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NEWS [UO.Com] Catskills M&G

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My Cu is having an identity crisis. It thinks it's a dragon. Just saying.....


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There were pictures of the Skins and now I can not find them anywhere.

This is from @Cinderella
View attachment 121666
She just found pics of the dog breeds.

The Skins will be some variation of the Toymakers creations and what were in the kennels at Blackthorns castle during the Soulless Seduction event.

1630039869548.png +


Larissa's Guide may have some pics also.

And we put a bunch of pics in a thread when the event went live.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Found the thread.

They look the same in CC. and there's the Kennel but it is not full at that time. The Cah one has all the kennel pets including Ryder!
1630041560876.png 1630041507546.png
Credit S_S

I hope the real skins are bigger.

I was hoping that we would get pet statues as rewards for the many stops you could make in the complete quest.
But skins were a pleasant surprise.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All of this is "we're going to do some stuff - it's going to be cool!". Zero demos, zero implementation road mapping, zero feature functionality requirements discussion.

Let's get honest here. The thing is vaporware. Six months late on the announcement. Now a year and a half in to development and we have very very little to show for it other than "we're doing cool stuff!" and now development has been stopped for "reasons". What is going to launch is either going to be a complete piece of garbage OR not going to launch until 2023.

Poor team leadership, terrible product management, and quite frankly I've got interns that can PM a project better than this.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
All of this is "we're going to do some stuff - it's going to be cool!". Zero demos, zero implementation road mapping, zero feature functionality requirements discussion.

Let's get honest here. The thing is vaporware. Six months late on the announcement. Now a year and a half in to development and we have very very little to show for it other than "we're doing cool stuff!" and now development has been stopped for "reasons". What is going to launch is either going to be a complete piece of garbage OR not going to launch until 2023.

Poor team leadership, terrible product management, and quite frankly I've got interns that can PM a project better than this.
M&G said:
Deraj: I was guessing it would be 2 years at the minimum
Mesanna: no
Mesanna: I am hoping more like the middle of next year
Year and a half into development, Mesanna is hopeful they will get the rest of it together within 6 months (after a 3 months break). Let's see how well this will age. Does she not learn from the account management she promised for "May 5 years ago"? Or is she just knowingly fooling players?

I would be suprised if they really get something together. It will just be that champ spawn they already showed in a video and a big "more coming soon". And it will be enough to keep players subbed. :)



Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
All of this is "we're going to do some stuff - it's going to be cool!". Zero demos, zero implementation road mapping, zero feature functionality requirements discussion.

Let's get honest here. The thing is vaporware. Six months late on the announcement. Now a year and a half in to development and we have very very little to show for it other than "we're doing cool stuff!" and now development has been stopped for "reasons". What is going to launch is either going to be a complete piece of garbage OR not going to launch until 2023.

Poor team leadership, terrible product management, and quite frankly I've got interns that can PM a project better than this.
I get some of the tight lips given the knack the Dev team has for being late (or not delivering) so they don't want to say "September 10th this is going live" and the deadline is missed. Unfortunately having nothing out there for dates doesn't really hold them to deliver anything.

You are 100% correct in there should be a roadmap. Collected ideas with a loose implementation time line would still be better than what we have now and holds them accountable. I'm not sure why exactly there was a hiatus given that the whole point of "dynamic events" system they put in last year from like Jan-Sep was to easily activate and deactivate content so less time was spent on that and more time on things like NL.

That said, I'm not mad about them focusing on whatever it is for the live shards and setting NL to the side because they haven't even really put together enough of an idea to even get me excited about. What we know is that there will be climate and skills shouldn't be a grind and the world blows up every X months. That's about it. I'd much rather them dedicate their time to fixing some bugs on live shards and revamping some content.