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Need someone to trade PM questions about new Power Scrolls and Pets. (1/2019)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I'm sorry.

I'm 100% sure this issue has been visited several times already. I took 4 years of part time play and totally missed anything with these changes and I wasnt hunting with my big dog. The few friends that know "all about taming" end up screaming at me vs. answering any questions. I'm sick of it and someone has to be of a better temperament that can help me figure this out.

A small history:

When the big dogs were new... I started making deals with the tamers haunting the spawn by taking quality dogs off their hands as so many couldn't be bothered to train them for sale, the same people taming them. People wanted trained dogs... people wanted BLACK and WHITE dogs. The whole "supply/demand" thing happened and me being all about commerce in UO... it became a new skill for me. Basic train the dog, get it up in skills... then GM everything. Buy 1-2 million, sell at 5-7. What more do you want? :) I do know about training.

Almost everything has changed in the game within the last 5 years from the massive loss of playership to commerce... to demand of anything.

Seeing I mainly run a vendor mall and supply vendors so I can supply shoppers... I really never got good about taming anything that can attack me. Like everything inside UO... I always say "the game has something for EVERYONE". Some people dont have the time or temperament for training. Oh well. Hunting wise, I have used 1 of 2 tamers from my stable. The older tamer has dogs... and high archery. The younger tamer... Discord, magery enough to rez people, and hiding. SHE is the one I'm interested in.

I have a stable full of older pre-patch pets. The first thing I "accidently" did was NEW train the best dog. It now counts as 5 follower points (out of 5), but it has no extra powers. Everyone I talked to only a newer spawn dog can be trained up properly, but the old one is such a tank... I'm killing stuff I never could kill before... so thats a good thing. However, I'd like to see a dog with some more skill. See if it makes a big difference. The old dog only went up 1 level and has no options left.

I have been told many confusing things. These new skill books that people keep throwing all over the ground... level 1 and level 2... and I was told the only way to do this is with a level 3 book. Talk about insane money. ALL my power scrolls were lost 4-5 years ago in a massive setback. I've been collecting 110s for import to home shard... so that would help a lot.

So, as such, I need someone who will not yell at me and answer some questions.

I will not check this listing again... so please PM me. :)


Since evil purple posting pixie wont be reading this I will say for anyone else new that is interested: there are a ton of posts explaining why prepatch cus should be released and start with fresh tames. Also tons of information on the different ways to train and skill them just by doing a quick forum search.

Captn Norrington

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Since this is the third time I've seen someone comment about not being able to read your font color, just so you know, this is what everything you write looks like to about 25% of the people on the site:
