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Trained Pet Harder to Control?


Hey all,

Returning player here and I just took my mare to three slots. Unfortunately, it used to follow every command I gave it and now it's more like one or two out of three.

Is this normal?

My taming is 104 and lore is 102.

I'm assuming my raising those stats my mare will be controllable again, but I'm concerned about taking the mare to the next level if it's going to listen even less frequently.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
on the 2nd "Lore & Knowledge gump" - you'll see the Requirement: ..... - that's the minimum skill you'd need to control your pet after various stages of training ... (see pic)
[EDIT]example shows a cu sidhe after training up to 5-slots...[/EDIT]
[EDIT2]... so you'd better get your skill up to 110 ... to be 'safe' for the future of your pet training "career"[/EDIT2]


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The shown requirement is in fact the minimum skill (animal taming) needed to go further in pet training stages AND also the skill needed to bond and control the pet - the control chance calculation is still based on both skills - taming & lore!

[EDIT]... so you'd better go and try to get both skills up to 120 to max out the control chance - just to be "safer"...[/EDIT]


Awesome. Thanks.

Now I need to find some scrolls and figure out how to pay for them. Stuff has gotten expensive in the 10 years I've been gone!


Stratics Veteran
It's the average of your Taming and Lore combined, and that's just to tame it. Also, every time you apply training to your pet, you increase its control requirement by 2.4 points. Each time the pet increases control slots, its control requirement increases by 21.2. 108 is the highest control requirement a pet will reach.

The control chance formula is fairly complex, but if you feel like knowing more read on:

99% is the max possible control chance. Your pet will always have 1% chance to disobey even at Wonderfully Happy. If you just want 99% chance to control a max trainable pet you only need 115 Taming/Lore (113 technically). If you want more details the control chance formula is as follows.

TamingBonus = Taming Skill - Pet Min Taming Requirement
LoreBonus = Lore Skill - Pet Min Taming Requirement

If TamingBonus >= 0 then TamingMod = 6
If TamingBonus < 0 then TamingMod = 28
If LoreBonus >= 0 then LoreMod = 6
If LoreBonus < 0 then LoreMod = 14

TamingBonus = TamingBonus * TamingMod
LoreBonus = LoreBonus * LoreMod

SkillBonus = (TamingBonus + LoreBonus) / 2

Control Chance = 70 + SkillBonus

Control Chance is capped at 99%
Example 1:
Taming Skill = 110
Lore Skill = 110
Pet Requirement = 108

TamingBonus = 2 (110-108)
LoreBonus = 2 (110-108)
TamingMod = 6
LoreMod = 6
TamingBonus = 12
LoreBonus = 12 (2*6)
SkillBonus = 12 ((12+12)/2)
ControlChance = 82% (70 + 12)

Example 2:
Taming Skill = 110
Lore Skill = 105
Pet Requirement = 108

TamingBonus = 2 (110-108)
LoreBonus = -3 (105-108)
TamingMod = 6
LoreMod = 14
TamingBonus = 12
(2 * 6)
LoreBonus = -42 (-3 * 12)
SkillBonus = -15 ((12 + -42)/2)
ControlChance = 55% (70 + -15)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
My understanding of the calculation, and running a few excel sims, was that you essentially need a combined total of 230 points in Taming/Lore to have 99% chance of controlling (108 or 5 slot) pets. It is actually a little less but no one I know leave skills half cocked (Like those who take Necro to exactly to 99% on their sampires and spend the other 1% elsewhere which I find utterly pointless).

All my tamers have 120 taming and 110 lore, some might argue that more lore gives better vet healing but these days I spend more time casting greater heal and the like due to the abundance of AoE spamming, target switching mobs.

Am I wrong? And that is a genuine question.


Stratics Veteran
All my tamers have 120 taming and 110 lore, some might argue that more lore gives better vet healing but these days I spend more time casting greater heal and the like due to the abundance of AoE spamming, target switching mobs.

Am I wrong? And that is a genuine question.
Taming mastering won't be as effective with only 110 lore. The mana per cost of consume, empower and berserk is a lot higher. 2.4 vs 1.8. If you don't use the mastery, not a big deal to have lore 110.

I prefer all my tamers to be 120/120.


Stratics Veteran
So, based on the above calculation, I should have 99% control at 116 taming and 110 lore, right? Or did I mess up the calculation?