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Base training a vollem.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't have a second comparable pet. The character who owns it is not a tamer.

That said. If you had a vollwm you wanted to base train in the wild. Where would you go assuming all base stats are over 60 with some already maxed out.

I tried deceit and it worked okay. But the death that I do have is like taking five steps forward with two steps back because of skill loss on rez.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't have a second comparable pet. The character who owns it is not a tamer.

That said. If you had a vollwm you wanted to base train in the wild. Where would you go assuming all base stats are over 60 with some already maxed out.

I tried deceit and it worked okay. But the death that I do have is like taking five steps forward with two steps back because of skill loss on rez.
use dread Pirates or the Shadow elementals in the mines


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Acid slugs will 120 wrestle and parry, and take tactics to 75. From there, i grab a shadow ele.

For magics, get it in a place where it can only cast, and let it go to work. Like when swoop gets stuck on the rocks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Acid slugs will 120 wrestle and parry, and take tactics to 75. From there, i grab a shadow ele.

For magics, get it in a place where it can only cast, and let it go to work. Like when swoop gets stuck on the rocks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So base training eluded you...

I'm NOT looking to do adv training lol

So no, no it won't be difficult.

Ad it stands he's 75% done from sea serpents and like a little deceit.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
What is wrong with @Naitch lately? I remember he used to be a pretty nice guy, but he sure has been making some..... ummmmm..... Out of character posts.



I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Well we all got a free one years ago and thought they would be nice to use. They turned out a little better than a Talisman summon.

@Naitch has a point. Maybe he thinks it is fun to watch the NOOBs do what we did years ago. But, if they were good we would all be dragging one around. Just like the Herald.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well we all got a free one years ago and thought they would be nice to use. They turned out a little better than a Talisman summon.

@Naitch has a point. Maybe he thinks it is fun to watch the NOOBs do what we did years ago. But, if they were good we would all be dragging one around. Just like the Herald.
I'm far from a noob but for the purposes in which I mainly use him. All I need is max based stats, hence the original question.

I started back on 02.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stats go up as you kill stuff. UO has not changed.
Ya I know and to feed in to what I'm sure is a smart ass reply. I'm sure you also know what it fights has to have comparable stats to be beneficial.

Edit; If that crack about you being Mesanna is true. Which I doubt it is. You would know this and if not then you really should quit your job !!!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You'll never know.
I don't need to because I honestly don't care, and I'm sure you can tell my opinion on you based on the unreadable tone...

But even if you are, at least I know you look out for you and your own and only that.

G'day !


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Have fun with your little vanity project.
Skill trained Vollems are still useful for protecting harvesters like Miners, LJers or Fishermen. My prospector (Mining+LJ+Fishing) char uses a skill trained Vollem along with a skill trained Fire Beetle and Giant Beetle while harvesting. Fishing in the ocean and a Sea Serpent or Water Ele shows up? Vollem kills it. Mining for sand in Compassion Desert and a Orc, Sand Vortex or Scorpion attacks? Vollem kills it. Mining/LJing in the wilds and an Ogre, Ettin, Gargoyle, or Reaper attacks? Vollem kills it. Fishing in Destard and Water Eles attack? Vollem kills them.

Not to mention, if you're careful with where you put the points, you can level up a Vollem once with the advanced Training system, and they'll still require no Taming/Lore to control, so you can take the Taming/Lore off. Corpse uses a 120 Disco Vollem on his Sampire to debuff his opponents.

Don't have a second comparable pet. The character who owns it is not a tamer.

That said. If you had a vollwm you wanted to base train in the wild. Where would you go assuming all base stats are over 60 with some already maxed out.

I tried deceit and it worked okay. But the death that I do have is like taking five steps forward with two steps back because of skill loss on rez.
First thing i'd do, is train it's Resist skill to GM on Spectral Spellbinders in New Haven. Gather a bunch of Spellbinders to spam spells on it, and once it's Resist hits GM, it's DEX should skyrocket up to 125, which makes training Wrest/Tact/Anat a lot easier.
You can train Wrest/Tact up to 50s/60s on Gregorio, a red Brigand near the Ranger Huts outside of Skara Brae. He's immune to pet damage. Once Wrest/Tact is in the 60s, train it against a Shadow Ore Ele with 80s Wrest/Tact as something else tanks it.
Gregorio is the best thing to train Anatomy on, especially if he's disarmed.
Gregorio is also the best thing to train most magic skills on. You can stand in the doorway of the farmhouse, with your Vollem on one side and Gregorio on the other, and have your Vollem attack Gregorio. So long as your Vollem can't physically reach Gregorio, he'll rapidly spam spells on him. Or you could disarm Gregorio, then attack him so you're tanking him, and have your Vollem stand some distance away and say "All Kill" immediately followed by "All Stay", which will get him to keep his distance while spamming spells.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Skill trained Vollems are still useful for protecting harvesters like Miners, LJers or Fishermen. My prospector (Mining+LJ+Fishing) char uses a skill trained Vollem along with a skill trained Fire Beetle and Giant Beetle while harvesting. Fishing in the ocean and a Sea Serpent or Water Ele shows up? Vollem kills it. Mining for sand in Compassion Desert and a Orc, Sand Vortex or Scorpion attacks? Vollem kills it. Mining/LJing in the wilds and an Ogre, Ettin, Gargoyle, or Reaper attacks? Vollem kills it. Fishing in Destard and Water Eles attack? Vollem kills them.

Not to mention, if you're careful with where you put the points, you can level up a Vollem once with the advanced Training system, and they'll still require no Taming/Lore to control, so you can take the Taming/Lore off. Corpse uses a 120 Disco Vollem on his Sampire to debuff his opponents.

First thing i'd do, is train it's Resist skill to GM on Spectral Spellbinders in New Haven. Gather a bunch of Spellbinders to spam spells on it, and once it's Resist hits GM, it's DEX should skyrocket up to 125, which makes training Wrest/Tact/Anat a lot easier.
You can train Wrest/Tact up to 50s/60s on Gregorio, a red Brigand near the Ranger Huts outside of Skara Brae. He's immune to pet damage. Once Wrest/Tact is in the 60s, train it against a Shadow Ore Ele with 80s Wrest/Tact as something else tanks it.
Gregorio is the best thing to train Anatomy on, especially if he's disarmed.
Gregorio is also the best thing to train most magic skills on. You can stand in the doorway of the farmhouse, with your Vollem on one side and Gregorio on the other, and have your Vollem attack Gregorio. So long as your Vollem can't physically reach Gregorio, he'll rapidly spam spells on him. Or you could disarm Gregorio, then attack him so you're tanking him, and have your Vollem stand some distance away and say "All Kill" immediately followed by "All Stay", which will get him to keep his distance while spamming spells.
Thx for the single most thought out and applicable reply.

That said, can you elaborate a bit on the last bit regarding adv training and still requiring no taming or lore.

That admittedly piqued my interest. But yes, you nailed the main *÷&&& reason my fisherman has this, which some people just would rather, omg. Get a tamer dude.

Like ya, I want to make a tamer to go fishing with, when i have a tamer already with 120 music, lor, taming etc.


Crazed Zealot
Skill trained Vollems are still useful for protecting harvesters like Miners, LJers or Fishermen. My prospector (Mining+LJ+Fishing) char uses a skill trained Vollem along with a skill trained Fire Beetle and Giant Beetle while harvesting. Fishing in the ocean and a Sea Serpent or Water Ele shows up? Vollem kills it. Mining for sand in Compassion Desert and a Orc, Sand Vortex or Scorpion attacks? Vollem kills it. Mining/LJing in the wilds and an Ogre, Ettin, Gargoyle, or Reaper attacks? Vollem kills it. Fishing in Destard and Water Eles attack? Vollem kills them.

Not to mention, if you're careful with where you put the points, you can level up a Vollem once with the advanced Training system, and they'll still require no Taming/Lore to control, so you can take the Taming/Lore off. Corpse uses a 120 Disco Vollem on his Sampire to debuff his opponents.

First thing i'd do, is train it's Resist skill to GM on Spectral Spellbinders in New Haven. Gather a bunch of Spellbinders to spam spells on it, and once it's Resist hits GM, it's DEX should skyrocket up to 125, which makes training Wrest/Tact/Anat a lot easier.
You can train Wrest/Tact up to 50s/60s on Gregorio, a red Brigand near the Ranger Huts outside of Skara Brae. He's immune to pet damage. Once Wrest/Tact is in the 60s, train it against a Shadow Ore Ele with 80s Wrest/Tact as something else tanks it.
Gregorio is the best thing to train Anatomy on, especially if he's disarmed.
Gregorio is also the best thing to train most magic skills on. You can stand in the doorway of the farmhouse, with your Vollem on one side and Gregorio on the other, and have your Vollem attack Gregorio. So long as your Vollem can't physically reach Gregorio, he'll rapidly spam spells on him. Or you could disarm Gregorio, then attack him so you're tanking him, and have your Vollem stand some distance away and say "All Kill" immediately followed by "All Stay", which will get him to keep his distance while spamming spells.
Interested in this also. You are the King, sire. Very kind and thoughtful. Thanks for the info!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
That said, can you elaborate a bit on the last bit regarding adv training and still requiring no taming or lore.

That admittedly piqued my interest.
You can put Taming/Lore on your char to start the leveling process. Once the Vollem hits 100%, you can spend points to give it better stats/abilities. Doing so will increase the taming required to control the Vollem depending on how many points you spent. Because Vollems start with a -18.9 Taming requirement, if you spend less than a certain amount of points (i can't remember exactly how much), the Vollem will have below 30 Taming requirement (anyone can control a pet with below 30 Taming requirement), and can still be controlled by that char once you soul stone off the Taming/Lore. I'd advise testing your Vollem's build on TC first to make sure it remains below 30 Taming requirement.

This way, a Sampire can build a Disco Vollem to discord his opponent, then have the Vollem just sit there on the same screen to keep the opponent discorded. This is exactly what Corpse did with his Vollem in this video. His Vollem finally got the Disco off at 2:04, then he just has it sit on the sideline to avoid taking most damage while keeping the Turkey discoed.

Or you can give your Magery Vollem more Resists and some Regen.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can put Taming/Lore on your char to start the leveling process. Once the Vollem hits 100%, you can spend points to give it better stats/abilities. Doing so will increase the taming required to control the Vollem depending on how many points you spent. Because Vollems start with a -18.9 Taming requirement, if you spend less than a certain amount of points (i can't remember exactly how much), the Vollem will have below 30 Taming requirement (anyone can control a pet with below 30 Taming requirement), and can still be controlled by that char once you soul stone off the Taming/Lore. I'd advise testing your Vollem's build on TC first to make sure it remains below 30 Taming requirement.

This way, a Sampire can build a Disco Vollem to discord his opponent, then have the Vollem just sit there on the same screen to keep the opponent discorded. Or you can give your Magery Vollem more Resists and some Regen.
interesting concept but TC or not, I'd have no idea where to begin lol

I mean. I was figuring anatomy might help above all else if I had to pic one thing. Provided it all worked out the way you make it sound like it should.

But for a resourcer, it sounds like why bother.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But for a resourcer, it sounds like why bother.
Pretty much. A post-patch Vollem will become 4 slots through this as well, meaning you can only use a Fire Beetle or Giant Beetle at the same time, not all three. A pre-patch Vollem though would go to 3 slots, still allowing all three to be used at the same time. Very few reasons why a harvester would require a beefed up Vollem, excepting maybe while dungeon fishing, the increased Resists on the Vollem can help keep it alive as it protects you.
For a Fisherman, Magery Vollem is the best, since oftentimes your pet can't physically reach the opponent while on a ship, and so has to spell cast the opponent to death.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Pretty much. A post-patch Vollem will become 4 slots through this as well, meaning you can only use a Fire Beetle or Giant Beetle at the same time, not all three. A pre-patch Vollem though would go to 3 slots, still allowing all three to be used at the same time. Very few reasons why a harvester would require a beefed up Vollem, excepting maybe while dungeon fishing, the increased Resists on the Vollem can help keep it alive as it protects you.
For a Fisherman, Magery Vollem is the best, since oftentimes your pet can't physically reach the opponent while on a ship, and so has to spell cast the opponent to death.
So at least for this guy, my fisherman, a margery vollem as much as u don't think I have the patience for, lol, might be worth trying.

That said, the one I have now I popped from a crystal at 3 slots.

Even though some would argue that you can still pop one from a crystal at two slots.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So at least for this guy, my fisherman, a margery vollem as much as u don't think I have the patience for, lol, might be worth trying.

That said, the one I have now I popped from a crystal at 3 slots.

Even though some would argue that you can still pop one from a crystal at two slots.
All Vollems that are popped from a Crystal now start at 3 slots. All Vollems innately have Magery+Dragon Breath. They're basically equivalent to a Nightmare, just not ridable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, that's what my friend meant by ref nightmares.

Either way I guess I got nothing to lose by trying but that's a project for a day I'm more bored than usual lol


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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For my Fisherman I had my Tamer tame him a nice Giant beetle and train it up all the way not doing any special training with the blue button but just getting it fully trained... and gave it to him... the beetle crushes most all serpents and things... I wouldn't think it could take corgul or a leviathan or anything like that but for everyday fishing and pulling up sea serps it does just fine... if it gets hurt, my Fisherman is a 120mage/weaver and has no issue with killing things on his own but with the beetle, he can pretty well let that take care of anything and keep on fishing just casting a heal from time to time but most times he never needs to...

My other fisherperson... has a goat... to eat all the junk... goats are a great pet for fishers... they will eat anything... and she's an archer so quickly handles anything she pulls up... the only thing I hate about her is I have to constantly swap off the pole and to her bow to do it... so I'm not real fond of her. The other guy has a spell channeling pole so never has to bother with swapping things out.

Now if I'm going pirate hunting though I take my archer and 2 tamers... better odds that way.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Do a search for it. Taking up 1 slot has a big jump, and every step of trainibg has little jumps.

So if you did 5 resists in 1 swooo each, be like +12 taming, or if you did stam regen +1 5 times, same thing.


Always Present
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First thing i'd do, is train it's Resist skill to GM on Spectral Spellbinders in New Haven. Gather a bunch of Spellbinders to spam spells on it, and once it's Resist hits GM, it's DEX should skyrocket up to 125, which makes training Wrest/Tact/Anat a lot easier.

One question, if I may...

Do you actually do that even "before" initiating the Training of the pet (i.e. you do NOT click on the Training blue gem to go to the 1st 100% Training step, you wait, before initiating the pet's Training "at all", that the pet has first reached 125 DEX and GM Resist skill) or do you actually do click on the blue Gem, and do this 125 DEX and GM Resist "within" the 1st 100% step of Training of the pet ?

The reason that I am asking this, is that I have read it reported by some players that, if the Training of DEX up to 125 starts "before" one actually initiates the actual Training of the Pet (that is, by clicking on the Blue Gem to get to the very first 100% Training when one is then enabled to modify the Pet's stats using training points), this can "change the number of slots of the pet".... thus effectively costing one full level of training points on the pet. That is, ruining the Pet's training and, thus, the Pet althogether.

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Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes, i do it before even initiating the Leveling process. I hate seeing the "You're pet does not appear to gain from this" message being spammed when a pet is being spammed on by multiple Spellbinders.


The Grandest of the PooBah’s
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years ago when they gave us the Vollem's in crystals people where selling them for cheap.
i purchased a LOT of them.
put 2 on each of my pure bards and 2 on each of my mules.
being 2 slots i can run 2 and still ride a ethy or whatever.

my pure bard with 2 trained up Vollems is a fantastic mix, especially if there is a pure tamer in the party tanking the mobs then my vollems can pick away.

for training, now a days ill get them up to 60 if they aren't already there then take them into shame level 5 and fight the wind elemental's. those will get you up to 80 in short order, from there you can either go onto a shadow ele or if you want to play it out you can fight anything with GM skill and gain, swoops are easy and have a added bonus of lots of gold and stuff to melt into relics.

if you have disco you can use a shadow elemental at any point all the way to GM.
you can disco your pet or the shadow ele, whichever needs it and train up to GM.

so many options.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my pure bard with 2 trained up Vollems is a fantastic mix, especially if there is a pure tamer in the party tanking the mobs then my vollems can pick away.
Pure Bard running Provo Masteries with a AP Vollem, in party with a Tamer with 5 Wolf Spiders is hilarious. I used this during the most recent Town Invasions, got the Spellbook every time. Bard discords the enemy, the Wolf Spiders tank the enemy with "As One" running to spread incoming damage while dealing massive amounts of damage themselves, the "Invigorate" mastery buffs and heals all the pets, "Inspire" even further buffs the pet's damage output, and the Armor Pierce from the Vollem increases the damage taken by the victim by +10%.
Wolf Spiders were dealing 500-600 total damage every 1.25 secs with this, the Generals would melt under it.