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Hit Points or Mana


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I'm trying to finalise my mystic mare and I'm not sure which would be more useful. I've looked at 550 hp and 240 mana, but thought that is way too low mana. So I then tried 500 hp and 540 mana, but 500 is right at my personal min fond of that but it does give a much better mana pool. Still thinking maybe a compromise? So I plugged in 520 hp and that gives me 420 mana, maybe? Then tried 530 hp and that yields a mana pool of 360, hmm.
So, I'm really not sure which would be ideal. I'm really leaning towards either the 520 hp option or the 530 hp option. I could go with a lower wrestling scroll, planning a 115, so I could go 110. That gives me 50 more points. Ugh, I'm hating this plan now, lol
This is what my 500 hp plan looks like.
MNM with more mana.PNG
Ignore the 548 mana, I know for sure it's 540 mana


Stratics Veteran
I'm trying to finalise my mystic mare and I'm not sure which would be more useful. I've looked at 550 hp and 240 mana, but thought that is way too low mana. So I then tried 500 hp and 540 mana, but 500 is right at my personal min fond of that but it does give a much better mana pool. Still thinking maybe a compromise? So I plugged in 520 hp and that gives me 420 mana, maybe? Then tried 530 hp and that yields a mana pool of 360, hmm.
So, I'm really not sure which would be ideal. I'm really leaning towards either the 520 hp option or the 530 hp option. I could go with a lower wrestling scroll, planning a 115, so I could go 110. That gives me 50 more points. Ugh, I'm hating this plan now, lol
This is what my 500 hp plan looks like.
View attachment 92635
Ignore the 548 mana, I know for sure it's 540 mana
Are those 8 mana what you think will round?

I know this isn't helpful, but it will be personal preference or rather, what combo is less likely to set off any personal OCD you may have. If it was mine, it would end up being whatever my mood is that particular moment or... a personal favorite of mine, never fully committing the points because I just couldn't decide where I want them. I would probably go with somewhere around 400ish mana. But that is purely my personal opinion.


Lore Master
The more experience I get in this game and building pets, the more I think that having a large mana pool is a waste. All pets mana dump very quickly and after that all that matters is how fast your pet can regenerate that mana. Be sure to get 30 mana regen and if your pet has 700 STR, then be sure to put Int at 370. You could have only 100 mana and be fine, but if you go too low on HP your pet may be dead. If it was my pet I would definitely go with 550 hp and 240 mana. I only have a couple pets with 500 HP and they all have Life Leech, all the rest have 600+ HP. I have a pre-patch white wyrm with 550 HP and a large mana pool. To this day I wish I had given him 600 HP and less mana. Best of luck with whatever you choose.


Stratics Veteran
The more experience I get in this game and building pets, the more I think that having a large mana pool is a waste. All pets mana dump very quickly and after that all that matters is how fast your pet can regenerate that mana. Be sure to get 30 mana regen and if your pet has 700 STR, then be sure to put Int at 370. You could have only 100 mana and be fine, but if you go too low on HP your pet may be dead.
I have quite a few pets I have sub 500 health on, including lots of unicorns. I took a 202 health unicorn to destard yesterday for some testing. No healing on my part, just consume. She didn't die. (This is not me advocating 200 hit point pets, just saying while 600 hp can be nice, it's not a must for an effective pet).

Also not all pets dump very quickly. It's totally dependent on spec and abilities. AI is a big mana dump though.



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Are those 8 mana what you think will round?

I know this isn't helpful, but it will be personal preference or rather, what combo is less likely to set off any personal OCD you may have. If it was mine, it would end up being whatever my mood is that particular moment or... a personal favorite of mine, never fully committing the points because I just couldn't decide where I want them. I would probably go with somewhere around 400ish mana. But that is purely my personal opinion.
I took that picture of your web planner before my mare hit 100% on the training. Since I did that, I noticed the in game planner says I can have 540 mana, with everything else matching in both planners. That looks like the rounding error you mentioned in the past.
I say 500 is my personal low for hp on pets, but I also know mares tend to be a little more squishy then some other pets. I still love my mares!
When you look at the planner, it's safe to say I've already done a lot of it. My mare has 700 str, 370 int, 150 dex, 150 stam, 20 hpr, 5 sr, 30 mr, resists are set as you see in the planner. I've set hp to 400 and mana to 200 for now. I figure both numbers will let me skill up mysticism while I try to decide on the hp and mana.
I do wonder if maybe I should lower the 115 scrolls to 110. But that only gives me 65 more points, which could be ok too. It means 550 hp and 370 mana. Not too shabby, and even livable for me

*edit* I forgot, I did max base damage too


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
You can see the difference here
In game planner... *note all points are spent*

Web planner.... *note the 4 points remaining*

Sorry, a little bored and a lot tired. I really should log off and watch some TV or something, lol