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Problems with whisper...

Mandrake of DF

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I got a toon and a pet, that only gain 0.1 each time - even with whisper on... I used to gain several points in the whisper time...

Just moved the pet to another tamer to see if that solve the problem, training chiv on it - is base at 111,8 now, discoed down to 80,5...

Anyone had problems like this before? I checked skill before i cast whisper, and after...and many times it only gained 0.1 each time i check.

Edit: Maybe whisper timer is stuck, or something stuck on pet?

Mandrake of DF

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Changes made effect, now gained 0.9 in first whisper after that... that is more like normal....

Not sure yet if it's the tamer or the pet that got stuck. Have to test that tamer out on other pet.

Mandrake of DF

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What maybe I think, is I stuck the pet's timer... having it discoed, training in shame on blood ellies - swapping it between tamers with lvl 3 taming, and constantly have whisper up.

I now let it be out of war, timed out, not discoed, transfered to new fresh tamer on her owner list, - and it suddenly gain the whisper bonus.


Seasoned Veteran
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Whispers are not guaranteed gains. The tool tip even says as much. Whispering is based on your taming skill, lore skill and mastery level.
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Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
Whispers are not guaranteed gains. The tool tip even says as much. It’s an increased chance to gain up to 95% and that is based on your taming skill, lore skill and mastery level.

Really go back and read that again???? Because that isnt how I read that whisper gump. What it says it there is a 95% likelihood that any gain received will be a multiple gain. It makes NO claim about how often you will gain!
But if you get a gain, there is a 95% chance it wont be a .1


I Hate Skilling
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I thought it was like power hour for toons or like the new EJ token or Scroll of alacrity. Your pet can gain skills at a 95% faster rate? in my case. More skill gains per 10 min. if the pet hits conditions to gain. But some skills do not gain fast because they are high enough to require a specific condition. Like @PlayerSkillFTW said in a recent post about skill gains. Works great to gain wrestling on a Elemental or resist on a spellbinder.


Babbling Loonie
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Whispering and SoAs do not increase the chance to gain, they increase the potency of any gains that do occur. Any gain that does occur, has a 95% chance to be between 0.2-0.5, instead of the usual 0.1 gain. SoAs have 100% chance for a 0.2-0.5 gain when a gain does occur.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Whispering and SoAs do not increase the chance to gain, they increase the potency of any gains that do occur. Any gain that does occur, has a 95% chance to be between 0.2-0.5, instead of the usual 0.1 gain. SoAs have 100% chance for a 0.2-0.5 gain when a gain does occur.
Cool that's way better!


Ding Ding Ding @TimberWolf is the winner!

I still Hate Skilling.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
The OP made it sound like there was an issue with whispering, when it works as intended. I’ve seen plenty of whispers with zero gains, so I know the letdown of that, thinking “did I waste a whisper?” However, I just accept it and move on. My reptalon has be most frustrating for me of late, gaining .4 chivalry in about 7 hours of training, not in one sitting but you get the idea. In case anyone was wondering, my reptalon is currently 110.6 chivalry.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
BTW, I just logged in to check the tool tip I was referring to.

I also reread what Timberwolf said, then reread what I posted and no where in my post did I say anything about how often the gains were. In other words I DID NOT make any claim to how often your pet will gain. So thank you sir for putting words into my mouth I never said. Pet gains are never promised nor guaranteed, so no "power hour" for skill gains.


Babbling Loonie
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BTW, I just logged in to check the tool tip I was referring to.
View attachment 96619

I also reread what Timberwolf said, then reread what I posted and no where in my post did I say anything about how often the gains were. In other words I DID NOT make any claim to how often your pet will gain. So thank you sir for putting words into my mouth I never said. Pet gains are never promised nor guaranteed, so no "power hour" for skill gains.
What you said was incorrect because it DOES NOT increase your chance to gain by 95%. Whispering DOES NOT have anything to do with how often you gain..... EVER. All whisper does is IF you get a gain there is a 95% that it wont be a .01!

It’s an increased chance to gain up to 95% ......
This is where you went wrong... Whisper does NOT EVER give you an increased chance to gain.

But this conversation is resolved.....there is nothing wrong with Whisper

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
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The OP made it sound like there was an issue with whispering, when it works as intended. I’ve seen plenty of whispers with zero gains, so I know the letdown of that, thinking “did I waste a whisper?” However, I just accept it and move on. My reptalon has be most frustrating for me of late, gaining .4 chivalry in about 7 hours of training, not in one sitting but you get the idea. In case anyone was wondering, my reptalon is currently 110.6 chivalry.
I said I had a issue on one pet, that something was maybe stuck. And as you read, it solved when i transfered that pet to another toon. I was just wondering if anyone else had run into this.


Seasoned Veteran
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I’m glad you found a solution Mandrake. Personally I’ve not seen the issue you posted on.

I’ll fix my post above to remove the error, when I posted that I was going off of memory, and I’m not as young as I’d to think I am. If I caused any confusion for anyone I apologize.

If Timberwolf would’ve said something about the use of “chance” when he dressed me down, I would’ve ok with that. But that’s what happened because I did say at the beginning “whispers are not guaranteed gains”.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I’m glad you found a solution Mandrake. Personally I’ve not seen the issue you posted on.

I’ll fix my post above to remove the error, when I posted that I was going off of memory, and I’m not as young as I’d to think I am. If I caused any confusion for anyone I apologize.

If Timberwolf would’ve said something about the use of “chance” when he dressed me down, I would’ve ok with that. But that’s what happened because I did say at the beginning “whispers are not guaranteed gains”.
I'm sorry I seemed to have hurt your feelings, please forgive me.


I Hate Skilling
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Play nice while I'm on a mini vacation.

*mumbles* Damn NOOB.