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Just coming back. Help please


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Coming back after a long break as my account got hacked. Currently on EJ but will subscribe again once I rekindle my love for the game. The taming system seems to have had a major overhaul, what pet would be a good choice to start out again with?


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
What pet would be a good choice to start out again with?
Welcome back :). The new go to is the Cu Sidhe, there's obviously lots of choices and most pet's can be customized but that's the most popular since the taming patch.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Cool, so my old cu was like a 4.2 or something, will that be able to be trained? I'm guessing there are threads detailing the changes and how to train but haven't stumbled across them yet. Thanks. I have read that I am to train on a crazed mage or something lol.


Legendary Merchant & Rare Collector
Stratics Veteran
Cool, so my old cu was like a 4.2 or something, will that be able to be trained? I'm guessing there are threads detailing the changes and how to train but haven't stumbled across them yet. Thanks. I have read that I am to train on a crazed mage or something lol.
This is a decent guide, I recommend reading all three pages and going from there :).

Cu Sidhe Builds


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Thank you, sorry to be a pain in the bumbum but if I post the base resists and stats later could you give me an idea of what to set them as? Str,int and Dec is covered well but I have no clue with resists.


Stratics Veteran
Coming back after a long break as my account got hacked. Currently on EJ but will subscribe again once I rekindle my love for the game. The taming system seems to have had a major overhaul, what pet would be a good choice to start out again with?
You will need a new CU if you want to fully train a CU, old CU start off as 4 slot where new spawning CU start off as 3, that's an extra round of training. I, personally, would go with a lesser hiryu, fire beetle or fire steed. They will be better performers in most content, a lot better.


Seasoned Veteran
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Good call, can still ride them too! I will figure out which one then try find a guide on how to train them.


I Hate Skilling
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Coming back after a long break as my account got hacked. Currently on EJ but will subscribe again once I rekindle my love for the game. The taming system seems to have had a major overhaul, what pet would be a good choice to start out again with?
Welcome Back. What shard?

You need to do an inventory of your stable. Keep any Nightmares, White Wyrms, Bane Dragons, Dread Mares, Color horses, Bake Kitsune, Imps. If you have any of those post them here so we can verify that you need to keep them untrained for now.

Find a nice color Lesser and start like this: Choosing points for a Lesser Hiryu Slots 1 thru 4

Have to find a high rated Fire Steed and you can start here: Fire Steed There is a link to rate them in the thread.

Either Beetle similar to: Giant and Fire Beetle point allocation from start to end

Then you will find that a Dog is a UO Tamers Best Friend: Choosing points for a Cu slot 3 to 4. 1st points allocation

After those starter pets, there are many other pet types to build!


Take a 3 slot Cu Shide normal color (you can probably have it for free) and scroll it armor ignore chivalry with 110 scrolls. Good starting pet for free/few money imho. Welcome back :)


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Thank you guys, something odd happened though, I only had a bake in my stables, I befriended a tamer who decently told me it was rather valuable and gave me 20m a pet bond potion and a decent 1at lvl cu so I am up and running now, on with second phase of training and loving the changes!


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I am on great lakes by the way. Also just remember I have a second account with a tamer so will post pets when I get home from work.


Seasoned Veteran
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I'm guessing the hunters guide will show me where to find these?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Cool, I have watched the cah video guides that were posted here, most helpful.

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Benefactor
Since Giant and Fire Beetles and Lesser Hiryus have the maximum training rounds available, and they are easily replaceable, we feel these make the best pets to learn the new system on. (Maybe worth to add, Lessers do spawn with a wide range of stats/resists, better start means better finished "product".)


Seasoned Veteran
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Hehe, I'm certainly going to get a lesser and will use the calculator to see if I get a good one. Thanks again.