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Does a fresh tame’s stats/skills matter?


Stratics Veteran

I was curious if it matters what skills/stats a fresh tame has or if they all have the same potential with this training system? Or is there a variance in the amount of points they get?

Also, can you not train greater dragons or frost dragons? Thanks for any advice


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Last question first. Sadly, no frost and greater dragons can not go through the new pet training system. They are still fine pets, so don’t worry about that.

Some pets have a wide set of stats, some so much so that they span 2 slots. Great example is the nightmare. Any mare you tame now can be either 2 slot or 3 slot. 2 slot mares are the winners here. Overall, it depends on what you are looking for. Every pet type has difference stats, so if you have a pet or 3 in mind, perhaps you could list them here and someone can get you a ballpark idea what to look for.


Crazed Zealot
Welcome on board..Very good questions, and very loaded subject..
There is a book of information in Stratics, taming A-Z sticky, and also the uo website under The new Taming etc. But here is a tiny little bit of information:
It depends on the pet, and what you intend to use it for, what mobs you will be fighting etc. Some examples :
For instance it makes a difference in Cu Sidhe if the fresh tame has 504 HPS, vs has 598-600 HPS, plus it is good for dogs NOT to have overcapped cold resist or energy resist, so cold/enerrgy would be good at 70-75/70-80 or so. Having more initial HPS translates in having that many more points available X3..(that is a lot . of training points to use on something, and having a 70/70 Cold/Energy res dog, neans that it will be possible to set resists the best possible way you see fit, e.g. 75/75/75/75/75 etc..
For a Najasaurus, desirable init. high stats include Dex to 200 if poss., high magic resist like 160, good HPS like 780-800, and 2 slots, not 3.
Fire steeds have some overcaps in magic resistance like 105 etc, but even those 5 points count.
Many others..too many to put in a single post.
Each pet has some desirable initial stats to look for. There are many trainable pets with the taming revamp.
@Khaelor has done a fantastic job in listing pets and their best stats to look for. Look up his name in here, and go to his website and you will see.
@Pawain has put in here a step-by-step, with pictures training dogs at different specialties.
Just don't get overwhelmed. Go slowly and learn as you go along.

GDs spawn as 5 slots most of the time, and so do Frost Dragons, but there are pple that said they have seen 4 slot Frost Dragons. Frost Dragons come with overcaps in several skills and are also good to use, as well as GD's just to start, and if there is no chance to get power scrolls, especially since you can train a fire beetle or a blue beetle nowdays and make it good enough to stand toe-to-toe with greater dragons and Frosties.

Also : If you are a returning tamer and have old pets ( nightmares, White Wyrms, 2-slot Bakes, **Dread Mares, and ***Bane Dragons especially), do not train any of these till you have mastered the new taming system, and if you decide to sell any of them, check the prices in HERE, not in game as you will be likely to lose MANY millions in uo gold.

Finally, dont be afraid or embarassed to ask any questions here. I think you will find very useful recommendations that will save you time and gold.
I doubt that you will find a better community on the web than here.
I hope this helps a little bit.
GL and Merry Xmas.


Last question first. Sadly, no frost and greater dragons can not go through the new pet training system. They are still fine pets, so don’t worry about that.....
Not entirely true. Greaters and frosties can both spawn as 4-slotters and get one level of training. Both can make fine pets... spawning as either 4 or 5 slotters. Just have to be selective in your taming.



Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Not entirely true. Greaters and frosties can both spawn as 4-slotters and get one level of training. Both can make fine pets... spawning as either 4 or 5 slotters. Just have to be selective in your taming.

I was trying to keep the answer simple and tried to not muddy the waters with talk of 4 slot greater dragons. To this day, I really am not sure how common they are, given I’ve only seen 2.
As for 4 slot frost dragons, I have never seen one and I’ve helped with plenty of txmaps where they spawned. So if those exist, I’d love to see any pictures you have of a 4 slot frost dragon.


I have several 4-slot greaters that my guild farmed over several months and personally have only scene one 4-slot frostie. (Belongs to a guildmate) I’ll try and post some pictures later today as I drew the short straw and get to work on Christmas Eve. I’ll warn you ahead of time, my guildmate butchered the poor frostie.....


Here are the lore pages from the 4-slot frost dragon. Like I said, its the only one I have seen in game. Must be pretty rare spawn....more so than a 3-slot dragon wolf I would wager.

Anyway.... Merry Christmas!




Crazed Zealot
Here are the lore pages from the 4-slot frost dragon. Like I said, its the only one I have seen in game. Must be pretty rare spawn....more so than a 3-slot dragon wolf I would wager.

Anyway.... Merry Christmas!

Usually not enough points to upgrade them and only 1 round. Agree he blew a lot of basics on this one, but hey we all got to learn some time..Good not to practice on rare pets on production shards. When they come as 4 slots Frosties are usually lousy, not worth it most of the time, plus you only have limited points. I have an original 5 slot one (was never 4 slots) spawned naturally with 1,000 HPS, has 120 wres, 120 parry, and something else 115, is 100 times better than most 4 slots youll try to upgrade, he does not run out of mana with his natural mana pool, And rarely dies. He hits like a ton of bricks at the right mob.
I think unless someone else wants to pitch in more info, the answer to OP about these is likely going to be:
4-slot Frost Dragon not worth wasting time and effort to try to spawn, it may take many months, and there are other pets you can train 1000 times better.


Stratics Veteran
First, thanks for all the responses and Merry Christmas. I appreciate the advice, and will be researching this before trying to train up some pets. Thanks again!


Stratics Veteran
Is there a benefit (or con) to training a pet (not using the training gump, but the old way) to max out their skills prior to starting utilizing this new training?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Is there a benefit (or con) to training a pet (not using the training gump, but the old way) to max out their skills prior to starting utilizing this new training?
They may train a fraction faster because they hit more but they also train on damage taken so maybe they dont train a fraction faster if they are getting hit more often since they dont have parry.

Some pets need 100 wrestling to have parry show up so you can scroll. I prefer to train first and then skill.


Crazed Zealot
I kinda have preferred to bring wres skill to 90's and dex and stam to 125 before the new training starts, but it also depends on the pet partially. Just remember you can "skill" dex and stam to 125 before you max these to 150 with the new training to save a few points. I believe everyone will agree that with wres of 40-60 the pet will train slower on crazy mage or allosaurus, and probably take lots of damage from these, esp when training one of the coolest pets to train now days : Blue Beetle or Fire Beetle, and others with really low hps, that take long times to skill/train.
I am sure other pple will disagree though and say: If you train one level on the beetle first, "somehow", then your pet will have resists, few more hps, and be tankier, so will not die as much. But.. diff pple like to do stuff diff ways, and there are good arguments on both sides.