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Raising Chiv


Stratics Veteran
It seems people like to get on the island in shame, but that seems blocked when I looked. What's the best way to raise Chiv on a pet?


Lore Master
All of the magics raise pretty slow. Shame island is one way. Can also raise Chiv on Gregorio or a shadow ore elemental, or just be regular fighting anything.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Personally, I wouldn't use something like the island in Shame for skilling up chiv. Southpaw has it right. If you ask me, I'd use something that you're pet can bash on to get gains.
In general, all magics are painfully slow, so you just have to hang in there.


Legendary Mall Santa
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Stratics Legend
I train on champs and peerless. Why training in places that dont give loot or drops? Seems like a waste of time to me. I solo Neira if I e.g. want to train resist. Of course, this only works on higher level pets. But going to 100 is easy for almost all skills. And from there its just playing the game for me. So many good bosses for training.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
When I looked, there was a crate there.
There are crates and barrels that refresh. Its for lock pickers and such.

My rune is 2 islands away. I have to tele to get here.

Works on LS.


Stratics Veteran
All of the magics raise pretty slow. Shame island is one way. Can also raise Chiv on Gregorio or a shadow ore elemental, or just be regular fighting anything.
My thoughts were that my pet uses up a lot of mana with special moves, so I wanted to max his mana + regen for chiv. I guess one could wait til they've trained chiv up to add a special at the end, assuming it's something like a drake-type.

I wonder if it matters what spell they're casting with Chiv as far as a skill gain goes, or if any casting has a chance of a gain.


Babbling Loonie
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Stratics Legend
I wonder if it matters what spell they're casting with Chiv as far as a skill gain goes, or if any casting has a chance of a gain.
Yes, what spell they cast does matter in terms of how they gain.

I just use Gregorio to train Chiv on. I discord my pet so he can gain on lower end Chiv spells, then have my pet fight Gregorio while running Whispering on cooldown. I've trained about 5 pets to 120 Chiv that way.


Crazed Zealot
Yes, what spell they cast does matter in terms of how they gain.

I just use Gregorio to train Chiv on. I discord my pet so he can gain on lower end Chiv spells, then have my pet fight Gregorio while running Whispering on cooldown. I've trained about 5 pets to 120 Chiv that way.
Is the pet fighting Gregorio from a distance, or it will gain anyway by meleeing him as well?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yes, what spell they cast does matter in terms of how they gain.

I just use Gregorio to train Chiv on. I discord my pet so he can gain on lower end Chiv spells, then have my pet fight Gregorio while running Whispering on cooldown. I've trained about 5 pets to 120 Chiv that way.
I also use the shadow ele and my pet is discorded, which works well too.
Celticus, I'd just let the pet hit Gregorio, same with the shadow ele. This is because the pet will use any spell in any random order


Lore Master
My thoughts were that my pet uses up a lot of mana with special moves, so I wanted to max his mana + regen for chiv. I guess one could wait til they've trained chiv up to add a special at the end, assuming it's something like a drake-type.

I wonder if it matters what spell they're casting with Chiv as far as a skill gain goes, or if any casting has a chance of a gain.
Not sure if this is legal or frowned upon or whatever (do this at your own risk), but you can stand in the building doorway with pet on one side and Gregorio on the other. That way pet can't use special moves, only the magic.


Lore Master
Now that I think more about it, I imagine if you've built your pet right with 30 mana regen and 370 Int it would make little difference if pet was even using special moves or not. Spells don't cost a lot of mana.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
For chiv gains, put a pet on a boat, disco it, and have it attack anything on shore. Holy light is the only aoe, and it cant hurt the target from6ish tiles away. Spectral spell binders do no damage, but you gain reaist same time this way.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is the pet fighting Gregorio from a distance, or it will gain anyway by meleeing him as well?

I also use the shadow ele and my pet is discorded, which works well too.
For training magic skills, i prefer Gregorio over Shadow Ore Ele. He deals less damage, and is easier to land hits on, which is great for training Poisoning.


Stratics Veteran
I’ve started on Grego and it seems faster than casting from a boat despite AI draining the pet’s mana.