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Negative Karma and Cu Sidhe


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
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I was considering changing my tamer's template to be a necro-tamer. My pet of choice is a Cu Sidhe. This is going to trash my karma and it will be very negative before long. Will the negative karma have an issue on my pet control?

I know I'll be attacked in Twisted Weald if I went back to tame more Cu Sidhe. Thanks in advance for your advice/tips on running a necro-tamer.



Lore Master
I was considering changing my tamer's template to be a necro-tamer. My pet of choice is a Cu Sidhe. This is going to trash my karma and it will be very negative before long. Will the negative karma have an issue on my pet control?

I know I'll be attacked in Twisted Weald if I went back to tame more Cu Sidhe. Thanks in advance for your advice/tips on running a necro-tamer.

My tamer is a necro mage. Negative karma has no effect on pet control whatsoever-so no problem there. As you already know, if you have negative karma you will be attacked by certain mobs on sight. Another thing to be aware of is if you're training a pet and intend to put chivalry on the pet, it will NOT show up as an option until you get positive karma. It really isn't a big deal...I go kill a few balrons and succubus and I get positive karma within a few minutes. I love my necro tamer, loads of fun, especially if you're using a pet that does fire or poison damage.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Go to positive and make some chiv pets. Then put on the cloak and you'll be back to max negative in minutes.

The Neg Karma just does not allow you to put chiv on pets. So, make all the chiv pets you need while you are positive.

The wild Cus will attack you while negative and the paragons can bite hard.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
My tamer is a necro mage. Negative karma has no effect on pet control whatsoever-so no problem there. As you already know, if you have negative karma you will be attacked by certain mobs on sight. Another thing to be aware of is if you're training a pet and intend to put chivalry on the pet, it will NOT show up as an option until you get positive karma. It really isn't a big deal...I go kill a few balrons and succubus and I get positive karma within a few minutes. I love my necro tamer, loads of fun, especially if you're using a pet that does fire or poison damage.
Yup, I did this yesterday to get chiv on my cu. Took me about 15min of daemons to get back to positive from evil lord. Necro great addition to a tamer.

Sent from my moto g(6) play using Tapatalk


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I was considering changing my tamer's template to be a necro-tamer. My pet of choice is a Cu Sidhe. This is going to trash my karma and it will be very negative before long. Will the negative karma have an issue on my pet control?

I know I'll be attacked in Twisted Weald if I went back to tame more Cu Sidhe. Thanks in advance for your advice/tips on running a necro-tamer.

This might be something for me to try as well. Given I have 6 skills at 120, magery, eval int, med, taming, lore and vet. Which skills should I consider stoning for necro and spirit speak?


Crazed Zealot
This might be something for me to try as well. Given I have 6 skills at 120, magery, eval int, med, taming, lore and vet. Which skills should I consider stoning for necro and spirit speak?
Vet is one, possibly med if you have a nigh mana regen suit for heals. This way you have a max mage, and tamer and necro on board. Assuming you will be after mobs that you wont need to vet. (Most high lev mobs are hard to get close nuff to vet anyways). But rez by porting back home, stoning eval, unstoning vet then rez pet, unless some1 else can rez for yu). Also when you stone vet you lose I think 1-2 pet slots, and if you have a full or nearly full stable, you may have to put vet back on, to switch pets. Just a lill nuisance.
Of course other option may be stone eval and med. But it will depend on your preferences and the mobs you go after.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I do have about 28MR on the toon I’m thinking about doing this with.

Apologies to the OP for kind of high jacking this post.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Thanks all for the replies. I did not know chivalry cannot be trained on a pet if the tamer has negative karma. I think I can work around that. Let me give this a try!


Stratics Veteran
Necro toons don't need meditation. Wraith form gives you all the mana you'll need.
Not exactly true. If the target has no mana, then there is nothing to leech. There are several encounters/instances where @Khyro will use meditation over spellweaving in his template and he has a pretty good suit.


Crazed Zealot
Not exactly true. If the target has no mana, then there is nothing to leech. There are several encounters/instances where @Khyro will use meditation over spellweaving in his template and he has a pretty good suit.
I dont have a necro yet, but doesn't Wraith form just regen mana very fast?