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Taming and Alacrity Scroll


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Most experienced UO players probably know this but there are probably some folks out there that haven't thought of this so....

A few things about scrolls of alacrity :

  • They Last 15 minutes (the little graphic when you mouse over will show how many seconds left)
  • The timer stops if your toon instant logs out

Few things about taming :

  • On regular shards - you will get a guaranteed gain after so much time has passed if you haven't gained in that window.
  • Example - With over 700 skill points - if you taming skill is like 75-90 you get a gain every 11 hours (Go look up the GGS or Guaranteed gain system for more info)
  • If you pass your time for a GGS gain - you WILL gain if you are taming a creature you have a possibility to gain taming on (ie if its a low level creature that you can't possibly gain from - you won't get the gain)

With this in mind - if you swallow an alacrity scroll - what you can do is :

  • Tame Animal. Get GGS gain that with alacrity scroll can be .2 to .5
  • Release.
  • Go to your house and log out instantly
  • Log back in after the time window (above) has passed and repeat.

This way you alacrity scroll can last for days and you keep getting .2-.5 gains every x number of hours.

I was at 78 taming and swallowed a scroll. With gains every 11 hours - i've been working on the same alacrity scroll for like a week and I'm up to 82 now with just logging in 2x a day for 25 seconds. It will end soon but getting like 5 points of taming from it is pretty good. You will have a hard time doing that with normal taming over 15 minutes. You are lucky to get 3-4 gains for up to 2 points max.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Most experienced UO players probably know this but there are probably some folks out there that haven't thought of this so....

A few things about scrolls of alacrity :

  • They Last 15 minutes (the little graphic when you mouse over will show how many seconds left)
  • The timer stops if your toon instant logs out

Few things about taming :

  • On regular shards - you will get a guaranteed gain after so much time has passed if you haven't gained in that window.
  • Example - With over 700 skill points - if you taming skill is like 75-90 you get a gain every 11 hours (Go look up the GGS or Guaranteed gain system for more info)
  • If you pass your time for a GGS gain - you WILL gain if you are taming a creature you have a possibility to gain taming on (ie if its a low level creature that you can't possibly gain from - you won't get the gain)

With this in mind - if you swallow an alacrity scroll - what you can do is :

  • Tame Animal. Get GGS gain that with alacrity scroll can be .2 to .5
  • Release.
  • Go to your house and log out instantly
  • Log back in after the time window (above) has passed and repeat.

This way you alacrity scroll can last for days and you keep getting .2-.5 gains every x number of hours.

I was at 78 taming and swallowed a scroll. With gains every 11 hours - i've been working on the same alacrity scroll for like a week and I'm up to 82 now with just logging in 2x a day for 25 seconds. It will end soon but getting like 5 points of taming from it is pretty good. You will have a hard time doing that with normal taming over 15 minutes. You are lucky to get 3-4 gains for up to 2 points max.
Yup I did the same thing to 110, then just bought 10 in sots. Since taming stinks to raise the old fashioned way, I did at least 20 points of taming with what you described. I think (?) you can gain from masterys now too.


Lore Master
Yup I did the same thing to 110, then just bought 10 in sots. Since taming stinks to raise the old fashioned way, I did at least 20 points of taming with what you described. I think (?) you can gain from masterys now too.
You can gain from masteries from 90-120 retail taming skill. Much faster than the regular way.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can gain from masteries from 90-120 retail taming skill. Much faster than the regular way.
Correct. The only real work in taming now is getting to 90. At 90-120 you can cast the mastery skill over and over and get gain chances. Get as much mana increase and mana regen equipment as you can. Look for MR2 or better armor, get a weapon with MR 9 on it etc. Then set a macro for 'Say' and a space and then use mastery skill. Shove something heavy on your spacebar and watch a movie. It will gain to 120 in about 9 hours.


Lore Master
Correct. The only real work in taming now is getting to 90. At 90-120 you can cast the mastery skill over and over and get gain chances. Get as much mana increase and mana regen equipment as you can. Look for MR2 or better armor, get a weapon with MR 9 on it etc. Then set a macro for 'Say' and a space and then use mastery skill. Shove something heavy on your spacebar and watch a movie. It will gain to 120 in about 9 hours.
Someone in my guild made a mana regen suit that we all share for gaining taming via mastery spells, also other magic skills. It has max mana regen, +meditation skill, and adds extra mana and int. Helps out quite a bit. Honestly, if I was going to make another tamer, I'd probably buy the skill ball at the UO store and get taming to 90 with it. Yeah, I'm one of those people. Taming is such a pain in the butt to gain from 0-90 skill. You guys have provided a good tip though for gaining skill.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Honestly, if I was going to make another tamer, I'd probably buy the skill ball at the UO store and get taming to 90 with it. Yeah, I'm one of those people. Taming is such a pain in the butt to gain from 0-90 skill. You guys have provided a good tip though for gaining skill.
Do you mean mythic token? Or is there something in store I haven't checked out yet? And ya taming after 75ish is tedious.


Lore Master
Do you mean mythic token? Or is there something in store I haven't checked out yet? And ya taming after 75ish is tedious.
Yeah, I think that's the correct name of it, gives you 90 skill in 5 skills of your choosing. To tell you the truth, I've been thinking of buying one lately to make a treasure hunter tamer character. A guild friend of mine has one and makes bank. Keeps telling me to make one.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Yeah, I think that's the correct name of it, gives you 90 skill in 5 skills of your choosing. To tell you the truth, I've been thinking of buying one lately to make a treasure hunter tamer character. A guild friend of mine has one and makes bank. Keeps telling me to make one.
Hehe ya I used one for that exact reason months ago, I haven't even tried him yet because I'm so wrapped up in pets atm hahaha