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Best pet to kill crazed mage


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Training some pets on a very low population server, so I'm going to have to kill the crazed mage frequently to keep going. What pet can solo it the fastest?


My PP chiv/ai WW rips him faster than anything else I have. However, I have suspected that if I scrolled up a rune beetle it may be faster due to poison.


Worth mentioning, you can train on the Unbounded EV's, 3 of them right outside the mage cubby, as well as the burning mage (stand back and gh). Allosaurus work as well, think there's 4 of them scattered around the swamps in Edon, not too hard to pull them out to a secluded spot. In total that's 9 mobs you can gain off without having to kill a thing, more than enough to take a pet from 1->5.

Tabby Kapak

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In total that's 9 mobs you can gain off without having to kill a thing, more than enough to take a pet from 1->5.
And then there's the 6 Cave Trolls in Wrong (for lower levels, they give slightly nowadays on higher), or the Ratmen Bosses in the Cavern of the Discarded, although that needs a bit of work as well, but especially Tikitavi ideal for the 1 slot pets. And others (K&K and Tyrath in particular) have mentioned the Dread Pirates as a great source of training for pets.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
And others (K&K and Tyrath in particular) have mentioned the Dread Pirates as a great source of training for pets
The rest of us need to learn to do that so we can take that knowledge and use it for the new High Seas updates that are going to happen all year!

@Khyro Have time to make that help video? Make the Pirate hunting for dummies version for me please!

Tabby Kapak

Stratics Veteran
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The rest of us need to learn to do that so we can take that knowledge and use it for the new High Seas updates that are going to happen all year!
Well, we doubt we will be taking to the High Seas for another 5-6 years, we usually are that far behind everyone else with these new expansions! Still have plenty to catch up on though! So we hope there won't be any not-to-be-missed usable items heh. But we're sure such a video would be welcomed by many! ;)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Well, we doubt we will be taking to the High Seas for another 5-6 years, we usually are that far behind everyone else with these new expansions! Still have plenty to catch up on though! So we hope there won't be any not-to-be-missed usable items heh. But we're sure such a video would be welcomed by many! ;)
I haven't stepped on a boat in 16 years haha I'm wayyyyyyy behind on high Seas too


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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I just login on my Archer and kill him.
I do the same.. take my Tamer with my pet and my archer both down there and while my tamer is gaining the archer slowly plinks away until the gains get to the end point at which I swap over to my archer and AI him to death with EoO... sometimes I have to invis my archer as he does too much damage too fast but it's all good.

Otherwise, a pet takes a very long time to kill him... I tried with other templates but the archer works best.