy as heck to me.

People also dye totem of void a cameo red color and on more than 1 occasion I've had someone try to put that in the window when I'm buying a cameo.... but I'm sure that's also just a coincidence too that they walk around with a totem of void (which aren't even really used anymore) dyed exactly the same as a cameo and just so happen have both of them in their pack at the same time. According to some people here we should also just give those people the benefit of doubt that there is no mal intent?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why did you pick GoldMan as a name for your bless deeds and why did you only pick 8 of them. Where you trying to get people to think you had a full set of the Golden Man Armor and now I wonder why you would try to do that. Your attempt to dupe people into thinking you have a very rare full set of armor was caught and fixed.

I do not think it had anything to do that that. If that was the case just make a char with the name. 1647798745977.png

Just an FYI this guy is on an EJ and do not care if am paged on just to show you can make this name still. it will not let you put Of in front to many letters


Why is this thread a thing? I mean one who cares about Golden man when you could be Goldmember!... two I like the idea of gms or whatever enforcers sneak attacking you and not me over such ridiculous things... oh also 3 umm what was 3?!!!! Did I mention Goldmember?
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those "Bless Deeds" ROCKED. Was I the only EYE DEE TEN TEE(IDIOT) that had 3 accounts, 6 characters per shard, that claimed every reward on every shard?? Had one toon turn in everything for reward points. HOARDS of "Bless Deeds". So many, I was giving them away. Lost interest and gave the "OLD" accounts away. Those in the know, enjoy playing them. Hazel of LS.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Those "Bless Deeds" ROCKED. Was I the only EYE DEE TEN TEE(IDIOT) that had 3 accounts, 6 characters per shard, that claimed every reward on every shard?? Had one toon turn in everything for reward points. HOARDS of "Bless Deeds". So many, I was giving them away. Lost interest and gave the "OLD" accounts away. Those in the know, enjoy playing them. Hazel of LS.
He gave me a bless deed a while ago and I did not know there were different kinds. I stuck it on a pair of boots. :dunce:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

You house? You don't own anything in game. None of us do. We're just renting. I am still angry at EA for not negotiating with Games Workshop over WAR. Given, Games Worlkshop could have stone walled them out of a contract if they wished but recall there being a large media presence concerning the game.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran

You house? You don't own anything in game. None of us do. We're just renting. I am still angry at EA for not negotiating with Games Workshop over WAR. Given, Games Worlkshop could have stone walled them out of a contract if they wished but recall there being a large media presence concerning the game.
What language is this? I ain't understood a word you just said ...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UH, I used to love playing a licensed game called "Warhammer Age of Reckoning " but it met its fate.

I am just pointing out once the game goes down or whatever, nad until that happens you're at the whim of the Game Masters. Who own the game.


I do not think it had anything to do that that. If that was the case just make a char with the name. View attachment 128644

Just an FYI this guy is on an EJ and do not care if am paged on just to show you can make this name still. it will not let you put Of in front to many letters
I almost lost my sh*t when seeing this ec doll. You ec players really run around with full blown camel toe? Tbh it looks like it may be infected... *An Nox An Nox An Nox*


Stratics Veteran
Out of curiosity, if no one has access to your house that would kind of mean that no one can access your mannequins. So how could anyone be so offended by the character name on the suit pieces to page a GM on you?

Also, the Bug Theory put forth by Cinderella back on March 12th seems to the be most plausible, possible


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Out of curiosity, if no one has access to your house that would kind of mean that no one can access your mannequins. So how could anyone be so offended by the character name on the suit pieces to page a GM on you?

Also, the Bug Theory put forth by Cinderella back on March 12th seems to the be most plausible, possible
Mannequins can be seen in all houses. Public or private. I think parrots also.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Mannequins can be seen in all houses. Public or private. I think parrots also.
Indeed. And you can make them integrate nicely with the scenery, like my fisherman mannequin is actually on my castle's roof :) and you can indeed see his name from outside... Bayou Angler Moe.

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
UH, I used to love playing a licensed game called "Warhammer Age of Reckoning " but it met its fate.

I am just pointing out once the game goes down or whatever, nad until that happens you're at the whim of the Game Masters. Who own the game.
Games workshop really suck with their IP.