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annoying pop ups?


Slightly Crazed
Just to add more info, I'm on desktop and those pop ups started about two weeks ago. Hope we can get this fixed.
Yeah, I was accepting this on my phone for some time. Support website, bla bla bla... But it is so annoying, it covers navigation, to get navigation pane I now need to scroll all posts back to the top. But I waited, had hope admins will manage something. 5 minutes ago turned on Huawei browser native ad block and voila! No ads, stupid Google! Watch them yourself! Greedy intrusive Google goblins will get nothing from me!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@Ruby Knight I have just gone to a few of my usual websites including the 'other' uo forum and I didn't get the pop-up at the bottom of the screen on any of them, it's only appearing here. So I'm not sure now that it's just a Google thing as I'm only using Chrome to visit all the other sites and they don't have it.

Ruby Knight

Stratics Veteran
@Ruby Knight I have just gone to a few of my usual websites including the 'other' uo forum and I didn't get the pop-up at the bottom of the screen on any of them, it's only appearing here. So I'm not sure now that it's just a Google thing as I'm only using Chrome to visit all the other sites and they don't have it.
That seems to add confirmation that it is exclusive to Stratics, either in their host or their software. Occam's Razor: If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck and the admins deny it is a duck, it might be a duck....


Lore Master
So to me this is Stratics selling ad space to Google to gain revenue for the site and if that is the reason then why don't they just come out and say this is what we have done.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I for one do not think changing the web browser I have used for many years to fix an issue with a single website is at all productive. This is obviously an issue with either the Host, the Host Software or both. If you'll notice there is not one single person mentioning that this is happening to them on any other site. Occam's Razor does seem to apply here. Just sayin'.
Ublock origin works for PCs using chrome. You may have not turned it on.

Tablets and phones will get this pop up. Did you upgrade to Windows 11?


Grand Poobah
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Campaign Supporter
I usually use Chrome and it´s where I get the pop-ups so I started up my IE to see if I would also get them there. I did not.
I did still get ads but now they were a part of the page (on the top just below the Home > Forums > Ultima Online Stratics etc...) and not in the way of anything.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have not seen an Ad on my PC since I installed UBlock Origin: It works in chrome it is at the top of the page

1632081949916.png 1632082080425.png


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I quit using Chrome most of the time and use Brave.... a much better browser and comes with AdBlock and NoScript.

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
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Glorious Lord
Neither chrome nor the site on my phone have pop ups or ads.........


Site Support
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Neither chrome nor the site on my phone have pop ups or ads.........
That’s because when we did the crowd funding campaign your donation level basically gave you a lifetime “Stratics Pro” subscription, you’ll not see ads.


Stratics Veteran
I for one do not think changing the web browser I have used for many years to fix an issue with a single website is at all productive. This is obviously an issue with either the Host, the Host Software or both. If you'll notice there is not one single person mentioning that this is happening to them on any other site. Occam's Razor does seem to apply here. Just sayin'.
Sooo, what you seem to be saying is "it's not worth the time or effort to see if your idea is worthwhile"? Okay, but there were plenty of instances in my 40 years of IT where a weird solution was actually the solution.

Ruby Knight

Stratics Veteran
Sooo, what you seem to be saying is "it's not worth the time or effort to see if your idea is worthwhile"? Okay, but there were plenty of instances in my 40 years of IT where a weird solution was actually the solution.
No, this is saying that I use Chrome. Chrome is what I use. I will not be forced to change my browser because one single site is using addware that specifically targets Chrome. Eventually I will find another option but changing my browser for one site is like changing my car because one street I use has flashing lights and adds that target the make and model of my car. I just wish Stratics would own up to what they did and stop denying it. Of course it is possible that the admins don't actually know or understand that either the host or the software platform changed something. But you can only give someone the benefit of the doubt for so long when multiple people are having the same issue ad it started around the same time for all of them.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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No, this is saying that I use Chrome. Chrome is what I use. I will not be forced to change my browser because one single site is using addware that specifically targets Chrome. Eventually I will find another option but changing my browser for one site is like changing my car because one street I use has flashing lights and adds that target the make and model of my car. I just wish Stratics would own up to what they did and stop denying it. Of course it is possible that the admins don't actually know or understand that either the host or the software platform changed something. But you can only give someone the benefit of the doubt for so long when multiple people are having the same issue ad it started around the same time for all of them.
There are only two staff members who even have the capability to change the ads, and one is never around anymore. Something accidental is possible I guess, but I can pretty much guarantee that one guy isn’t actively looking for ways to put annoying ads on the site and then cover it up. The rest of us can’t admit to anything because it’s not even within our power to do it in the first place.

Ruby Knight

Stratics Veteran
There are only two staff members who even have the capability to change the ads, and one is never around anymore. Something accidental is possible I guess, but I can pretty much guarantee that one guy isn’t actively looking for ways to put annoying ads on the site and then cover it up. The rest of us can’t admit to anything because it’s not even within our power to do it in the first place.
Thanks for that. I have contended this whole time that it could be one of a few different things. It sounds like with your statement it is now either something the Host implemented or something the Forum Software was updated to. Generally when the Software is updated they send out a list of all of the changes. This can be a very long bit of information and some changes can be lost in all the wordage in this. My suspicion is that somewhere in the Customer side of the Forum Software they have added this 'pop-up' and it probably has a radio button or checkbox that was set to enable automatically. If I had time I suppose I could analyze the code and see who is benefitting from the adds but if you are saying it isn't Stratics then it is most likely the Host or the Software. Of course this is just my opinion. I in no way have any ill will toward Stratics. I have been a member of the UO part from the beginning. Not the same account but I have been here.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have these set on my Chrome for my mobile and still get the dang pop ups/ads currently. My desktop comp runs Chrome with AdBlock and I do not get them on there.

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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I have these set on my Chrome for my mobile and still get the dang pop ups currently. My desktop comp runs Chrome with AdBlock and I do not get them on there.

View attachment 122284
They aren’t pop ups, so that makes sense. Pop ups are essentially new tabs/browser windows.

Blocking ads on SOME sites… guess this isn’t one of them. Since they are google ads and it’s googles browser, I wouldn’t imagine they would block their own service.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My problem with the adds started when Google Chrome forced and update. I have tried all of the Chrome internal popup blocking and added one as an extension. Nothing seems to keep them from popping up. These ads are annoying because you have to minimize them to continue reading at the bottom of the page. and if you happen to miss the arrow to minimize it, yep, you guessed it, you get a new page to contend with. Also after you minimize it it shows back up with each new page. So, if you happen to want to read a thread with 5 pages, you have to minimize the add 5 times. Switch to a different thread and you start all over. It is really a pain in the ass. Though it has been stated multiple times that this is not a Stratics issue, I ask why is it only experienced on Stratics with Stratics users?
I use Chrome and don't get any ads, although I use uBlock origin.
Can you take a screenshot of the ads you see?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It's only on my phone. It doesn't appear until you start to scroll. Shows up at the top and chat window scrolls under the ad.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Its is on phones and tablets like that. Neither are big enough to bother me. I can read threads just fine.

I don't know what people see on PCs.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I went away on vacation and came back to this site and seeing those ads as well. As many others have stated, it's only here on stratics and it's on my work laptop which has regular malware scans etc done (nothing returned but issue persist) and has a popup blocker (this doesn't seem to be a pop up to that software).

Anyone figure out how to stop these very annoying ads from popping up at the bottom of every single page I look at in stratics (without installing yet another popup blocker)?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I went away on vacation and came back to this site and seeing those ads as well. As many others have stated, it's only here on stratics and it's on my work laptop which has regular malware scans etc done (nothing returned but issue persist) and has a popup blocker (this doesn't seem to be a pop up to that software).

Anyone figure out how to stop these very annoying ads from popping up at the bottom of every single page I look at in stratics (without installing yet another popup blocker)?
You only need 1 app. U Block Origin then delete the rest.