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Magery Mastery pet not teleporting to...


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My magery mastery skree is not consistently teleporting to plunderbeacon.
Why is this?
I've seen someone else's magery mastery nightmare do the teleport.


Lore Master
Pets rarely do what you think they should do. I have a unicorn with magery mastery, it teleports once in awhile, but not consistently.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My magery mastery skree is not consistently teleporting to plunderbeacon.
Why is this?
I've seen someone else's magery mastery nightmare do the teleport.
Have you seen a pet or toon teleport to a plunder beacon before? Go next to some mobs on land. It will tele off the ship very quickly. Especially if you are skilling resist on Spectral Spellbinders.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
My magery mastery skree is not consistently teleporting to plunderbeacon.
Why is this?
I've seen someone else's magery mastery nightmare do the teleport.
Interesting, in all the plunder beacons I have done my pets have never teleported to them, they will teleport to everything else, boats etc. I thought plunder beacons were teleport no-gos, happy to be proved wrong of course.