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Heard a Rumor I hope isn't true.


Slightly Crazed
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So Amitlu gave me a call saying Angelica passed away? I had her contact info for years, so I was disappointed to find out its not in my phone this morning.

Is there truth to this? :(


Stratics Veteran
Datz wut mez herd frum more den 1 hummie on more den 1 shard n dey r hummiez dat were freinz ub herz between callin n icq. Wood b grate ip id wuzn true but perdy shur id iz ;u( Mez prolly shoodn eben pozt diz cuz mez dunno fur shur furzt hand but mez truztz who id *** frum.


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She's been sick for a very long time, she told the people that she was closest too that she did not have long, and that was months ago that she told them and me. I was hopeful she would beat it again. She had the issue since we started playing, when UO first came out. She did not want everyone to know.

I'm gonna really miss her since we been neighbors and friends in UO since the beginning, 21 years is a long time to play a game with someone and to have that person tell you that that they don't have long, is just nerve wracking. I guess she knew that people would be upset, which is why she made us promise to not tell anyone, and why she made me promise I wouldn't leave UO over it


Slightly Crazed
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She's been sick for a very long time, she told the people that she was closest too that she did not have long, and that was months ago that she told them and me. I was hopeful she would beat it again. She had the issue since we started playing, when UO first came out. She did not want everyone to know.

I'm gonna really miss her since we been neighbors and friends in UO since the beginning, 21 years is a long time to play a game with someone and to have that person tell you that that they don't have long, is just nerve wracking. I guess she knew that people would be upset, which is why she made us promise to not tell anyone, and why she made me promise I wouldn't leave UO over it
Yea I'm not sure how many of she actually told. She helped me thru a lot of tough times, and vice-versa. I'm at a loss for words. I hadn't spoke to her in probably 6-12 months cause life got busy and UO got shelved. :(


Stratics Veteran
The news of Angelica passing away is indeed a loss for all of UO. May God watch over her family now.
This is my first post on Stratics and it is important to all who knew Angelica.
The process for creating a Tram memorial has been started for the Chessy shard.

They have denied to ability to utilize a crafting table and or sewing machine on the site of the memorial stone.

I think it would be great to get suggestions together for items to be locked down at the memorial site, it will be limited and every item must be approved.

Thus far a few items have been placed in for approval as follows:
Headstone similar to Britain Zoo reward, it seems most fitting.
A grey sash draped on the stone to represent the struggle she faced so strongly.

The stone inscription as follows: {limited lines and limited text}
In loving memory of Angelica
You touched our lives for the briefest of moments,
Yet you will stay with us forever.
Chesapeake remembers and will cherish you always,
Watch over us as we play the game you love.

Currently a date is not set for the EM to get with the shard and do run through, let me know if anyone wants to come and help, suggestions are really needed for this to be done right. We are awaiting UO approval of items above.

I am just a friend who wants to help UO remember her devotion to the game and her helping people.
We miss her daily.



Stratics Veteran
Umm ip mez gitz uh cubble tribul berriez ta plaze der? Mez alwayz remember she wuz lewkin fur dem ta do er cookin bodz fur da chriztmuz treez ebery year. Mez wuzn cloze wit er juzt da cazual Aarp az mez rund by az she wuz geddin bodz.


Stratics Veteran
To all :
Currently only a few responses have been received and it UO has returned a message recently.
A wreath idea was proposed with a grey sash, if it can be dyed. Also, the word "Hugs" would be on the sash or ribbon if allowed, it needs approval at the higher level.
They want to limit the placement of items, Zoogi that is a great idea also that we should try.
Wednesday night after the EM event, There will be a test center idea run through with the EM.
Please let anyone know who might be interested or pass along ideas we can share.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far.


Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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To all :
Currently only a few responses have been received and it UO has returned a message recently.
A wreath idea was proposed with a grey sash, if it can be dyed. Also, the word "Hugs" would be on the sash or ribbon if allowed, it needs approval at the higher level.
They want to limit the placement of items, Zoogi that is a great idea also that we should try.
Wednesday night after the EM event, There will be a test center idea run through with the EM.
Please let anyone know who might be interested or pass along ideas we can share.
Thanks to everyone for the suggestions so far.

Logged in today and lasted a whole 20 minutes before tears started pouring down my face. I don't think Ill ever be able to play again without her here. We spoke for hours and hours over a few days and she had so, so, soooo many wonderful stories about everyone, not a single bad thing to say. She just wanted to reminisce and the funny part is her memory from the past 20 years was 100x better then mine because she would say "No Gareth that's not how it went, this is and remember when Nanoc beat you in the Luna Fair Race?".... I coulda sworn I won that LoL BUT she would nail every last thing down to the tiniest detail.

She never judged anyone and she truly accepted all play styles, which allowed her to maintain relationships and friendships with players who had completely different game play styles. From PKs like Ed McManus & Army to Roleplayers like Winfield and Phoenix (names are for range examples) and Merchants like Cotton Eye Job and Purple Turtle. She could work with and support townships like Dragons Watch and Kijustsu Anei even when we were at each others necks. She also had lots of love for the Goblins such as Ozog and Savages like Niva and I know first hand how much she admired and wished she could immerse herself like that in a RP character.

Many, many players were taught by her how to make gold when they were first starting out, she also showed them the profit there was to be had from mining (and she paid the same price for the ingots as she sold them for on her vendors) she never tried to profit or take advantage of any player and I'm not sure How She Did It but she would spend hours and hours a day with a single player answering any question or showing them exactly how to do something.

There is so so much more that I want to say about Angelica but simple words seem inadequate to describe the person she is and the affect she had and still has on the game as a whole....and I'm actually really really Pi.....Off about them wanting to limit items. What do I have to pay to get what she deserves in game? Seriously they can name their price $100? $200? $300? because ill pay it for Angelica is worth it.

But my suggestion is a character statue with her holding a pickaxe facing South-East), those colorful things you get from poppies spread around with zoogie, a Whispering Rose sitting on pedestal part of the statue (Yall have no idea how much she loved whispering roses, she about fell over when I have her the Angelica one for her Luna house) Small Vet Brazier with a Flame on the tile S-E from the statue so she is looking at it....flamed etched with "Lighting the way for players since day 1" or something like that

I found out from her son that she before she passed on the morning Sunday, April 23rd. Her son left me a message

"My mom passed away this morning. I would like to say thank you so much for being such a great friend to my mom"


Stratics Veteran
Umm mez herd on Sat July 20th ad 3 est der will b uh Memoriyul serbiz in Luna fur Angelica ip anywun carez ta join in. Datz tamarow!!


Lore Master
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Screen shot, portion of memorial service for Lady Angelica.
EM Artemis also posted on chesapeake.uoem.net.

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I don't play Chesapeake shard, and I do post nor do I sign in to Stratics, but I had to for this one. I cried for all the wonderful things said about Angelica. She sounds like a truly wonderful caring person. I'm glad that she has touched each and everyone, and do hope that UO does give her the tribute she so deserves.


Stratics Veteran
Logged in today and lasted a whole 20 minutes before tears started pouring down my face. I don't think Ill ever be able to play again without her here. We spoke for hours and hours over a few days and she had so, so, soooo many wonderful stories about everyone, not a single bad thing to say. She just wanted to reminisce and the funny part is her memory from the past 20 years was 100x better then mine because she would say "No Gareth that's not how it went, this is and remember when Nanoc beat you in the Luna Fair Race?".... I coulda sworn I won that LoL BUT she would nail every last thing down to the tiniest detail.

She never judged anyone and she truly accepted all play styles, which allowed her to maintain relationships and friendships with players who had completely different game play styles. From PKs like Ed McManus & Army to Roleplayers like Winfield and Phoenix (names are for range examples) and Merchants like Cotton Eye Job and Purple Turtle. She could work with and support townships like Dragons Watch and Kijustsu Anei even when we were at each others necks. She also had lots of love for the Goblins such as Ozog and Savages like Niva and I know first hand how much she admired and wished she could immerse herself like that in a RP character.

Many, many players were taught by her how to make gold when they were first starting out, she also showed them the profit there was to be had from mining (and she paid the same price for the ingots as she sold them for on her vendors) she never tried to profit or take advantage of any player and I'm not sure How She Did It but she would spend hours and hours a day with a single player answering any question or showing them exactly how to do something.

There is so so much more that I want to say about Angelica but simple words seem inadequate to describe the person she is and the affect she had and still has on the game as a whole....and I'm actually really really Pi.....Off about them wanting to limit items. What do I have to pay to get what she deserves in game? Seriously they can name their price $100? $200? $300? because ill pay it for Angelica is worth it.

But my suggestion is a character statue with her holding a pickaxe facing South-East), those colorful things you get from poppies spread around with zoogie, a Whispering Rose sitting on pedestal part of the statue (Yall have no idea how much she loved whispering roses, she about fell over when I have her the Angelica one for her Luna house) Small Vet Brazier with a Flame on the tile S-E from the statue so she is looking at it....flamed etched with "Lighting the way for players since day 1" or something like that

I found out from her son that she before she passed on the morning Sunday, April 23rd. Her son left me a message

"My mom passed away this morning. I would like to say thank you so much for being such a great friend to my mom"
To all:
Thanks to Everyone for there support and help to have the memorial placed near her Bod home in Moria.
Although doing a lot more would have been nice, it was difficult to get approval for just about anything but I totally understand the UO side, even though I may disagree.
It was touching to see the people at the Memorial. to Phoenix from Dragons Watch who had some very moving words about Angelica, capturing Gareth's comments above nicely, we will be forever grateful.
The gate to her Memorial site is located in Luna near her home, I encourage everyone who could not attend to pay there respects when they get a chance.
I want to thank the EM, Zoogi and Sweetz for there help get items, it could not have been accomplished with out them. Hopefully we can change the flower out and place a banner if approved.
Everyone can see the picture as we said farewell with a trademark Angelica used, it was fitting. It is posted on the forums if interested.
She will be missed by so many and remembered by more.
May God Bless her family and friends, be safe.



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Seeing da empty plot wuz so sad. :(

Glad to see her little bear creature tingy - meez lubed dat little guy!


Stratics Veteran
Maybe it's little of me but I refuse to buy anything from any vendors placed in the new houses in that spot.


Life has pulled me away from UO a few times. I started playing a while after the game released. I first met her at her Felucca house. There was always a kind and gentle quality about her, but also something indescribable that touched my heart in a way I will not forget. College and early career took me away from the game. I returned only to find her Felucca house was gone, but was able to reconnect after finding out she had a house in Luna. It was as though no time had passed. She wanted to know about my life, what I was doing, and it felt like I was home. I was pleased to hear that she was feeling better, despite some bad days. Unfortunately, life took me away again - kids, work, and I didn't get to say goodbye - but I never forgot. I am absolutely gutted to discover she has passed away. Is there a location for a permanent memorial statue? Is there any way I can connect with others who knew her beyond Stratics?


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Hail Eternal Desolation. It was a very sad time when we found out about her passing. There are few people still playing that were very close to her. If you should get ingame just shout out in Global Chat. I am very sure someone can help you with any connections.
Lady Angelica's Memorial is on the Felucca Facet.
Lady Angelica's Memorial 1.png


Thank you, Nanoc. I will make a trip there this evening. I knew she was in a constant battle very soon after we met, and I believe it was a very beautiful thing that she was able to overcome her physical limitations and share her light unimpeded in UO. Her memorial puts it perfectly - even if it was only briefly, there as an indelible mark made. I would like to connect with those who knew her in-game. I'm usually around Luna. I just don't know what to do in game now. My day would always start with a conversation with her as I'm sure it did so many. Now, I am quite lost.


Crazed Zealot
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I have not played Chessy for a long time but many years ago when I was a regular there I purchased a pvp account that happened to have a house on a particular island that I believe she ended up claiming as her own. If it is indeed the same Angelica, she was super cool and I was more than happy to swap her the house!
We kept in touch for awhile after but I lost track after I moved to Atlantic.
Terrible news indeed.