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Is there any way for a pet to gain "Detecting Hidden" skill that actually works?


Crazed Zealot
Stealthing around your pet does not actually work.
Someone said a while back that you have to make the pet attack you then stealth.
Other way is go to trap spiders in abandoned city, outside the night terror area. (Stay away from them, lol). The trap door spiders also LP go get ready for them, make sure you have protection, petals etc on.
In terms o f utility DH on pets may be an exercise in futility, probably will take quite long also, but something to do I reckon..:spider:

Prince Erik

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If I remember right, Kryonix posted on the official forums that pets cannot gain detect hidden at all. :(


Crazed Zealot
Hmmm..They may have changed it? Not sure. There is a thread in here about it and players relating these methods to gain. I never tried to gain it myself though. Still cant see how useful a skill that could be. ( DH in spawns to unhide stealther PKers? Or unhide boxed in Khaldune? Kottle city? No idea.)