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PvP Tamer Template Idea


Lore Master
Thinking of a PvP tamer template with hiding and stealth, and get a hiryu trained with ninjitsu. It's my understanding that the hiryu will hide/stealth if the tamer does. I've had a ninja hiryu before, but I didn't have hiding on my character to test that out myself. The element of surprise counts for a lot in PvP. Not sure what the tamer template would look like beyond:
120 Taming
120 Animal Lore
100 Hiding
100 Stealth

Possibilities could be:
Ninjitsu-goes very well with hiding/stealth
Magery-prefer to have some level of magery with taming for heal/cure/gate/recall

Any ideas on what might work best?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya I do not know where the hiding thing came from. But that has been stated. I have no hiding tamers so I can not test that.

Yadd of Legends

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
ScreenHunter_312 Mar. 02 16.00.jpg hiding.jpg
I had to recheck this - tamer and pet can hide if mounted but pet won't hide if not mounted


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have a feeling the pet hides as a precursor to using a Ninja skill/attack.

They hide often, maybe somebody was hiding and noticed the pet hide also. Ninja pets do not hide unless they are fighting. So they will not use hide at the stable or in a house.

There is a player on LS that does stuff at the stable with hiding. They are not on now. Ill ask them when I see them.


Lore Master
I have a feeling the pet hides as a precursor to using a Ninja skill/attack.

They hide often, maybe somebody was hiding and noticed the pet hide also. Ninja pets do not hide unless they are fighting. So they will not use hide at the stable or in a house.

There is a player on LS that does stuff at the stable with hiding. They are not on now. Ill ask them when I see them.
I had a ninja hiryu last summer, he would hide/stealth often during a fight, which was fun at the start, but after the novelty wore off and mobs were targeting me it got annoying pretty fast. I didn't have the hiding skill though so I didn't get a chance to test anything with that.