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[Selling] Selling 18x18 Zento House 1gp Alt

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Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Selling Alt 18x18 Zento House

Starting Bid 1gp
No buy out set
The house in front is for sale for around 1plat I think? Maybe some one can confirm?

The 2 houses on the water in front I can confirm are for sale for 2plat.

Auctions End afters there's been no bids for 24 hours. After that, Tag me If there then been no bids for Additional 12 hours I will sell. Why the 12 hours extension? If the price is only 50mil I will get in gen chat and spam it, while I clean out the house and take more bids. If at the end of the 24 hours the bids...600 mil...I'll clean out the house and do nothing, let the 12 hours pass and the house is yours unless more bids come in. Hope this makes sense. If not ask questions and I can clear it up for you or just don't bid.

Please post Bids Here



Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
@PageBoy zento is a nice, well design.. Player town.. Houses sell for 600 to 2plat here. It's a nice place to live. Also you can't place anything over an 18x18 here.


The Enchanter
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Performed major thread clean up.

If you're not bidding or making honest inquiry about the sale, please withhold any further comment.

Captn Norrington

Stratics Forum Moderator
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This auction has been ended and locked by the Stratics moderation team, due to a violation of the Stratics Rules of Conduct which has irreparably compromised the integrity and fairness of the auction.
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