Does anyone know how many names suits of armor there are? I mean like:
- Of Ice
- Of the Three
- Of the Cult
- Bearing the Fellowship Insignia
- Of Ice
- Of the Three
- Of the Cult
- Bearing the Fellowship Insignia
But there are many other display armor sets. Seer, EM, EM crafted, Old Crafted Tag (Sewn, Double Exceptional), Mondain’s Legacy, Spring Cleaning, Villainous and Virtuous Sets, Phoenix Armor, Ranger Armor, Daemon Bone Armor and Variants, Sigil Dyed, Neon Dyed....Ok I’m exhausted and there are even more I could list
I was going to avoid that abyss of hues!There are also the "old" invasion sets of armor that weren't named but did come in special colors that you had to loot off the corpses...
If you mention Phoenix you need to mention Queen dawns set.oh the Phoenix of course
Now I rather liked the blood red set...I was going to avoid that abyss of hues!
Wow...That's so cool...You put my 60 sets to shame...But, all fun...If you mention Phoenix you need to mention Queen dawns set.
The list can keep going.
My collection is of Phoenix, Queen dawn, black rock, and iron serpent, Of doom, of Kotl, fellowship, minax, enchanted, cult, three, 08 clean up, new clean up, then ML sets, then old invasion, other named sets and can't forget Zoo armor, coal and Sea Serpent.
Then you have old player made sets. NPC Color sets and I hear there is bone armor droped when SA came out that there is 40 hues of blue.
Then you have diffent helms, male and female chests and pants, then with SE came out you have 2 diffent legs for that set.
Right now have 230 sets I beleave on display.
I would not even know where to start with the Seer and Em sets.
Not my place but I would think thats plate Kotl set
Glad I'm not in that rabbit hole yet!.............................yetLest we not forget the original “sewn by” (tailor crafted) and “made by” (blacksmith crafted) armor sets
Sorry, was on vacation last week.Thank you