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General Poison Question


Lore Master
Does a pet having the poisoning skill decrease the chance or length of time the pet can be poisoned? Does it have any effect on that at all?

Reason I'm asking is I tamed a suaro and have no intention of adding poison to him, unless it decreases the chance of him getting poisoned.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The skill poisoning has the effect of making the user resist poison, one level for every 20 points. If your pet has GM poisoning he is 100% resistant to poison!

However, in all likelihood, the pet would still be damaged by creatures with poison as all or part of their damage type.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Poisoning – Ultima Online
And from uoguide

Along with the ability to poison weapons and food, higher levels of this skill improve the effectiveness of the Poison and Poison Field spells. Poisoning skill also grants a natural poison resistance which is 20% of the player's poisoning skill.

So that would be 5% chance not to get poisoned at gm...

I dont think so. I still get poisoned with gm poisoning, and so do my pets.
Last edited:


Lore Master
OK, I know some pets are poison immune: unicorn, naja, dimetrosaur, rune beetle, probably a few others. I guess that's just something special they spawn with though.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Poisoning skill on your pet does give it some degree of Poison status resistance now. My Fire Beetle never used to shake off Poison, i had to cure it or let it run it's course. Since i put Poisoning on him though, and he has GM Poison now, he'll frequently shake off lower level Poisons when they try to tick, without me having to cure him. Higher level poisons though, i still have to cure those manually.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Poisoning – Ultima Online
And from uoguide

Along with the ability to poison weapons and food, higher levels of this skill improve the effectiveness of the Poison and Poison Field spells. Poisoning skill also grants a natural poison resistance which is 20% of the player's poisoning skill.

So that would be 5% chance not to get poisoned at gm...

I dont think so. I still get poisoned with gm poisoning, and so do my pets.

I have read that too..... but my experience spawning speaks differently. My necro/SW/tamers floats along through spawns withering and curing myself and healing myself...I probably cast wither 4 times for every time I cure myself ( you know how often a necro withers at a spawn)..... I am no where near my beetle typically. At 70 poison resist I have to cure almost constantly on some spawns even. My fire beetle never dies and never even gets a bandage until baracoon/champ pops. At that point I have to summon him via pet ball.... I slap 2 bandages on and send him toward the boss. His resists are 80/80/80/45/80.

Explain to me why my beetle never seems to be bothered by poison when I am a player get killed at least once every 3-4 spawns from poison?

I dont have the answer....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I have read that too..... but my experience spawning speaks differently. My necro/SW/tamers floats along through spawns withering and curing myself and healing myself...I probably cast wither 4 times for every time I cure myself ( you know how often a necro withers at a spawn)..... I am no where near my beetle typically. At 70 poison resist I have to cure almost constantly on some spawns even. My fire beetle never dies and never even gets a bandage until baracoon/champ pops. At that point I have to summon him via pet ball.... I slap 2 bandages on and send him toward the boss. His resists are 80/80/80/45/80.

Explain to me why my beetle never seems to be bothered by poison when I am a player get killed at least once every 3-4 spawns from poison?

I dont have the answer....

You dont have 600+ hp?

Magic resist at 120 helps with mages against poison, makes you almost immune.
The gm poison doesnt stop you from being poisoned tho, but it will reduce the length of time from being poisoned just like orange petals will.

Take a 120 mage with gm poison and cast poison on your pet.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Take a 120 mage with gm poison and cast poison on your pet.
That is how I got him from 103 healing to 120 healing in around 4 hrs....well that and doing whisper exactly every 30 mins.
As I said sir.... I cant explain it, my results just seem to differ..... maybe I am the luckiest SOB in the world. And the RNG just loves me


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Explain to me why my beetle never seems to be bothered by poison when I am a player get killed at least once every 3-4 spawns from poison?
Does the Fire Beetle have the Poisoning skill? If so, he gains a certain degree of resistance to the Poison status (not the element), which works similarly to an Orange Petal. It works up to Greater Poison, but won't shake off DP or Lethal. At a Barracoon spawn, the Fire Beetle with GM Poisoning skill can consistently shrug off the Poison spell (Lvl 1 Lesser Poison) from Ratman Mages, but he can't shrug off the Silver Serpent's poison (Lvl 5 Lethal).

Magic resist at 120 helps with mages against poison, makes you almost immune.
Not exactly how it works. The chance for Poison to land is based on the caster's Magery vs the victim's Resist. At 120 Magery on the caster, and 120 Resist on the victim, the chance is 50% to land the Poison, 50% chance for it to be full resisted.
Having 50.0+ more Resist than the caster has Magery (for Poison) or Eval/SS (for debuffs like Weaken, Curse, Mind Rot, Corpse Skin, etc) makes the target have 100% chance to full resist the cast (the spell just fizzes on such a high Resist target). Why Najasaurus/Tritons with 170+ Resist are basically immune to debuff spells, since very few creatures have high enough Eval/SS to affect them.


I also think the check to resist the poison status is done with every tic, not just the onset. My nox mage only has 80 poisoning, and it seems some take longer to resist than others, even from the same monster.