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Chiv vs Magery Mastery damage sans AI


Lore Master
Will chiv still out damage magery mastery on a pet that cannot get armor ignore, such as a greater dragon? This is of course assuming same skill level.


Stratics Veteran
Will chiv still out damage magery mastery on a pet that cannot get armor ignore, such as a greater dragon? This is of course assuming same skill level.
Yes, assuming you level Chiv to 120 -- Chiv is just that good (also I find Magery Mastery kind of lacking).

Me and @Khaelor tried Magery Mastery pets for Plunderbeacons to supplement our ranged damage, and found they didn't do a whole lot. At one points the pet would aggro an Orc, then sit there and cast Magic Reflection on itself for 30 second, then fire a few magic arrows. For fun, I even let my MM Phoenix "solo" an Orcish Crew to see how long it would take... let's just say it was a long time (part of the issue is pet AI really isn't that smart, it kept trying to switch targets to other things out of range that were attacking it, so I had to keep telling it to attack the one thing I actually wanted it to attack).

We've been using pirates to level pets as we boat around looking for beacons, and a Chiv Cu (no AI yet) that I was leveling would have a Pirate to around 30% health by the time it got its 25% level. I don't know how long it took my MM Phoenix to kill a Pirate, but it was a lot longer. The one nice thing about MM is they will teleport over to pirate ships and start fighting while you are still scuttling the boat, but that's about it.

I think MM in general needs an overhaul -- get rid of the self buffs if they can't make them use them more intelligently, add way more offensive spells, maybe even give innate spell damage increase with the master magery spec. The AI changes a lot with MM vs Magery, and the pet will not heal or cure itself nearly as much, but I don't feel you get enough offense to make up for it either. Part of the issue is the same issue all pets have -- mana usage. Once the pet uses its mana tank, it doesn't regen nearly fast enough to keep unloading spells to keep up the damage. This is why Chiv is so good, the DPS comes from buffs with a timer and not single target damage spells.


Lore Master
Yes, assuming you level Chiv to 120 -- Chiv is just that good (also I find Magery Mastery kind of lacking).

Me and @Khaelor tried Magery Mastery pets for Plunderbeacons to supplement our ranged damage, and found they didn't do a whole lot. At one points the pet would aggro an Orc, then sit there and cast Magic Reflection on itself for 30 second, then fire a few magic arrows. For fun, I even let my MM Phoenix "solo" an Orcish Crew to see how long it would take... let's just say it was a long time (part of the issue is pet AI really isn't that smart, it kept trying to switch targets to other things out of range that were attacking it, so I had to keep telling it to attack the one thing I actually wanted it to attack).

We've been using pirates to level pets as we boat around looking for beacons, and a Chiv Cu (no AI yet) that I was leveling would have a Pirate to around 30% health by the time it got its 25% level. I don't know how long it took my MM Phoenix to kill a Pirate, but it was a lot longer. The one nice thing about MM is they will teleport over to pirate ships and start fighting while you are still scuttling the boat, but that's about it.

I think MM in general needs an overhaul -- get rid of the self buffs if they can't make them use them more intelligently, add way more offensive spells, maybe even give innate spell damage increase with the master magery spec. The AI changes a lot with MM vs Magery, and the pet will not heal or cure itself nearly as much, but I don't feel you get enough offense to make up for it either. Part of the issue is the same issue all pets have -- mana usage. Once the pet uses its mana tank, it doesn't regen nearly fast enough to keep unloading spells to keep up the damage. This is why Chiv is so good, the DPS comes from buffs with a timer and not single target damage spells.
I don't have high seas, so let me ask you this follow up question; if a pet with MM teleports to a ship and kills all the mobs, does that ship keep firing on your ship? Or does it stop shooting once all the mobs are dead?


I Hate Skilling
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Main question answered above.

Get updated to High Seas! @SouthPaw

What can a mage pet be used for?
We had some pet users sail with us. First one was a mage and had 2 Vollems no mastery. The vollems kill the ocean creatures just fine. They fired on the beacons and the player used magery. They got crates. Then we had another mage bring a bane. The bane killed sea creatures fast. It was shooting at the beacon and they got crates. Also kept killing the Dread Pirate. We wanted to capture him instead.

I took a Cu for a while the first day. It and the vollems kill the Pirate while we looted. After a couple, I went to get my Trained Beetle and have it it since.

I thought of making a skree and just putting resists on. The 2 area magics would kill sea creatures and do some beacon damage.

Another player uses a GD. So you could take it along and it would attack things and kill some and damage the beacon.

I have my Archer/Bard and main tamer on the ship. Just use pet for Dread Pirate and loot hauling.

As for the Orc ships or Gargoyle. People use different methods with the crew. Some blast the ship until it is scuttled and leave the crew for last. We kill the crew with arrows and spells while blasting so only the thing left is a Dread Pirate or empty ship.

Cannons kill the Beacon, Players with a distance damage kill sea creatures and crew and can damage beacon.
Pets tag along to carry stuff and help kill what they can.

One poster says he just uses a sampire and cannons.

Join us! It is a lot of fun!

Just an observation. Sea creatures love to attack 1 slot Giant Beetles.


Stratics Veteran
I don't have high seas, so let me ask you this follow up question; if a pet with MM teleports to a ship and kills all the mobs, does that ship keep firing on your ship? Or does it stop shooting once all the mobs are dead?
It will stop shooting once all the mobs are dead, but Dread Pirates have very high HPR and health, so its not realistic for a MM pet to kill a Dread Pirate before you are able to scuttle the ship with Cannons. For Orc (non-dread pirate) ships, tokuno merchants, and gargoyle merchant ships, once the crew is dead the ship will stop moving and firing back at you.


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Stratics Legend
The 2 area magics
what area magics are those?
I don't remember my skree using any area magics back in the days when he was a mystic-mage, and now that he's magery mastery he still doesn't.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
When you chose magery mastery you got rid of Mysticism.

If nothing is added.
They will stand on the ship and do Magery and Mystic area spells at sea monsters.
They need to increase the skills.
I doubt they would kill orcs but your toon should be doing that.

Tame and train a new one.
Set resists and build a stationary pet for your ship. Give it some more HP and lots of mana and MR. See if it works. No need to add scrolls till you like it.
You can recall and change pets for melee fighting.

The Doctor

Seasoned Veteran
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Trained a Serpentine Dragon with Mystic Goo build for my high seas adventures. WIth the high Int and starting mana he never runs out of mana and defends this Ships Captain well. Skipped all the high melee boost and focused on regin and casting build. NO need for high str, SR etc when he never leaves the boat. Who's a good boy, Who's a good boy.......Serpy is that's right....rubs chin.


Lore Master
Trained a Serpentine Dragon with Mystic Goo build for my high seas adventures. WIth the high Int and starting mana he never runs out of mana and defends this Ships Captain well. Skipped all the high melee boost and focused on regin and casting build. NO need for high str, SR etc when he never leaves the boat. Who's a good boy, Who's a good boy.......Serpy is that's right....rubs chin.
Finally a good use for the serpentine dragon.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If there are only two of them, please list them.
I said area spells from 2 magics. Each magic has many. I wont try to list them because I would probably list one that is not used. Look up Magery and Mysticism. They use the good ones. They wont make a RC or EV tho.
They do enough damage to kill Sea Creatures. They should be able to kill the Gargoyles on Commerce ships.

Tabby Kapak

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I think MM in general needs an overhaul -- get rid of the self buffs if they can't make them use them more intelligently
We find it weird how the AI is stupid in things like the buffs for Magery Mastery, yet for Bushido pets it does seem smart enough to time the Honorable Executions to perfection? While training our Lesser Hiryu in the Yomotsu Mines he regularly would kill them with H.E., and we never saw him misstime it. Like we sometimes do on our Bushido characters heh. (Bye resists!)


I believe I've read about mystic pets using hailstorm and nether cyclone, right? I've never noticed an innate mage pet use the 7th circle aoe spells.

That's saying very little, though, as I dont play a tamer often. when I do it's a stealth tamer, and I'm more focused on sneaking around than watching what my pet casts. Those 2 do have very noticeable graphics, though.


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I use my tamer when I do dread pirates I usually shoot the ship till scuttled then kill the crew. I originally used my dragonwolf which was a bad idea he has wrestling mastery which comes with disarm so he disarmed the dread pirate and then was getting womped on pretty good those dread pirates actually hurt pretty bad without a bow. Then I tried my phoenix who is MM/inferno/goo He killed the crew while I scuttled the ship and was working on the dread while I looted but it took him a long time to kill the dread with low mana and the dread had high fire resist. I switched to my triceratops which is trained to 5 with healing but I didn't change his starting skill set. He did pretty decent and it looks funny seeing a busted up orc ship with a triceratops sitting on it. I'm sure the chiv/ai cu would be better but I get tired of everyone using the exact same thing so I try to mix it up. I will have to give my battle defense ram and my poison breath poison drake a go and see how that turns out.

On a side note with the merchant and gargoyle npc ships u don't have to kill the crew u can scuttle the ship and loot it without any karma loss :).


Stratics Veteran
I believe I've read about mystic pets using hailstorm and nether cyclone, right? I've never noticed an innate mage pet use the 7th circle aoe spells.

That's saying very little, though, as I dont play a tamer often. when I do it's a stealth tamer, and I'm more focused on sneaking around than watching what my pet casts. Those 2 do have very noticeable graphics, though.
Yes, Mysticism Pets use hailstorm and cyclone. Magery pets do NOT cast AOE spells.


Yes, Mysticism Pets use hailstorm and cyclone. Magery pets do NOT cast AOE spells.
As an addendum, then: do spell weaving pets cast essence of wind, to any appreciable effect? I imagine the damage is limited without SW pets being able to benefit from focus bonuses. I believe I've read necro pets are good about using wither, does the necromage magical affect this?

Khaelor, you and your homey are my resource of choice for stratics searches involving tamer-ing. There are a good number of people who post in the taming forums with loads of useful information, but I like being able to take what you guys have tested and shared as fact at face value. Both of you being generous with the information you've gathered without coming across as elitist or pretentious. Thanks to you guys for that!


Seasoned Veteran
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I put sw on a reptalon he is currently like 106ish I think, I don't believe I've seen him cast essence of wind (I could be wrong tho) he does cast thunderstorm, wildfire and word of death which usually drop a decent hit I've seen him hit 380ish before.


Always Present
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I put sw on a reptalon he is currently like 106ish I think, I don't believe I've seen him cast essence of wind (I could be wrong tho) he does cast thunderstorm, wildfire and word of death which usually drop a decent hit I've seen him hit 380ish before.
Question on pets using Spellweaving and Word of Death....

To my knowledge, Word of Death does nothing UNLESS cast when the target's health is low enough to actually trigger the "word of death"....

Do Spellweavers' Pets cast Word of Death when the time is right or do they cast it (consuming mana all for nothing) BEFORE the target's health is low enough for this particular spell to actually work ?


Lol that's dumb, and almost certainly correct. If bushi pets can pop off a perfectly timed honorable execution, surely the same AI could be applied to SW pets dropping a WoD. Cool to see some big hits do occur, though, when the timing is right.

How about attunement? That might be pretty handy. Essence of wind would be a pretty awesome debuff for a pet, too bad they dont use it!


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Since WoD does some damage maybe the devs didn't consider the timing? But there would be more spell weaving pets out of the stable if there were more spells used and better AI.


Stratics Veteran
Spellweaving Pets use every damaging ability in the spellbook except for summons. They also don't use forms, charms, and some utility spells (this holds true for most magic schools).

The WoD check only checks for sufficient mana before tossing the spell into the rotation as a possible choice. They could most likely add a check for Health < .30 before firing WoD off, but maybe they felt these pets would be too powerful if they precisely timed WoD every time, or maybe it was an oversight, I don't know.

WoD itself does do damage if the target is outside of the health threshold, it does a small amount of Chaos damage.

We are currently working on testing and verifying the spells pets will use with each given magical ability, here is spellweaving: [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)]https://www.uo-cah.com/magic-abilities/spellweaving[/bcolor]


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you keep the info flowing. I'm on the ship and the drinks are flowing.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thank you Khyro. I haven't had a chance to look at you web site lately, so apologies if this info is already there but do you have one for magery mastery yet?


Stratics Veteran
Thank you Khyro. I haven't had a chance to look at you web site lately, so apologies if this info is already there but do you have one for magery mastery yet?
Not yet. Magery, Magery Mastery, Necromancy, and Necromage are next on the list, so you can probably expect those to be posted in the next few days.


Seasoned Veteran
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Spellweaving Pets use every damaging ability in the spellbook except for summons. They also don't use forms, charms, and some utility spells (this holds true for most magic schools).

The WoD check only checks for sufficient mana before tossing the spell into the rotation as a possible choice. They could most likely add a check for Health < .30 before firing WoD off, but maybe they felt these pets would be too powerful if they precisely timed WoD every time, or maybe it was an oversight, I don't know.

WoD itself does do damage if the target is outside of the health threshold, it does a small amount of Chaos damage.

We are currently working on testing and verifying the spells pets will use with each given magical ability, here is spellweaving: [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)]https://www.uo-cah.com/magic-abilities/spellweaving[/bcolor]

Playing in the enhanced client prolly helps with spotting the different spell animation. I usually play in classic so my reptalon prolly casts them and I just don't see it.


Stratics Veteran
Playing in the enhanced client prolly helps with spotting the different spell animation. I usually play in classic so my reptalon prolly casts them and I just don't see it.
Yes, we originally started doing the images in CC when did the Chivalry article, but a lot of the spell effects in CC are just some type of sparkle animation and very similar. The animations are much more distinct in EC, so it made it easier to see what was going on. We will probably go through the articles at some point and add images of the effect in CC as well.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes, we originally started doing the images in CC when did the Chivalry article, but a lot of the spell effects in CC are just some type of sparkle animation and very similar. The animations are much more distinct in EC, so it made it easier to see what was going on. We will probably go through the articles at some point and add images of the effect in CC as well.
lol good luck on figuring out which pixels are which spells :)


Babbling Loonie
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Yes, Mysticism Pets use hailstorm and cyclone. Magery pets do NOT cast AOE spells.
WWs used to cast Mass Curse back in the day. Caused a lot of trouble, because you'd be 1 tile behind the WW vetting him, he'd cast Mass Curse on the opponent 1 tile in front of him, the Mass Curse would also hit you, and your own WW would turn around and chomp you to death. They then took away their ability to cast Mass Curse. They FINALLY fixed the flagging issue with pets casting AoE only recently, like within the past year or so.


Stratics Veteran
WWs used to cast Mass Curse back in the day. Caused a lot of trouble, because you'd be 1 tile behind the WW vetting him, he'd cast Mass Curse on the opponent 1 tile in front of him, the Mass Curse would also hit you, and your own WW would turn around and chomp you to death. They then took away their ability to cast Mass Curse. They FINALLY fixed the flagging issue with pets casting AoE only recently, like within the past year or so.
Yes, I remember that happening to players back in the day. I tended to fight more with my nightmares than I did my white wyrms though.


Tamers should have a status bar that shows buffs/debuffs for their pets like players have. Obv the data is there on the client-side when the pet is under some effect. Maybe the dev's could add it as some sort of animal lore perk.

Something like this may already exist, but if not it would be a cool consideration for custom UI in the EC.


Lore Master
I remember people getting guard whacked in town all the time because of their WW would cast something. They were pretty temperamental back in the day.