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At what level of taming/lore does pet training become an option?


Stratics Veteran
depends on the taming/lore needed for the animal
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Xel N'Jare

good rule of thumb is having lore/taming higher than what you're taming to get training? Was thinking of training a bear for farming, or maybe a wolf? No real intention of going to GM really...


Stratics Veteran
good rule of thumb is having lore/taming higher than what you're taming to get training? Was thinking of training a bear for farming, or maybe a wolf? No real intention of going to GM really...
Vollems are really good pets for nontamers, they start off with the starts of legacy nightmares but have negative taming control requirements so they can be trained up a certain amount and any joat human can control them.

Xel N'Jare

You will need 108 to control that 5 slot Bane.
Oh, my question was for my imbuer - just wanted to train up say a polar bear to 3 slot to farm around in New Haven Mine for a bit... I have that character at 50 Taming/Lore and the training option isn't there (and it's a 35.1 taming requirement) - so maybe 70 would open it up?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh, my question was for my imbuer - just wanted to train up say a polar bear to 3 slot to farm around in New Haven Mine for a bit... I have that character at 50 Taming/Lore and the training option isn't there (and it's a 35.1 taming requirement) - so maybe 70 would open it up?
You could buy a Vollem like K said and it would be a better companion. From the cleanup officer.

Or maybe a fire or giant beetle would do what you want without training.

There is a link to a control calculator somewhere in a recent thread. But pushing the button increases the requirement by >20. 70 should work if you really want the bear. 70 may not be enough to advance it if you do not choose the build wisely.