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Cow mode!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Not a fan of vicious bite
Totally agree, 280 odd damage (as i later discovered) over 3 minutes is very underwhelming, it was a toss up between that and aura of nausea. The mana cost put me off aura but, in retrospect it would probably only use it as an opener and would rarely reach 100 mana again during battle to use it frequently.

Time to bond another farmyard animal I guess.


Crazed Zealot
It would also be interesting to tame and train an ant, if they were trainable..I would like to see an ant killing a GD searing Goo and all!


Lore Master
Thinking about training up a Gaman. They start with better stats/resists than a bull. Still max 4 slot though. I had a 4 slot hell hound once, it had AI and Necro. Also had one of those tiny hell cats with ai/necro. I wish more of these little pets could get up to 5 slots.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Wondering if I could add real ninjitsu or bushido to a Gaman, they are Tokono pets after all.
Haha!! This is exactly the thought I had when I trained up my Giant Rat, got it in the Tokuno Swamp was sooooo hoping I could make a ninja rat or the like. Didn't work out though /sadface.


Lore Master
I doubt gamans can get ninja/bush magics, likely just the physical magics which are pretty terrible. With most of the animals that can't get to 5 slot, usually you can only do poison/AI. Hell hounds and hell cats, including the tiny hell cat, can get necromancy for 1 point though.
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Stratics Veteran
If you guys are looking for a fun pet to give Bushido or Ninjitsu (and don't care about it going to 5-slots), the Lava Lizard may be up your alley. Just make sure to tame one from the Isamu-Jima area.