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Price check pls


Stratics Veteran
Hello guys, im a returning Ej player. I've been owning this mare since, probably, more than 10 years and i'd like to have an idea of it's value and if it's worth to sell it or rather keep it. Thanks everyone ;)


Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Probably in the 65-100 range. I would be a buyer if you decide to sell it. BUT, you might consider hanging on to it! If not, PM me to work out a deal.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I got 77.65% intensity. That's very good. PP mares are hard to price because it may be worth 50m to someone but 150m to someone else. I'd guess at least 75m, but maybe more.


Stratics Veteran
Thanks a lot for your quick answers guys. Is there any chance that maybe it could be worth something more in the very next future? If so, why? And, are only PP mares the "juicy pets" or it applies to any animals tamed before a certain patch?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Doubtful it'll be worth more in the near future because more and more EJ accounts keep popping up with PP pets. It's the NM's, White Whyrms, Bake Kitsune's, Bane Dragons, Dread Warhorses - I may be missing one or two.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks a lot for your quick answers guys. Is there any chance that maybe it could be worth something more in the very next future? If so, why? And, are only PP mares the "juicy pets" or it applies to any animals tamed before a certain patch?
My guess is that as the buyers that are left, get the ones they want, the prices will drop on them. But who knows. Also, as far as currently spawning pets, the NM's, WW's, and Bake's are the only ones that come to mind, that have different stats. Although the bakes don't seen like much, even PP.


Stratics Veteran
Doubtful it'll be worth more in the near future because more and more EJ accounts keep popping up with PP pets. It's the NM's, White Whyrms, Bake Kitsune's, Bane Dragons, Dread Warhorses - I may be missing one or two.
Here is the thing. When Patch 97 was released tons of those animals were released or given away, I picked up quite a few of them from June 2017 to Nov of 2017 for free and then up to 15m. Then around December of 2017 they jumped up in price, hitting up to 30m for mares. Before EJ was released people said with the introduction of EJ accounts, the market would be flooded with prepatch mares... and yet the prices have continued to go up, especially for high intensity mares.

I cannot believe some of the prices paid for mares lately, but people, for whatever reason, are paying them.

edited for english
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The pet market is not consistent like other things. One person pays 50M for a Red Cu and the next day a High stat Red Cu can only get a 10M bid. Same with Blaze Cus but Plats.

I waited a year to get a PP Nightmare and have bought many. The most expensive was 75M. Many tamers have what they want and don't need another. I have an 89%, just 15 points less than the one that sold for 350M.

Seems to be at least 2 a week that appear here or on Atlantic that have returned.

If you find a buyer willing to pay what you want, you should take the offer if selling is your goal.

Notice that no one has offered any sum in this thread. Sometimes a bid is the first reply.

Learn how the revamp works and build it if you want to have some fun.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
The pet market is not consistent like other things. One person pays 50M for a Red Cu and the next day a High stat Red Cu can only get a 10M bid. Same with Blaze Cus but Plats.

I waited a year to get a PP Nightmare and have bought many. The most expensive was 75M. Many tamers have what they want and don't need another. I have an 89%, just 15 points less than the one that sold for 350M.

Seems to be at least 2 a week that appear here or on Atlantic that have returned.

If you find a buyer willing to pay what you want, you should take the offer if selling is your goal.

Notice that no one has offered any sum in this thread. Sometimes a bid is the first reply.

Learn how the revamp works and build it if you want to have some fun.
Ya honestly I'd keep it. Learn system and use uo-cah to help build it. I'd train at least 5-10 pets before Id work that PP. Mistakes cannot be fixed.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yours is a very nice animal. I would be interested, but as others have said here, I bought a few previously, and I would only be interested if the price were right. Even though yours is very nice, I would probably be on the low end of paying what has been discussed here, but that's just me. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ya honestly I'd keep it. Learn system and use uo-cah to help build it. I'd train at least 5-10 pets before Id work that PP. Mistakes cannot be fixed.
YES, mistakes are pet killers. I had some guy spend 10 minutes on ATL the other day trying to justify on a PP Nightmare, why he didn't max STR, and thought a Magery Mastery PP Mare was the way to go (for PvM). To each his/her own of course, but why tie both of that poor horses front hooves behind his back, and expect him to fight!


Stratics Veteran
Thanks a lot to all of you for the precious informations. My goal was not to sell it unless it was a "life changer" sum which is obviously not [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)]:)[/bcolor] I will probably work on it if i decide to stick around otherwise i'll keep it in my stable for the times to come [bcolor=rgb(16, 16, 16)];)[/bcolor]
Good choice in my opinion. :)


I'm not convinced that the market will see a huge influx of pp pets. The numbers that have decent intensity pets and return is likely a fairly limited subset, and lots of these folks are returning for the nostalgia, and from that perspective they probably aren't selling their pets that are likely older than their children. I certainly fit that boat. There is just no amount of money in this game that would make me want to part with my PP pets (~18 years old). I will take those things to the grave, hopefully after they are well over 100 years old! :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I was evil and used most of my original pets as test subjects. I have some of the poor things.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hahaha I did that with the first cu I tamed. 1200+ hp 1200+ mana, what a waste haha
First thing you do is copy a Greater Dragon build. Then I built them around one thing to test that out. Then experiment with the regens. Resists and more strength made them kill things you could not kill before or faster than before. Instant template upgrade no matter how you built the pet.