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Pet Abilities


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a detailed list of the new pet abilities and what they do for each pet?



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
ie - do pets with spellweaving cast thunderstorm/wind. do they operate at a lvl 6 circle?


Crazed Zealot
ie - do pets with spellweaving cast thunderstorm/wind. do they operate at a lvl 6 circle?
You mentioned SW : Sadly SW right now is not a very good magic : Spells including WOD happen at bad times, also the TStorm and other SW AOEs in pets do not do too much. I saw this, and put SW on my Mystic, can Xfer to tamer, with much better results. Unless they fix the artificial intelligence of this specialty specifiaclly, which is not going to happen.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
The AI for pets is crazy. My spellweaving cu usually starts a fight with WoD. Ever so often, I'd say around the time of the "blood" moon, my cu will cast 1 or 2 WoD when it matters. But those are rare moments. YMMV


Crazed Zealot
The AI for pets is crazy. My spellweaving cu usually starts a fight with WoD. Ever so often, I'd say around the time of the "blood" moon, my cu will cast 1 or 2 WoD when it matters. But those are rare moments. YMMV
Sadly, this is not too easy to fix in the code also, esp. WOD. It will require the pet module to receive the message of the monster's %life, and then and only then to hit WOD. May not be impossible though, but may take some coding experimentation. Also to cast GOL and the regen SW spells on it properly, instead of randomly. If the WOD thing is corrected, then you may see pets hitting for 6th circle, for 400-500 damage, that would be awesome at the end of the fight..Then everyone would want to have a SW pet..probably.
But as it is now, its massivey more fun to put the SW 120 on 2 toons: A tamer, and a mystic for PVM for massive damage, as the spells are managed by you, plus, you hopefully have SDI on board for trully impressive damage..:)


Crazed Zealot
But..on the other hand I am almost positive the Devs are slowly working on the AI of pets. Some things have gotten better already. Just waiting also to see what will happen with some others, like the AI for the Magery Mastery and buffing enemies, and debuffing self..
The monster I am almost positive when the proper % life is left on it, can have a "flag" toggle. Make it 30%, or 20% whatever. Then increase the chance of the pet chaining WOD,s. For players the when you can cast WOD successfully, depends on the player's circle level also, i.e. when you can start doing well with 25% life of 30% enemy life. This could be solved several different ways and just make it for the pet that has 6th circle (full 120SW trained) to start "choosing" WOD similarly to the 6th circle player (without the SDI of course..). But it will take a little coding. Then also they will need to leave the PVP out of this calculation..which would, as it should be a complete nerf of pet WOD against players, i.e. make it completely ineffective in PVP, or the balance change will be very damaging..


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The AI for pets is crazy. My spellweaving cu usually starts a fight with WoD. Ever so often, I'd say around the time of the "blood" moon, my cu will cast 1 or 2 WoD when it matters. But those are rare moments. YMMV
WoD is a high Mana cost spell. Pets tend to cast high mana cost abilities at the start of a fight (when the pet is full on mana, and therefore Mana dumping), then cast low-mid mana cost spells throughout the rest of the fight once they've depleted their Mana and are working purely off of mana regen.