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New spellcaster questions

Hello, all. I hope you can offer me some advice.

My skills at present are as follows:
Magery 100
Evaluate Intelligence 100
Meditation 100
Mysticism 100
Focus 100
Spellweaving 100
Resisting Spells 100 (Which I am given to understand is not helpful in the long term)
I have Mastery II in Magery, Mysticism, and Spellweaving

My equipment is a training LRC suit I purchased from a player vendor and a Scrapper's Compendium I found on the ground in New Haven. My tactics so far have consisted mainly of Rising Colossus and Energy Bolt. I have no interest in PVP. I am given to understand that my next priority should be better equipment and power scrolls. I am not in a guild. I play on Pacific and rarely see other players.

My questions are:
1) What spells am I overlooking? In particular, how can I better make use of Spellweaving?
2) What is a good distribution of Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence for this character?
3) What sort of content (dungeons, etc.) should I expect to be able to complete?

I came to UO from games such as WoW which provide - to put it kindly - a more "curated" progression experience, and while I am enjoying UO, I feel like I am floundering.

Thank you all for your patience!


Lore Master
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Resist is ok if you're taking magic damage from monsters. It'll lower the effect of Weakness, etc. The reason you're being told "not helpful" is that you're probably using the Rising Colossus to do most of the damage and adding on with e-bolts, hence it's the RC taking damage. It's a useful template. Long term, you might consider using a soul stone to move some of the magic skills to another character - you can't cast a Magery, Spellweaving, and Mysticism spell simultaneously. Maybe you'd rather add on bard skills or melee skills or treasure hunting skills. I have a fond preference for the treasure hunter skills, you'd need Lockpicking, Cartography, and Remove Trap.

If you stay with this template, the Gift of Life is useful from Spellweaving. The Lightning and Cold Wind is useful in a large number of low-lying critters. The Word of Death is useful when the monster is getting low on health, but you'd need to make a circle with other players first. Many call out into General Chat once a day looking for people to build a circle before they go t-hunting.

Since you're mostly magery, and no-PVP, then highest INT and STR is beneficial. You're not using DEX at all.

For a worthwhile challenge at your skill level, maybe try Shame and collect the Crystals. You can use the Crystals to summon the champions. Defeat all three champions. It'll take some time to work through that and gradually builds skill and rewards.


The Enchanter
Stratics Veteran
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Hello, all. I hope you can offer me some advice.

My skills at present are as follows:
Magery 100
Evaluate Intelligence 100
Meditation 100
Mysticism 100
Focus 100
Spellweaving 100
Resisting Spells 100 (Which I am given to understand is not helpful in the long term)
I have Mastery II in Magery, Mysticism, and Spellweaving

My equipment is a training LRC suit I purchased from a player vendor and a Scrapper's Compendium I found on the ground in New Haven. My tactics so far have consisted mainly of Rising Colossus and Energy Bolt. I have no interest in PVP. I am given to understand that my next priority should be better equipment and power scrolls. I am not in a guild. I play on Pacific and rarely see other players.

My questions are:
1) What spells am I overlooking? In particular, how can I better make use of Spellweaving?
2) What is a good distribution of Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence for this character?
3) What sort of content (dungeons, etc.) should I expect to be able to complete?

I came to UO from games such as WoW which provide - to put it kindly - a more "curated" progression experience, and while I am enjoying UO, I feel like I am floundering.

Thank you all for your patience!

My Main Character is a Mystic Mage Spellweaver and have a similar template.

- 120 Mysticism
- 100 Focus
- 100 Magery
- 120 Eval Intel
- 120 Spellweaving
- 90 Resist Spells
- 70 Meditation

I use a Crystalline ring in my build which adds +20 Magery and +20 Focus to bring those skills to 120.

Are you on Atlantic? If so, I would be happy to hook you up with a free legendary suit for a caster that I am sure will be a bit better than the LRC training suit.

To answer your questions...

1) Familiarize yourself with the following Spellweaving spells: Arcane Empowerment, Reaper Form, Gift of Life, Gift of Renewal, Wildfire, Word of Death. I use those spells very frequently with almost any encounter. Being in Reaper Form and casting Arcane Empowerment before hitting casting WoD near the end of a boss fight will super charge your damage. Gift of Life is on 100% for me so that when I die I can auto resurrect without needing to wait on anyone. Plenty of other decent spells here too like Essence of Wind, Thunderstorm, Summon Fey - but I only use them in rare circumstances.

2) If this is going to be for PVM, then you really don't need much Dex/Stam. I keep my Dex at 10 and put rest of points in Intelligence and Strength.

3) I can use this character for basically any and all content in the game. It's not particularly strong at spawns, so would always prefer a Sampire for that instead, but I can bring this guy along for a boss fight or to act as support there. If you're in a group / guild, this character can play many roles from damager to healer, or using RCs to help tank tougher mobs.

If you feel you are "floundering" in this game, then you need a good guild and group of players to join up with. In my humble opinion, UO is not meant to be played "solo".. atleast not in long durations.

Good luck and happy to help with any other questions!