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Pet not using mana


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I've been training a lesser hiryu with bush/feint and he uses 0 mana. Don't think it's using feint or bush spells. Anyone know about this? Watched it on a greater dragon and it will use auto attack on it but nothing else. Still 4 slots, don't know if it's broken and I'm wasting my time on it. Thx


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Show the Lore and Knowledge screen abilities in Black.



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like @Khaelor will have to explain to you that your Hiryu is using the same amount of mana as any other pet. You must be confused.

But you should see it using Bushido spells like Lightning Strike. Many of the bush spells are pretty cheap. Bushido is easy to raise so just fight stuff. I think it will start using more Mana when Bushido is 100.

The whole build is based off the Bushido Skill. Need to raise it before you will see the true pet you have.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Looks like @Khaelor will have to explain to you that your Hiryu is using the same amount of mana as any other pet. You must be confused.

But you should see it using Bushido spells like Lightning Strike. Many of the bush spells are pretty cheap. Bushido is easy to raise so just fight stuff. I think it will start using more Mana when Bushido is 100.

The whole build is based off the Bushido Skill. Need to raise it before you will see the true pet you have.
Hmmmm ya I haven't seen it even use 1 mana yet, but ya maybe since Bush so low it hasn't attempted much yet. I'll try working it up. Thx


Stratics Veteran
Bushido is an incredibly low mana cost magic. I don't see your MR listed, but I will assume you have given the pet MR. You also have 370 Int, 115 Med, 100 Focus, so it will have good mana regen overall. I have a Bushido/FWW Hiryu and he is hard pressed to spend 100 mana just due to the cheap cost of his spells.

As a side-note though, this is not due to some mystical innate super mana regen ability that Hiryu/Lesser Hiryu have (as some might still have you believe). We have tested the mana regen of all the major tamable pets and they all regen in line with the mana regen formula.

There may be an issue with Hiryus where they try to use the Dismount ability (even though its not a valid target, i.e. non-mounted mob). This ability attempt doesn't use mana, but it could eat up an ability activation, which means the Hiryu is using less actual abilities overall (thus spending less mana). This is something @Khaelor and I were looking into a while ago, but it is extremely tedious to test and we moved on to other things.

If you want your Hiryu to bottom out its mana, give it Chiv/AI and it will drop mana just like any other pet.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Look into my eyes:

As a side-note though, this is not due to some mystical innate super mana regen ability that Hiryu/Lesser Hiryu have (as some might still have you believe). We have tested the mana regen of all the major tamable pets and they all regen in line with the mana regen formula.
Do not believe what you see when playing UO.


The math is always correct.


Now go play more.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Seriuosly. I have a melee Bush toon I never ask myself, "Should I use that bushido ability or does it cost more Mana than I can afford"

Bushido abilities use very little Mana. Any other build and the mana goes to 50 in a min.

I just like to foment with the Ks. It worked.


Stratics Veteran
Seriuosly. I have a melee Bush toon I never ask myself, "Should I use that bushido ability or does it cost more Mana than I can afford"

Bushido abilities use very little Mana. Any other build and the mana goes to 50 in a min.

I just like to foment with the Ks. It worked.
Except you do such a disservice to the forums and readers by posting wrong things just to get a reply from either of us.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Except you do such a disservice to the forums and readers by posting wrong things just to get a reply from either of us.
I stand by my original answers. I asked for the lore screens to see what abilities he was using and saw it was pure Bushido. I then said he should look for the abilities being used and that those abilities cost very little Mana. Then told him to get the skills higher before making any assumptions.

I said the same thing the khyro did.

Please pick apart my original answers and tell us what is wrong with it.