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No Taming/Lore gain on garg


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there,

have a char with 92.1 real skill taming and 96 real skill lore. Since one week he is not able to gain skill on taming bulls in jhelom. He is on 690 overall skill, skills are set to raise, karma is positive, skill gain display is set to lowest (0.1). He is guilded to gain throwing on a wolf spider. Any clue why I even can't get the ggs?

Regards, Fizzle

Mandrake of DF

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you use jewelry while training taming? Should not use any taming jewelry - as it lowers the gain% chance and difficulty.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Hi there,

have a char with 92.1 real skill taming and 96 real skill lore. Since one week he is not able to gain skill on taming bulls in jhelom. He is on 690 overall skill, skills are set to raise, karma is positive, skill gain display is set to lowest (0.1). He is guilded to gain throwing on a wolf spider. Any clue why I even can't get the ggs?

Regards, Fizzle
I believe, since the pet revamp the taming requirement for bulls is much lower. The few I just lored require 72 so you are 20+ points over which is possibly why you are not gaining at all.

Given you are over 90 I'd just go with using the mastery skill to gain, much less painful than the ol fashion way. Taming Mastery 1 should be easy enough to come by if you dont already have one.

If you prefer to tame things, ridgebacks would be a safe option, they require 83ish so you should get your GGS from them.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I agree with Akiho. At 90+ skill, use the mastery. Gains will still be slow, but not nearly as slow as actually taming.


Crazed Zealot
Just put a high mana regen suit and poss. Med/Focus and keep spamming the mastery. Patience rewards. The most painful part of taming..Second only to the PS fiasco for the pets..