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Returning Tamer/Hiryu Questions


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello everyone,

I left just as the new taming update was releasing, and am now just returning and I was hoping to get some input from the fine individuals in the stratics community.

Previous to the taming patch, I thoroughly enjoyed searching for those top end pets to train for sale, and I was hoping some light could be shed on the mechanics of the new taming system.

I spent my first couple of days back reviewing the trade and tamer forums, trying to gather as much information as possible pertaining to the new taming/training system, but I was hoping to get a little clarification on a couple of items that I was unable to resolve by searching the forums, Google and looking at the uo-cah.com website.

First, in terms of Hiryu's, is there any benefit or upside of taming a normal Hiryu over a Lesser? I would think, since you get more training rounds, that taming a Lesser would always be more beneficial since you can customize the stats/skills more.

Second, is there any value to a freshly tamed high intensity pet, vs a middle of the road intensity fresh tame?

For example, if I were to freshly tame a lesser Hiryu with an intensity of 97% and it's still a 1 slot pet, would that have any market value?

Would the pet be more valuable if I were to take the time to train it based on the best practices I've seen laid out by some of the "Go To" tamers here on the forums?

Would a pet with a high starting intensity be more valuable than a fresh tame that started with a lower intensity, or does the new training system just end up making all pets pretty much equal at the end of the day?

In terms of Hiryu's, I've seen color mentioned a lot. Is this because rare color's are the only thing that makes one more valuable than another because the new training system has trivialized the hunt for that "exceptional" pet?

Sorry, I know this is a long post with a lot of questions, and a lot deal with specifically Hiryu's, but some I feel are universal to pets in general.

Thank you to anyone that might take the time to share some clarification on these items with me!


Stratics Veteran
Hello everyone,

I left just as the new taming update was releasing, and am now just returning and I was hoping to get some input from the fine individuals in the stratics community.
Welcome back!!! And now to play catch up!

Previous to the taming patch, I thoroughly enjoyed searching for those top end pets to train for sale, and I was hoping some light could be shed on the mechanics of the new taming system.

First, in terms of Hiryu's, is there any benefit or upside of taming a normal Hiryu over a Lesser? I would think, since you get more training rounds, that taming a Lesser would always be more beneficial since you can customize the stats/skills more.
Colors, some people still like colors. A high end normal hiryu is still a good find. But Lessers just get so many more training points.

Second, is there any value to a freshly tamed high intensity pet, vs a middle of the road intensity fresh tame?

For example, if I were to freshly tame a lesser Hiryu with an intensity of 97% and it's still a 1 slot pet, would that have any market value?
Depends. Lesser/Hiryu in general for whatever reason don't seem to be highly valued at this point by the masses, even though they make exceptional physical damage pets. People seem to be stuck on the subpar damage Cu Sidhe, as right now the masses put more value in the healing ability at the expense of dps potential.

Would the pet be more valuable if I were to take the time to train it based on the best practices I've seen laid out by some of the "Go To" tamers here on the forums?
Depends, again. Best practices make superior pets. Many of the masses cannot tell a superior pet from an inferior. Some see high hits and go "oooooh" even though it has 125 stamina and no mana regen. Buyers can be finicky or just cannot afford trained pets. Some like to train pets themselves.

Would a pet with a high starting intensity be more valuable than a fresh tame that started with a lower intensity, or does the new training system just end up making all pets pretty much equal at the end of the day?
It should be. Sometimes those extra intensity points make or break a spec, sometimes they are more added hits or mana. It depends on the species. Exceptional starting pets still make exceptional end product pets. Some people might feel those differences don't matter and some may value them highly.

Atlantic tamers seem to be very trendy, they hop on trends rather quickly, a month ago it was Bake Kitsune, now its high intensity Bane Dragons. And some of those trends exit as quickly as they enter.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks a lot for the replies and taking the time to give me some additional insight Khaelor.

You are truly a gem here on the Stratics forums. We're lucky to have people with a wealth of knowledge that are so willing to share.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I have 3 Tamers that log on daily. One of them thinks dogs stink is human and will never take a stupid dog to a fight. A fox yes. Also a follower of Equines. Still need a good Unicorn.


The Axe Thievery is a false accusation.

I have all the colors and all the builds. Unfortunately there are more colors than builds.
You only get one ability and a magic. They can use the full benefits of all the magics. No mage or necro.

For someone starting out I would build your collection in this order.

AI/Chiv or Whatever/Discord
Assorted combinations of Bush or ninja abilities

The average Hiryu has many building points less than a Cu. You look for colors first. Replace as needed. The ones that are impressive at 3 slots have over 700 Strength, really high HP and 680+ strength. Decent HP and Strength with >85 fire resist.

Building those: Choosing Points for a Hiryu Slot 3 to 4. 1st Points allocation
That is a pathetic example of a Hiryu I built to show how to build the worst one that exists into a useable pet. You will have 200 or more points to fine tune the build in the last round. Do cheapest things first.
Unfortunately your Hiryus are 4 slot and they need replaced by new ones.

Start with a Lesser Hiryu.

The average Lesser Hiryu has more points than a Cu You can easily get all the bells and whistles and have 800 HP.

These are disposable pets you can build any of them with 120 scrolls and all the Bells and Whistles.
Go for colors. There are two greens, Valorite and Midnight Blue. Choose the color you want for each build.
Midnight Blue is rare.

Build one and stop at 620 or more points (can save around 200 more points and see how it plays). That leaves enough for 120 scrolls. Put whatever scrolls you have on and pull the gump to the edge each time.

Build it similar to this and it can have any of the basic builds in the last round.

Choosing points for a Lesser Hiryu Slots 1 thru 4

I built this pet "live" while playing and posting.

Show us the pics when you are at 4 slot.

An old thread about them. Don't copy any build in here. Yours will be better. Lesser Hiryu
Last edited:


Stratics Veteran
Congrats on not answering any of his questions but feeling the need to interject yourself in the conversation with no relevancy.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congrats on not answering any of his questions but feeling the need to interject yourself in the conversation with no relevancy.
Sorry trying to recruit a new tamer that can make high end pets to sell. A well built Midnight Blue Lesser or a Neon Green Hiryu would sell just fine.

First, in terms of Hiryu's, is there any benefit or upside of taming a normal Hiryu over a Lesser? I would think, since you get more training rounds, that taming a Lesser would always be more beneficial since you can customize the stats/skills more.
Maybe you missed this part. He asked about the two Hiryu types. I gave him info from beginning to end.

You gave snarky.
People seem to be stuck on the subpar damage Cu

I ll be glad to answer his questions about any other pets types. With or without your approval.


Stratics Veteran
Sorry trying to recruit a new tamer that can make high end pets to sell. A well built Midnight Blue Lesser or a Neon Green Hiryu would sell just fine.
If you read his post, you would have seen he will be totally capable of that.

I spent my first couple of days back reviewing the trade and tamer forums, trying to gather as much information as possible pertaining to the new taming/training system, but I was hoping to get a little clarification on a couple of items that I was unable to resolve by searching the forums, Google and looking at the uo-cah.com website.
He states hes read the forums. He had questions. Not about what to put in his collection, he sounds intelligent enough that he can decide what he wants in it.

There was no snark, if a pet is healing, it's doing less DPS moves. simple as that. Less dps moves, less damage. CU damage type is not good for a lot of encounters. Truth. Masses seem to value healing more than dps. Unfortunate truth.

Finley Grant

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Campaign Supporter
sorry to hop in here, i got a tangle hiryu which obviousely already has Goo stats regens and resist done, what is the best (beside 120 scrolls) to put on now?



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i got a tangle hiryu
I don't know what that means.

Show the stats and how many points are left. It is not easy finding a Hiryu that can get all the stats and all 120 scrolls.

What are you wanting to kill with it?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It could be the ice blue one, which in classic, does look a bit like the color of the tangle apron


Stratics Veteran
I don't know what that means.

Show the stats and how many points are left. It is not easy finding a Hiryu that can get all the stats and all 120 scrolls.

What are you wanting to kill with it?
Blue/Yellow is commonly referred to as a Tangle Hiryu. In EC, the color pattern is identical to the look of a Tangle Apron:



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok. I can see a little yellow/green in a Tangle in CC. And now I see why they do not Dye the same as other things like Robe. Those color Hyrus sure stand out in EC.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I stand corrected :)
That was my guess if it was color related since I only use CC. I had no idea the Tangles were two toned.

Or it was the name of some clever build since it "obviously has good stats".