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Pet buyers Be ware : Banes, Dreads, and trained pets.


Crazed Zealot
So I bought a fire beetle, trained to lev 5, but I knew it was gimped : Had AP/CR/Poison, SR=30(!!), and AP I would have liked AI instead. But it had many hours of training, has 620 points left and its level 5. Likely will not scroll it. Price was too sweet to pass up. Kinda gimped, but not too bad, want it mostly for the 100% fire and RC anyways, and AP is not too horrible. My time for training and skilling is limited and all skills were GM. I knew what I was getting from that vendor, and happy about it due to really low price.
I was at Luna ATL stable chatting with other folk there, and there was this one tamer who was sporting an untrained, unskilled unscrolled Dreadmare with ok stats. Claimed he had offers for 800M on it and was taking pot-shots at two people there sitting on their Blaze Cus. Turned down offers for 350M and 400M.
Then he unstabled a Bane Dragon and on the name of the dragon he had "For sale for 150M". It had decent stats, but on the lore page boom : 4 slots!
So I ask him " This is a 4 slot Bane, do you think 150M is a little overpriced?". He joked a little bit and said "This is my personal preference, and the price I want to get for it." So I told him good luck and left..

Especially for that untrained and unskilled unscrolled Bane, this would be a complete ripoff for 150 M..Some careless soul will see the bane stats, not pay attention to the lore page with 4 slots, and not be aware what this means. Then realize what they did.
They just bought a deco pet for bank-sitting! For 150 M.
Also someone may argue about the 3 slot Dread. It was not extremely high intensity (55-60%), and untrained.

Another well-known player in Stratics was trying to sell a Bane, 4 slot "partially trained", that had only ONE level of training ever, i.e. was to begin with a 4 slot bane, in Traders Hall. So the prospective buyer, made him take the pet to TC1 to see if it indeed was 3 or 4 slot, and what levels of training. It was a 4 slot also.

It is hard to believe that these people do not know the true value of their pets. Feigned ignorance is a nice excuse. It is more preying on fellow players carelessness and relative ignorance, and pre-determined to cheat, one more dishonest way to play. No sense of game honor, and it is despicable.

So here it is esp for new/returning players.

=Be aware that there are 4 slot Dreads and 4 slot Bane Dragons : Most of them are worthless or very low value, and although they are Dreads and Banes genetically, they cannot compare with their 3-slot brethren.
Their values/prices should be nowhere near what the 3 slot pets are..
=Be patient, and not in a hurry to get this "opportunity" pet. Ask someone here FIRST, and we have the best people in the internet in here to ask. Always willing to help with HONEST unbiased opinions.
=If you see what it looks like a great skilled/scrolled pet on vendor or being sold at the stables. Do your job and check all lore pages, and know what they mean. Check it out first here esp if you are new to taming.
=If you have Legacy pets to sell : Careful about pricing them (or training them). Ask here FIRST.

The answers here are almost immediate, and worth waiting for.

Just my 10 cents..:)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The 92% Night mare that sold for 350M was ? I have an 89% that is 15 points lower. Thats 5 HP difference... Can I get 300M for it? :) Thats -10M per HP.


Crazed Zealot
The 92% Night mare that sold for 350M was ? I have an 89% that is 15 points lower. Thats 5 HP difference... Can I get 300M for it? :) Thats -10M per HP.
Yep. Thats a good price and you know what you are buying/selling. Also agree that was a top nightmare, but 350 M? That was overpriced, and people have just too much gold, and less sense these days sometimes.
Looks like a bid-fight in there from time to time.
And yes I would sell it in a heart beat : 300M to some1 who knows what they are buying, and they value that pet. That is an honest sale also.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Just so you know, that 4 slot bane with the title "for sale for 150m" sold for 150mil. I was there looking at the parade of pets when that happened.


Legendary Mall Santa
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some days ago a person from Atlantic was selling a white "pre-patch" Cu Sidhe for 2 plat + 200 Dollars real world cash. That was among the most stupid things I ever read. And even worse: Somebody bought it.


Crazed Zealot
Just so you know, that 4 slot bane with the title "for sale for 150m" sold for 150mil. I was there looking at the parade of pets when that happened.
I had left by that time..Its sad that this happened..

Confirms my fears that some people are in such hurry to buy the bane/dreads that they do not even try to look at lore, and have no idea about either the history of these pets or their powers or negative things, and go just by hype with no knowledge at all. I wish I could have prevented that even I I would have made an enemy. But people have to learn by their mistakes lots of times. This type of behavior on the sellers part is bad for the game, and for all of us. Its a "legal" for the game action that is not ethical based on boobytraped deals and deception. Promotes a feeling of negativity and frustration in general.
Some days ago a person from Atlantic was selling a white "pre-patch" Cu Sidhe for 2 plat + 200 Dollars real world cash. That was among the most stupid things I ever read. And even worse: Somebody bought it.
They "bought the farm" allright!! WOW!


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some days ago a person from Atlantic was selling a white "pre-patch" Cu Sidhe for 2 plat + 200 Dollars real world cash. That was among the most stupid things I ever read. And even worse: Somebody bought it.
That was probably Mith's super cu. It wasn't pre-patched, it was ex****ted. Fill in the blanks. But of course someone bought it. It had like 825 HP, 1500 mana, 150 dex/stam, 20 hpr, 30 sr, 30 mr, all the bells and whistles :gee: Tbh, without the extra $$, that was cheap. That extra $$ put it over the top though tbh, so yeah...


Crazed Zealot
That was probably Mith's super cu. It wasn't pre-patched, it was ex****ted. Fill in the blanks. But of course someone bought it. It had like 825 HP, 1500 mana, 150 dex/stam, 20 hpr, 30 sr, 30 mr, all the bells and whistles :gee: Tbh, without the extra $$, that was cheap. That extra $$ put it over the top though tbh, so yeah...
I think that a lot of people have these pets, but most are afraid to display them and stay in the stables. Things like these caused the initial huge uproar in the taming community, that led to the patches and damage to a lot of other pets, forever. The "legailty" of these is still up in the air, and I feel sorry for the Devs, since now it is impossible to fix. Many people have paid good gold and or RMT money for this and touching these will bring more mayhem than any good. Also the perks they have are not game-breaking. They will be like the "other" mistake of the past, the "ethereal skinned" pets a number of years ago, few of which remain, sell for upwards of 30-60 Plat if they ever surface, as "rares", and eventually deemed "legal", as there was no other way to deal with them.
Whether accidental mistakes, or purposeful ill-conceived manipulation of game mechanics as the one in question here, these things detract from the beauty of this game.
It would be brave of the Devs to come up and say "sorry but all these will be deleted for reason of ***** and ***. And take the consequences. The disgruntled owners will have to bite the bullet, may even quit. But so what. Maintaining an honest game should be all that UO should be about. But it will never happen.