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Have value?


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I'm new into taming, but colect a lof of info, im trying junt 100% intensity pets for use and maybe resale, have a maket for that? For example i have 3 or 4 lesser hyriu in the 85-92% intensity range.


Stratics Veteran
100% intensity is impossible on everything but animals that have a 2 slot spawn range (lesser hiryu, nightmares, naja, reptalon).

For things that spawn in only a 1 slot range, 70% is considered very good anything 80 and above is truly exceptional, anything 85% or above would be very rare to find if not impossible.


Stratics Veteran
Lesser hiryu spawn in 2 slot ranges. 1 slot and rarely 2 slot. Because of that fact, they can spawn at the upper end of the one slot range and be near 100%. That is a very nice lesser Hiryu.


I Hate Skilling
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That Lesser has some nice starting fire resist. I could train it in 40 min unbonded.

1 slot Lessers have enough points to turn any of them into a nice pet.

Someone may want it because of the starting %. I prefer valorite or blue at any %.

A nice color Hiryu with high % would be sought after.

There are other pet types that really need the extra starting points. A >180 dex Frost drake that is above 80% would be a sweet one. If it weren't for PP Nightmares a high % 2 slot NM would be sought after.

Some prefer the resist values to be what they desire instead of %.


Seasoned Veteran
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That Lesser has some nice starting fire resist. I could train it in 40 min unbonded.

1 slot Lessers have enough points to turn any of them into a nice pet.

Someone may want it because of the starting %. I prefer valorite or blue at any %.

A nice color Hiryu with high % would be sought after.

There are other pet types that really need the extra starting points. A >180 dex Frost drake that is above 80% would be a sweet one. If it weren't for PP Nightmares a high % 2 slot NM would be sought after.

Some prefer the resist values to be what they desire instead of %.
I started colecting pets not much ago, i have a puremage ai prepatch ww, a 90% cu sidhe(no color), have a lot ov 80-90% lesser hyriu and this 98% one.


I Hate Skilling
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High % ram, fire steed, new drakes all would benefit from more points.

Not sure if there is a market.

I'd rather have a color for a cu or lesser. Can build the 60% just as effective.


Lore Master
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I'm a noob with pet calculations guys.... but I have saw the 70-80% mark thrown around for the cold drakes now enough to ask, what calculator is this? Please give me a link (or just something to google if you can't do the link.) Thanks a bunch ahead of time.

[Edit] I think I have found it, is it the UO-CAH pet calculator? Thanks if so for verifying, I just want to be consistent with everyone else.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats it.

I look at the amount of total points vs 100% and decide if I would be ok with that much fewer HP.

The pet type determines if the % is good. It is hard to find a crimson/Plat or Frost Drake that is 80%.
Other pet types get 80% easier.


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Does it really make any difference in the end? I still have to check all of my frost drakes, but the best one I got so far is a near 60% one with 182 dex. I feel that it is a real difference in % rating you get if eg fire resist is 48 or 42, but in the end with training the pet these differences shouldn't be important. Or are they?


I Hate Skilling
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If you build the base pet the same all the time, the higher % pet will have more hit points.


Stratics Veteran
Does it really make any difference in the end? I still have to check all of my frost drakes, but the best one I got so far is a near 60% one with 182 dex. I feel that it is a real difference in % rating you get if eg fire resist is 48 or 42, but in the end with training the pet these differences shouldn't be important. Or are they?
With a lot of pets they are actually substantially important, particularly with pets with wide intensity spreads or those considered "tight on points".

It can mean the difference in having things like hit point and stamina regen or higher hit points and mana depending on the pet and the spec you want to give it. On something like a CU or hiryu it can determine if there is enough points to fit something like chivalry or another magic.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
Does it really make any difference in the end? I still have to check all of my frost drakes, but the best one I got so far is a near 60% one with 182 dex. I feel that it is a real difference in % rating you get if eg fire resist is 48 or 42, but in the end with training the pet these differences shouldn't be important. Or are they?
One important difference would be in cold resist... I would tend to think that lower is better here. If you get one frost drake that's at say 76% or so... but the cold resist is at 50.... then you could just pretend and put "58" to see the difference in power. 58 will register a lot higher.... but the 50 is better still (for me.) This will let you add more poison resist to get closer to 80/80/45/80/80 or whatever the overall limit is.