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new leadership

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
who thinks new leadership is needed? i do. i just did an idoc where there was so many multi barrel scripters that by the time i was able to get to barrel it was gone and the next the next and next lol. im not going to list all the cheating going on because it would cover pages. im not saying fire any of the devs but new leadership is needed. just my opinion

oh lost some players to atl due to the shard bound drops, thanks devs. like the shards really need to lose more players to atl
wonder how many are going to go to the new shard when it comes out well in 2 or 3 years lol.
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Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Not that I don't agree with you about the rampant cheating... and it is disturbing... but my guess is ... Nothing will ever be done about it. Those who do it seem "untouchable"... the DEVs seem unwilling or unable to give them any permanent consequences...

Guessing one problem is they can whip out a dozen new script accounts in a heartbeat...

Another issue... they can ban the accounts till the cows come home... but they can't remove the script software...

I can think of a few things that might help... but they don't seem to be willing to do that as it would take due diligence on their part.

I gave my suggestion to stop the cheating and such and nip it in the bud for good... but again that would take some actual sleuthing and work. Many others have suggested good things to stop that... but none have been used.

At this point I've just decided that most players are either doing the scripting, they are buying from the scripters, or they are just oblivious to all of it... and don't actually do much in-game. Otherwise, they too would be completely disgusted. Or maybe they pretend it doesn't affect them in any way because they don't do IDOC's... they don't do EM Events ... or whatever... Or they are oblivious as to where the items they are buying come from... or they just don't care how they are obtained as long as the supply of them continues. Maybe the solution is to stop people from being able to run more than 1 account per PC... but then there are many ways around that...

Don't know how many multiboxing accounts have been paged on... given a ban whatever. They are right back at it in no time. But IMO this game just doesn't care anymore about what is going on. They put all their focus into their new shard... which IMO will be the same **** new day... it won't stop what is going on ... and if they think there won't be multiboxing scripters scripting everything there as well they are sadly mistaken or completely delusional.


Stratics Veteran
They sold NL to EA as the thing to save the game and bring in new subscribers. No way they are scrapping it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They sold NL to EA as the thing to save the game and bring in new subscribers. No way they are scrapping it.
Like Broadsword's UO division remembers what they said half a year ago. Right now CU skins are the new kid on the block. NL has to wait 3+ months for that :popcorn:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone else hit the nail on the head. The lead producer is still acting like they're in charge of Customer Support instead of Product Owner. However, as much as I think we need someone at the helm who actually knows how to run a product, it is improbable there will ever be a change.

Whitewolf of *VK*

Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
honesty if they banned all the cheaters in the game they wouldnt have a very big income, i know in the news letter they say they ban so many accounts but im willing to bet those are all endless journey accounts, i mean just look at the dude scripting 7 accounts in fire dungeon, he been doin it every day this whole time and they wont do anything about it.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They won't permanently ban paying accounts, they always said only EJ gets a perma-ban.


Slightly Crazed
What cheaters you are talking about?
If in PVP then usually loosing side call winner a cheater and a scripter. Pretty common.
If about resources gathering like mining : I better buy 60k ingots deeds from AFK scripters then mine by myself. There are way more interesting things in this game to do.
AFK training? Why on earth I will sit and watch my toon trains hiding or music right at the Luna bank?
Developers gave us macroing possibility, I am using it. Im playing EC with no addons or side software, by the way.


Stratics Veteran
honesty if they banned all the cheaters in the game they wouldnt have a very big income, i know in the news letter they say they ban so many accounts but im willing to bet those are all endless journey accounts, i mean just look at the dude scripting 7 accounts in fire dungeon, he been doin it every day this whole time and they wont do anything about it.
I called the guy out in the discord after he posted all the rewards he was selling from the event. One person calculated he would have needed 150+ points a day every day for two solid months to get that many rewards. Honestly if the devs were in the discord so many gold sellers/house placement scripters/rmt traders would get caught.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I called the guy out in the discord after he posted all the rewards he was selling from the event. One person calculated he would have needed 150+ points a day every day for two solid months to get that many rewards. Honestly if the devs were in the discord so many gold sellers/house placement scripters/rmt traders would get caught.
People were getting 10 to 20 per spawn. That's just 8 to 16 spawns a day. At 20 mins per spawn. 3 to 6 hours a day.

I did not get that many drops but I played many 6 plus hour days.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Wouldnt surprise me if the party exploit works for dungeon drops too.
Get massive amount of drops that way maybe? Or just scripting..


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I got all that I wanted from the event.
Don't really care if XXX person got more then me. Bigger things to worry about....


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
As much as I dislike the current leadership, they are and will be the last leaders of UO. To think otherwise is beyond foolish and leaps into the realm of fantastical.
Sad but true...