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Ram! or I am doing this wrong?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
So I thought I'd use Khyro and Khaelor's awesome pet planner and this is what I came up with.

I knew this guy would be tight on points, but dang. Maybe I am trying to put in too much? Any thoughts on this build or suggestions to help improve it?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL No Comment. I hear those are OP so go solo UO with that baby.


Stratics Veteran
if using the planner, need to save 5 points for stam/dex/int/mana rounding.

Think most skimp on health regen, taking it to 10 or 15 even helps a lot.


Lore Master
I've made 1 with HP regen and one without. They are very tight on points, so starting with a good one is a must.

I wouldn't go any higher than 105 with Tactics scroll to save TP. The one I have with 20 HP regen has 500 HP and 200 Mana, and has enough TP left to 120 all skills except 105 Tactics.

You can save a lot of TP and still have a great pet by not putting any into HP regen or some amount less than 20.

You definitely will want 120 wrestling and 120 chiv on this pet/build because more damage = more healing from life leech.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I've made 1 with HP regen and one without. They are very tight on points, so starting with a good one is a must.

I wouldn't go any higher than 105 with Tactics scroll to save TP. The one I have with 20 HP regen has 500 HP and 200 Mana, and has enough TP left to 120 all skills except 105 Tactics.

You can save a lot of TP and still have a great pet by not putting any into HP regen or some amount less than 20.

You definitely will want 120 wrestling and 120 chiv on this pet/build because more damage = more healing from life leech.
I gotta ask, this is something that I've seen often, have I misunderstood how pet Life Leech works? My Impression was that life leech (for pets) was based on 'Incoming' and not 'Outgoing' damage thus AI/Chiv making no difference to the amount of Life Leeched, the tooltip very specifically says 'incoming'. It also has to be activted by the pet so is not 100% up time.

I only ask because I played around with Ossein Rams a while ago and considered them not that impressive. I'd be more inclined to use one if it were rideable.

I'd like to be wrong of course, in which case I'd go dust off a tanking ram.


Lore Master
Life leech isn't up 100% of the time, but it is up very often.

The description of how life leech works is wrong. If you tell your ram to follow you-so it doesn't fight back while something is attacking it, the ram will die. Its healing ability is definitely based on the rams damage output, which is why 120 wrestling/chiv is so important.

I wish they were rideable too! And I wish they had about 500+ more training points. And I wish they spawned somewhere else-not with lich lords and silver serpents. I really like the idea of all pets having the same maximum imbue value and the ability to remove pet abilities/magics/scrolls/stats any time and receive the points back to reallocate.
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I got the ram through the final round, he's 100% and ready for allocating points. Maybe @Khaelor or @SouthPaw could assist me?
Here is where I have him.
ram1.PNG ram2.PNG ram3.PNG ram4.PNG

And 2 ideas I worked up in the planner using some suggestions already. Mana can be adjusted for the rounding error Khaelor mentioned.
Ram update 1.PNG Ram update 2.PNG

One thing I did see while at crazy mage, when this ram was tank, I didn't need consume damage on. Thinking there is something to be said for the life leech after all :)


Stratics Veteran
I would not keep intelligence low, especially since there is a break point it's more effective than MR for mana recovery per training point spent.


Lore Master
I like the first screen shot-the one that has 120 wrestling/chiv.
I got the ram through the final round, he's 100% and ready for allocating points. Maybe @Khaelor or @SouthPaw could assist me?
Here is where I have him.
View attachment 91295 View attachment 91296 View attachment 91297 View attachment 91298

And 2 ideas I worked up in the planner using some suggestions already. Mana can be adjusted for the rounding error Khaelor mentioned.
View attachment 91299 View attachment 91300

One thing I did see while at crazy mage, when this ram was tank, I didn't need consume damage on. Thinking there is something to be said for the life leech after all :)
I really like the first build you posted that has 120 wrestling/chiv, 105 tactics, rest 110's. He will do really well once he's scrolled/skilled up. Heck, mine isn't scrolled at all right now (because I don't have them) and he still does very well. Don't forget to max base damage!


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Ok, I made a couple of adjustments. INT is 370 and adjusted HP to 500 to make the 120 wrestling possible.
Ram update 3.PNG

Apart from the 120 wrestling, I either have can get most of the other scrolls easy enough. 120 wrestling is now going for crazy amounts on Atlantic, last one I saw was 40mil?!?!


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
115 wrestling with 115 parry would be better.

And dont pronounce judgement until the melee skills are max and the chiv is 100.


Stratics Veteran
120 wrestling is now going for crazy amounts on Atlantic, last one I saw was 40mil?!?!
Scrolls on Atl are all about timing. I haven't bought in a while, but I do look daily for going rates. Right now the lowest are about 26m, if you watch, the lowest I've seen them recently is about 18m.


Scrolls on Atl are all about timing. I haven't bought in a while, but I do look daily for going rates. Right now the lowest are about 26m, if you watch, the lowest I've seen them recently is about 18m.
This! And it may have been asked a million times but how in the world does one generate 18m let alone enough to afford all the scrolls needed. Most Ive ever had was 2m and that took forever.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
In a crazy kind of way, I like Pawain’s idea of 115 wrestling and parry. I do get what Southpaw says about going 120 wrestling, but would the 5 points wrestling be that big of a difference?


Stratics Veteran
115 wrestling with 115 parry would be better.

And dont pronounce judgement until the melee skills are max and the chiv is 100.
Actually 120 wrestling and 110 parry would be better.

Remember Wrestling is both to hit and to be hit check.

The hit or miss check is before the parry check in the damage calculation. We have a handy Effective Damage Calculator on our website.

(using rather standard boss 130 wrestling for calculations)

120 wrestling 110 parry equals a 53% chance to get hit and a 18% chance to parry, and a 46% chance to hit
115 wrestling 115 parry equals a 55% chance to get hit and a 19% chance to parry, but also a 45% chance to hit.

Remember as the Ossein Ram heals through hits, though not 100% chance to heal, the more hits = more potential heals


This! And it may have been asked a million times but how in the world does one generate 18m let alone enough to afford all the scrolls needed. Most Ive ever had was 2m and that took forever.
I make most of my gold selling items I loot. Collecting gold from corpses to amass a fortune is not practical. Sell a decent piece of jewelry or weapon, an extra tangle or crimson cincture, and watch your bank balance climb!! Price your items competitively and it’s hard to keep your vendor stocked.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Ive made 200 mil in 6 months selling lower ps, ive only gotten like 10 120 scrolls, most are 110s, sell enough on atl, and you can make bank.

Also note, you dont have to have the best pet to have a good pet.
110s and your pet can do all content.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Actually 120 wrestling and 110 parry would be better.
Ill explain my reply. As of right now.

120 wrestling 26M parry 110 400K 26.4M

115 wrestling 6M Parry 115 3.6M 9.6M

I would not invest the price difference in a Ram. Especially when only 3 players besides myself have stated they have used them. I bet all 3 could do the same content with almost any pet.

Odd. I used to be the one that told people to use 120 scrolls until you kept mathing me into using lower ones.

I will stand by using lower scrolls on this Ram Until the OP likes the pet and build. Then he can make another that does 2 to 3 % better if he thinks that is wise and worth 16M more.

The 115 prices have dropped so much that I am giving away 110s to new players to make pets. Shhh


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Personally, i'd rather go with some SR than HPR on Ossein Rams. With Life Leech, the HPR becomes rather redundant, however their ability to self heal through Life Leech depends on frequently hitting, which they won't be able to do well if their Stamina drops.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Ks need to calc how much stam regen Focus does.

Personally I have never seen a pet lose stamina unless the HP gets below 25%. No spawn bosses or peerless that we do cause stam loss. I haven't done the roof in a while so don't remember. ( I take a 9 Stam regen there)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Here is what I have planned for the final round training points.
Ram final.PNG

While I might wait with the scrolls, I feel this hits pretty much the points that have been brought up.
On a side note, I had a very awesome friend hook me up with the 120 wrestling and chiv scrolls. Plus I found a very cheap 105 tactics scroll. So once I get a feel for this guy, I should have the scrolls ready to go with him.
BTW, Khaelor, I think I hit the rounding error as the web planner said I can get 340 mana, but the in game planner shows 330. So, unless I'm totally missing something between the 2 (which I just can't spot), this will be it.


Crazed Zealot
Here is what I have planned for the final round training points.
View attachment 91325

While I might wait with the scrolls, I feel this hits pretty much the points that have been brought up.
On a side note, I had a very awesome friend hook me up with the 120 wrestling and chiv scrolls. Plus I found a very cheap 105 tactics scroll. So once I get a feel for this guy, I should have the scrolls ready to go with him.
BTW, Khaelor, I think I hit the rounding error as the web planner said I can get 340 mana, but the in game planner shows 330. So, unless I'm totally missing something between the 2 (which I just can't spot), this will be it.
Looks very nice..Wishe there was a way to do 110 tactics from 105..


Stratics Veteran
Ill explain my reply. As of right now.

120 wrestling 26M parry 110 400K 26.4M

115 wrestling 6M Parry 115 3.6M 9.6M
Your cost analysis is valid (I would value wrestling at 18 mill as I saw that price since summer and as recently as last week), if that is a consideration in making an animal. You can make very nice animals using lesser scrolls. Our guild almost always uses 120 wrestling even when using lesser scrolls though. That is our preference and we are happy with it.

I would not invest the price difference in a Ram. Especially when only 3 players besides myself have stated they have used them. I bet all 3 could do the same content with almost any pet.
That's because everyone has been CU brainwashed. It's comical. I watch 3-4 CU barely making a dent in Krampus multiple times the past month, then in walks our guilds fire steeds/reptalons or a friends fire beetle and quick work is made out of Krampus. Sure the same content can be done with almost any pet, but the efficiency of pets will vary greatly. If someone wants to spend 8-10 minutes killing Dreadhorn (or whatever else) with a bunch of CUs go for it. I'll take my sub 3 minute kills and then afk while the keys are expiring.

As for the Ram, I am apprehensive regarding it, because of the damage spread. Which is what i look for in a pet. I don't tend to have trouble keeping pets alive otherwise. I do have a fully trained ram though on one of my spare tamers. Its not a bad pet by any means, it's damage is just not optimized enough for me.

Odd. I used to be the one that told people to use 120 scrolls until you kept mathing me into using lower ones.
I've been a longtime advocate of people using scrolls they can afford, as the trade off with most scrolls is not worth the cost. I still take that stance, unless you have the money, surplus scrolls or it's a legacy pet.

The 115 prices have dropped so much that I am giving away 110s to new players to make pets. Shhh
I have long been giving 110 scrolls to any returning tamers I come across, so they can train 1 pet worry free, even if they waste it on a CU.

Personally I have never seen a pet lose stamina unless the HP gets below 25%. No spawn bosses or peerless that we do cause stam loss. I haven't done the roof in a while so don't remember. ( I take a 9 Stam regen there)
Krampus does a bone break ability that will drain all stamina. If it's a crushing mastery Krampus, it also has concussive blow. Blackthorn captains can have CB also, along with a lot of other end game bosses. Charybdis, Doom Gauntlet. Focus alone will regen stam very slowly, tested it a long time ago, but didnt keep any notes on it.


Stratics Veteran
BTW, Khaelor, I think I hit the rounding error as the web planner said I can get 340 mana, but the in game planner shows 330. So, unless I'm totally missing something between the 2 (which I just can't spot), this will be it.
what is the base damage you had on your pet going into the last round?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
what is the base damage you had on your pet going into the last round?
I haven’t done anything yet, so it was easy for me to check. It’s sitting at 18-25. I had been checking each round to see if I could improve it.


Stratics Veteran
I haven’t done anything yet, so it was easy for me to check. It’s sitting at 18-25. I had been checking each round to see if I could improve it.
I believe I figured it out. In your in game planner you don't have anatomy scroll.

The difference between them would be 1 point, because our planner right now cannot account for uneven int/mana/dex/stam. You only had Int that was still uneven.

But I show less mana on our planner than what you came up with, 310 (based off the screen shots at the beginning with the current stats of your ram)
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It’s possible I knowingly made a planning error by not including a 110 anatomy scroll. I was looking to save a few points.


Stratics Veteran
The difference between them would be 1 point, because our planner right now cannot account for uneven int/mana/dex/stam.
Yes yes yes... you've been bugging me about that for a while now... message heard~


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lots of Cu hate here. Funny how in 1 thread everybody is in love with cold damage but I guess they forget a Cu has 50% cold and 50% Energy with is also in the top 2 or 3 lowest on most high end Mobs.

I'd say its Heal envy. Gotta hate what your pets don't have....


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Personally speaking I don’t hate cu sidhe. I have several between a couple of tamers. With that said, I just am looking to try other pets out to see what they can do. It’s easy to default to the cu because they have healing, I’m beginning to think makes for laziness as every cu I have lored lately have been chiv/AI ones. Granted my base is limited to Atlantic but I haven’t seen any other cu. I look anytime I can.

Anyway, back to the ram. Would I do better with 110 anatomy or the 20 extra mana. I’m leaning towards I correcting my plan and building in the 110 anatomy.


Lore Master
Personally speaking I don’t hate cu sidhe. I have several between a couple of tamers. With that said, I just am looking to try other pets out to see what they can do. It’s easy to default to the cu because they have healing, I’m beginning to think makes for laziness as every cu I have lored lately have been chiv/AI ones. Granted my base is limited to Atlantic but I haven’t seen any other cu. I look anytime I can.

Anyway, back to the ram. Would I do better with 110 anatomy or the 20 extra mana. I’m leaning towards I correcting my plan and building in the 110 anatomy.
Do 110 anatomy. You won't miss 20 mana.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Thanks Southpaw! Will do

Still intend to GM him before I add scrolls, so I can see how he is before tossing scrolls at him. It will limit him a bit and I will take that into account