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This event was best one of all the rest.... (keep it going devs.)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event was the best and most fun due the fact that is it had good items to claim from the reward vendor and the main thing is that opened it up to fel. By doing that that made PVP fun in grouping up with people to have fun again. This is what UO needs to keep doing with these event because it would bring life back into pvp and create population to shards. Hats off to the UO TEAM for opening it up and giving the Fel side some love again. i see a incline of population if they proceed to give both worlds the same action.

The one thing i would say to improve is to fix necro exorcsim so the ghost can be under control.


Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I played it out on three shards on two of them a few reds easily would take the spawn most times i can't understand why say a big guild like HoFd on pac can't field enough people to hold a spawn the mind set of far too many blues is oh well here's the reds guess I'll die..


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well it is almost over. Each drop is selling for 3+M on Atl. On LS its about the same. The other events, the price was down to 1M per drop by the end.

A new or returning player could go now for a couple of days and get some gold a lot easier than any other method. We have players that just go to the rope bridge and back. Not difficult mobs there unless they are dragged.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Great event.. I came back just this summer didnt play much just casually and I easily made a couple billion gold just farming drops/spawn fel side pacific, which is great for someone who lost everythning can buy items for new builds now.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
my only concern is about the earrings for human/elf. gargs got screwed again. humans and elves got free 10 hci/10 ninjitsu and/or 15 spell damage/125 luck for free. they should have a sash for gargs with mods of corgul sash and 10 hit/10 ninjitsu and one for mages with 15 spell damage and 125 luck. there are so many items/arties that gargs cant use. even shadow guard, gargs got screw over. they are the forgotten race and hated by many. especially by goblins lol. just my opinions


Slightly Crazed
my only concern is about the earrings for human/elf. gargs got screwed again. humans and elves got free 10 hci/10 ninjitsu and/or 15 spell damage/125 luck for free. they should have a sash for gargs with mods of corgul sash and 10 hit/10 ninjitsu and one for mages with 15 spell damage and 125 luck. there are so many items/arties that gargs cant use. even shadow guard, gargs got screw over. they are the forgotten race and hated by many. especially by goblins lol. just my opinions
Gargs really got screwed. Luck earrings - no way my gargs will use them to replace glasses (sdi) or just looted ones (luck (stats +resists(
Mask -no way to wear
HCI earrings - I have no idea of they are imbuable, never claimed those.
Bokuto? same.
Oh, Antique Soul Glaive! oops, no here too.

So I just was farming stuff, piling and selling. Got lots. First in Tram, then in Fel.
Made 2 SSI epps and set of Cameos (had only Elemental and Conjurer thinking at the beginning). Got lots of experience with different skills. Even learned to be helpful when reds are coming.
My crafter made and sold bunch of 100 % Cold soul glaives (all sold, even 80% after enhancing are sold)
So yes, My gargs loves this event! And it kinda bumped economy. Riches had something to buy, poor (like me) had expensive stuff to sell. Only @popps and his cold dragon are left in cold, lol!

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This event was the best and most fun due the fact that is it had good items to claim from the reward vendor and the main thing is that opened it up to fel.
Some rewards are desirable, and that's about it. On top of existing game dynamics bugs, the rotating spawn (about the stupidest idea they've had in years) with and certain paragons added too much frustration.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
my only concern is about the earrings for human/elf. gargs got screwed again. humans and elves got free 10 hci/10 ninjitsu and/or 15 spell damage/125 luck for free. they should have a sash for gargs with mods of corgul sash and 10 hit/10 ninjitsu and one for mages with 15 spell damage and 125 luck. there are so many items/arties that gargs cant use. even shadow guard, gargs got screw over. they are the forgotten race and hated by many. especially by goblins lol. just my opinions
A sash is an excellent idea that would have been better. I think the devs think that they're compensating, because a previous generation decided to make gargoyle armor imbuable to higher resists. I'd trade the higher limits in a heartbeat for not losing +8 stamina on a slot.


Slightly Crazed
Some rewards are desirable, and that's about it. On top of existing game dynamics bugs, the rotating spawn (about the stupidest idea they've had in years) with and certain paragons added too much frustration.
I liked rotating spawn with opposite slayers. Good to keep you concentrated on what you killing, not just swing here and there. Also good for those who cannot afford all sets of slayers.

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
A sash is an excellent idea that would have been better. I think the devs think that they're compensating, because a previous generation decided to make gargoyle armor imbuable to higher resists. I'd trade the higher limits in a heartbeat for not losing +8 stamina on a slot.
yes, they gave more resists because neckless had low resists. resists now is np because of new loot. i wont list all the things gargs go screwed over on because its too long lol


UO Forum Moderator
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I just wish that they'd do some sort of walk-through in each dungeon before they implement these events, determine which areas that can spawn monsters that can't be reached, and edit those locations to either prevent spawn, or allow player access (like adding a teleporter).

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I just wish that they'd do some sort of walk-through in each dungeon before they implement these events, determine which areas that can spawn monsters that can't be reached, and edit those locations to either prevent spawn, or allow player access (like adding a teleporter).
Those areas were my weavers bread and butter!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I just wish that they'd do some sort of walk-through in each dungeon before they implement these events, determine which areas that can spawn monsters that can't be reached, and edit those locations to either prevent spawn, or allow player access (like adding a teleporter).
Ya they act totally surprised that there are places where mobs are unreachable.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm not a fan of the "Antique" attribute, and I found the unreachable monsters on the roofs to be annoying especially the ones with the area burn thing.

Also noted that gargoles don't have armor equivalent to some of the elf or humie stuff. It would be nice* if gargoles had a "morph statue" that would let them wear elf and human armor and ride mounts.

*Notice how cleverly I did not say "I wish" ... ... ... oops

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I don't understand why the monsters on roof etc such an issue a quick call in general chat should have 2 or 3 weavers there.. also you can teleport onto all the roofs...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I just wish that they'd do some sort of walk-through in each dungeon before they implement these events, determine which areas that can spawn monsters that can't be reached, and edit those locations to either prevent spawn, or allow player access (like adding a teleporter).
They tried to remedy this with the auto teleport thing but I'm clueless on how that actually works because it seemed like any time I actually wanted something to get unstuck it just aggro'ed on me and stayed there. Other times I'd be running by something not even "stuck" (ie a fire ele in a building) and it teleports on to me which rubberbands me and causes everything else on the screen to attack.

I think it would be a good idea to do a quick walk through and I also think they need to look at the spawn rate and placement during the more busy times of day/night. There were times when there was the perfect amount of spawn (not many people around) but it seemed like at prime time the spawn became scarce because as soon as it spawned someone was there to kill it so people were running around for literally several minutes before being able to kill something. For these events I think of it like good vs evil so the baddies should spawn more frequently (ie callin backup) if the goodies are overpowering them. It would then be scaled back as they start to overpower the good guys.

Lastly, I think it's a no brainer that the luck potion should be available for all events like this in the future.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
I love how everyone ignores that these stuck monsters can be killed...
Regular mobs sure... A paragon balron / fire demon would take forever to kill though even with a few weavers. I've also seen a few mobs spawn just out of reach on the lava river. None of this is a show stopper but if we are talking gradual improvement it would be the next step.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
"also you can teleport onto all the roofs "

*you* can teleport up onto the roof and kill a paragon fire demon.
Not me. I have no teleportation ability, and no ability to kill a paragon fire demon either.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
"also you can teleport onto all the roofs "

*you* can teleport up onto the roof and kill a paragon fire demon.
Not me. I have no teleportation ability, and no ability to kill a paragon fire demon either.
Teleport rings are all the rage ;)


UO Forum Moderator
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Anon: I'd like to know how, since I was playing a mage/mystic/weaver, and none of my spells could target them, nor would they take damage from area spells (not even the ones that damage stuff stuck underground or on roofs).

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Anon: I'd like to know how, since I was playing a mage/mystic/weaver, and none of my spells could target them, nor would they take damage from area spells (not even the ones that damage stuff stuck underground or on roofs).


Slightly Crazed
I don't understand why the monsters on roof etc such an issue a quick call in general chat should have 2 or 3 weavers there.. also you can teleport onto all the roofs...
Cannot teleport with a warrior template. Also lava pools full of paragons. Normal demons sometimes were able to self-teleport out of there. But not paragons.
There are so many mobs in tram after server restart and way less are available to kill in the evening.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Teleport scroll works with my Elf archer. Why would it not work on other templates?

I thought they blocked teleporting onto the roofs a couple of weeks after it began.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Overall okay; it was really no different than past dungeon point events, except the rewards were a little better. I say a little because there were 2 or 3 desirable items, as opposed to the ice dungeon which had zero worthwhile items. The HCI earrings are definitely on par with the SSI epaulettes though. All the deco crap was way too many points to bother with.

My biggest gripe would be the paragons. I have no problem with random paragons spawning to prevent AFK farmers, but it's BS that a slime has the same chance to drop an item as a paragon balron.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Teleport scroll works with my Elf archer. Why would it not work on other templates?

I thought they blocked teleporting onto the roofs a couple of weeks after it began.
Not that I ever saw, I was able to teleport onto one this weekend. On Origin anyway.


Slightly Crazed
Paragons were real trouble for me at the beginning.
At the end of event I geared up and learn how to fight. My thrower was able to stand para lava ele. And fight toe to toe. And win. Ballrons still were trouble if 1 on 1.
At the beginning para hellhound killed me most of times. 2 para hounds was imminent death. And with my connection speed on Atl I cannot outrun paragons.
Last 2 days on Atl paragons were no trouble. So many people- para succubi were dead right after spawning.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I don't understand why the monsters on roof etc such an issue a quick call in general chat should have 2 or 3 weavers there.. also you can teleport onto all the roofs...
No you cannot teleport onto all roofs. Only 3. The devs purposely blocked all the small building roofs due to people exploiting them. At least that is how it is on my server Tram side.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Overall okay; it was really no different than past dungeon point events, except the rewards were a little better. I say a little because there were 2 or 3 desirable items, as opposed to the ice dungeon which had zero worthwhile items. The HCI earrings are definitely on par with the SSI epaulettes though. All the deco crap was way too many points to bother with.

My biggest gripe would be the paragons. I have no problem with random paragons spawning to prevent AFK farmers, but it's BS that a slime has the same chance to drop an item as a paragon balron.
Only one item worth having for me. HCI earrings. But they are brittle & they wear out fast for a melee. I do not care for the deco rewards from any of the events so far. They need better ones (banners, pictures, floor tiles, floor mosaics (like the medusa one), etc). The only thing that kept me playing the event was to collect daemon claws, lava crusts, & paragon chests. Deceit is the only one of these events so far that was really worth doing for the rewards. Just my opinion. Overall it was not worth the wear and tear on my suit.


Stratics Veteran
Great event all around. The HCI earrings are great for my warrior, the luck mask is great for my high-luck bard, and the ostard is great for my tamer. I also really like some of the deco items (soul glass dust, idol, ritual table, etc.). Fire was a solid dungeon for this type of event.


UO Forum Moderator
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I Tried Thunderstorm, wildfire, earthquake, and others. Nothing would damage them. It was in that area that's on the way to the door to the lich area.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thunderstorm hit stuff on roofs, that area before the cemetery. Lots of stuff on lava could not be hit by anything.

I tried it a few times, things just turned to paragons so we just had wasted paragons. Id rather leave the plain stuff in those areas than turn them to paragons.


Slightly Crazed
a normal fire daemon was able to teleport itself out of lava pit. Paragons were stuck there. If they were 10 tiles from bridge (sometimes 11) my thrower was able to kill them. Many stayed out of reach. Reducing overall spawn. System counted them as alive so there are enough mobs in the dungeon.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a normal fire daemon was able to teleport itself out of lava pit. Paragons were stuck there. If they were 10 tiles from bridge (sometimes 11) my thrower was able to kill them. Many stayed out of reach. Reducing overall spawn. System counted them as alive so there are enough mobs in the dungeon.
Not from the area right past the Cemetery. We would have normal ones there in that lava. They were right on the edge by the webs. They just stayed there all day.


Slightly Crazed
On Atl they stayed there longer and jumped out not so often.
On Asuka they were popping out way faster. I think their GM did some magic.
Also their roof( first building with teleports)
have some kind of one-way stair tile, and mobs were going down.

Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
I killed them all successfully on both Cats and Pac i think more of the problem is no one wants to get off thier rapidly killing character to get on a weaver for little reward.. less weavers of course takes forever...


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Only one item worth having for me. HCI earrings. But they are brittle & they wear out fast for a melee. I do not care for the deco rewards from any of the events so far. They need better ones (banners, pictures, floor tiles, floor mosaics (like the medusa one), etc). The only thing that kept me playing the event was to collect daemon claws, lava crusts, & paragon chests. Deceit is the only one of these events so far that was really worth doing for the rewards. Just my opinion. Overall it was not worth the wear and tear on my suit.
i love your idea for a floor tile.
I would have loved a floor tile with the wildfire color on it
with a fire steed in the middle of it


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This was a very fun event. Easy to drop in and participate at any time. Challenging monsters mixed with enough standard ones that characters of different skills could participate and achieve rewards, plus the Fel component encouraged players to step to that side of the world for a while. Also, the rewards were an interesting mix of useful and deco items. Thank you to the Devs!!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I can do without the high prices for items. But I did like how it lasted 2 months. I was able to make new templates and finally finish skilling my old toons, since I did not feel rushed.


Slightly Crazed
I also feel that I spent more time changing and crafting gear , imbuing, skilling other toons to try, rethinking, without actually killing those mobs. Sometimes spent whole evening doing some stuff to be more efficient. And it was fun.

The Zog historian

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I liked rotating spawn with opposite slayers. Good to keep you concentrated on what you killing, not just swing here and there. Also good for those who cannot afford all sets of slayers.
It got "irritating" to keep switching weapon types with all the different paragons around, though strangely enough, this time I actually used the fewest slayer weapons. I had non-slayer 100% cold weapons for whirlwind and armor ignore, a demon slayer, and an undead slayer. Then I set up a couple of dress macros so I could switch between my Conjurer's Trinket and flame slayer talisman. With the CT, most of the time it wasn't worth switching to an undead slayer weapon just to kill liches, sometimes not even a lone lich lord. I didn't bother with a mage slayer talisman because even the paragons weren't that hard.

It was the different spawn every day that I didn't care for, because one day there would be balrons and succubi with plenty of paragons (making it hard on a quiet shard when hardly anyone else was on), then another day it would just be lich lords and lava elementals from which a sampire could get 15-20 drops an hour.