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How would you train this PP WW??


Stratics Veteran
Ok guys, my babies are about to get bound and i will start to train my legacy WW. I wanna make a classic chiv/ai build but im unsure on the final distribution of HPs and mana pool. Where will i get the most benefits in your opinion? How would you train it? Thank you in advance for any help :)
Forgot to put the build that i have in mind... ;)



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It should go to 125. After a few fights it will go up. But there's nothing you can do about it.


Lore Master
Hmmmm im pretty sure i heard him cast few spells tho....like greater heal and very rarely flame strike
If he's casting magery spells then you didn't put Chiv on him. Can you post his lore screen? What's his chivalry skill at? They usually start with 40 skill.

Also, I hope you put armor ignore on him first.
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Stratics Veteran
I would probably raise stam regen to 10. One of the things people use White Wyrms for is Belfry, and that has one of the highest base damage spread mobs in game. So your white wyrm will lose stamina when it fights it.

Chiv casts spells too. Chiv has some spells that are familar looking to magery spells, like flamestrike, but they are cast on the pet, its the cleanses and heals from Chivalry.

Also Pawain knows jack about white wyrms.


Stratics Veteran
Don't worry guys i put Chiv and AI so its all fine :) Unfortunately i allocated all the points leaving what i need to scroll it to 120 so can't change the build anymore :( Hope it won't be considered a gimped WW @Khaelor


Lore Master
So it has 5 stamina regen? That's not gimped at all. Even if you do go to Belfry, most likely you'll be in a group and a bunch of people will have their pets up there, yours may not be the one tanking. Most of the time I've been at Belfry people have their 5 slot greater/frost dragons up there with 0 stamina regen. The boss still dies.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I would probably raise stam regen to 10. One of the things people use White Wyrms for is Belfry, and that has one of the highest base damage spread mobs in game. So your white wyrm will lose stamina when it fights it.

Chiv casts spells too. Chiv has some spells that are familar looking to magery spells, like flamestrike, but they are cast on the pet, its the cleanses and heals from Chivalry.

Also Pawain knows jack about white wyrms.

Explain what was wrong with me saying his build is good? So you now mandate 10 stam regen on pets? Or just lame flappy pets because they lose stamina more than other pets? Shouldn't you let others know that the 5 Stamina regen that many use is insufficient? 0 in the case of Atlantic pets.

And you tell me not to tell people what exact thing to put on pets. Hypocrite much?
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Crazed Zealot
Love you guys both because you are both two phenomenal people, that always contribute massive amounts of devotion to UO and taming In your own ways. Debates are ok, differences in opinion are ok, and both of . you keeping up the work is awesome! You both are part of UO history! Thank you both! My respects are to you more than anyone else in the game.:)