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training a pack beetle


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Hi guys! Since i was bored i thought i Train myself a pack beetle. I heard that if you increase strenghth it can carry more? Well I added 300 str on first Level training and it still can carry only 1600 stones. is there a threshold that i have to consider?


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A normal giant beetle has 1600 stone capacity, but without extra strength it hits a "your mount is fatigued" message somewhere between 400 & 500 stones of load (apparently varies based on the weight of the user, but not in a purely linear way), and if you try to run, within a few steps you and the mount start bouncing as if you were out of stamina and overloaded. This has gotten thousands of miners (and other resource gatherers like lumberjacks and people farming leather) killed by PKs and spawns over the decades.

Once the extra strength is added, this goes away, though it's not been tested how much added is actually required to get to the exact spot where it stops happening.


Crazed Zealot
A normal giant beetle has 1600 stone capacity, but without extra strength it hits a "your mount is fatigued" message somewhere between 400 & 500 stones of load (apparently varies based on the weight of the user, but not in a purely linear way), and if you try to run, within a few steps you and the mount start bouncing as if you were out of stamina and overloaded. This has gotten thousands of miners (and other resource gatherers like lumberjacks and people farming leather) killed by PKs and spawns over the decades.

Once the extra strength is added, this goes away, though it's not been tested how much added is actually required to get to the exact spot where it stops happening.
Yep it works nicely, and the lill bugie runs nicely fully loaded! Plus he can kill GD's now, depending on what you skilled him with..!


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Thanks for the info guys!!! I just slapped 545 str on my lil bugger and put 1600 boards on him and ran around my house for like 5 minutes and no Fatigue message came up!


Crazed Zealot
Thanks for the info guys!!! I just slapped 545 str on my lil bugger and put 1600 boards on him and ran around my house for like 5 minutes and no Fatigue message came up!
Get him to lev 5 (its easy after levels 1-2, and put RC and put his magic on and special move, careful how to do this..Do it in TC first, then take him at Scalis, or T-Hunting, and load up stuff..Tons of trash points and chances for so Legendaries. They are also rideable and a great team support due to the RC, though not real big tanks. Very useful lill fellow..


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Not the mention the ability to haul back 240k gold from the Roof (especially if you have someone help you load him), plus whatever loot/gold you stuck in your own pack.


Slightly Crazed
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Just remember as trained level rises in the bug, the necessary taming skill to control it will increase as well. If it's bonded to a character like a mule, don't go crazy training it up or you risk losing it due to your inability to control it.


Is it easier to train it first...then skill it up or skill first then train? I put one on a pack of skellies for awhile and it didnt gain any skills and less than 1% training.


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Most of the skills require a roughly equivalent target for the combat skills to gain - on any pet. On the other hand, it takes a tough target to gain more than 0.1-0.2 towards training.

First thing to do is make sure your beetle is 1-slot. If you didn't fix an old 3-slot one be releasing and retaming it, it's too late.

It's usually best to train the first level first, and this pretty much requires the following.

  1. Make sure it is bonded. It will die a lot if the things being fought switch targets.
  2. Get an existing 3-4 slot pet, preferably one that has been trained for high resists already, or with naturally high resists. Alternatively, get someone else to bring their 3-5 slot pet, so you have someone to talk to.
  3. Have the higher-slot pet tank versus a named mob (such as Swoop), or against something tough in Shame (crazed mage, eternal gazer, etc.) with the beetle assisting.
Now, for skill training, look for stuff that is at your pet's wrestling and tactics level +/- 20. For a beetle starting out, I typically use the orc fort west of Umbra at the mountain entrance (or similar forts north of Luna, or in the snowy mountain areas). If you've not raised it to 2/5 (And raised HP and resists) yet, you'll have to do a lot of vetting to keep it alive - and you'd have to kill 10,000 orcs (sounds like a Drizz't novel) to even come close to getting a training level. Once you have it at 2/5 or 3/5, though, you might be able to just park him inside the fort (maybe even the one in Yew) and let him go to town. You'll get some resisting spells gains from the orcs, parry gains that won't actually show until Wrestling hits 100, and lots of wrestling, tactics, and anatomy gains. Also, poisoning gains if you put it on already. Once you get between 80-90 Wrestling, you'll want to go looking for something with 100+ wrestling for skill training.


Most of the skills require a roughly equivalent target for the combat skills to gain - on any pet. On the other hand, it takes a tough target to gain more than 0.1-0.2 towards training.

First thing to do is make sure your beetle is 1-slot. If you didn't fix an old 3-slot one be releasing and retaming it, it's too late.

It's usually best to train the first level first, and this pretty much requires the following.

  1. Make sure it is bonded. It will die a lot if the things being fought switch targets.
  2. Get an existing 3-4 slot pet, preferably one that has been trained for high resists already, or with naturally high resists. Alternatively, get someone else to bring their 3-5 slot pet, so you have someone to talk to.
  3. Have the higher-slot pet tank versus a named mob (such as Swoop), or against something tough in Shame (crazed mage, eternal gazer, etc.) with the beetle assisting.
Now, for skill training, look for stuff that is at your pet's wrestling and tactics level +/- 20. For a beetle starting out, I typically use the orc fort west of Umbra at the mountain entrance (or similar forts north of Luna, or in the snowy mountain areas). If you've not raised it to 2/5 (And raised HP and resists) yet, you'll have to do a lot of vetting to keep it alive - and you'd have to kill 10,000 orcs (sounds like a Drizz't novel) to even come close to getting a training level. Once you have it at 2/5 or 3/5, though, you might be able to just park him inside the fort (maybe even the one in Yew) and let him go to town. You'll get some resisting spells gains from the orcs, parry gains that won't actually show until Wrestling hits 100, and lots of wrestling, tactics, and anatomy gains. Also, poisoning gains if you put it on already. Once you get between 80-90 Wrestling, you'll want to go looking for something with 100+ wrestling for skill training.
Thanks! Yes this is a fresh tame with very low skills..like .4 in anatomy.


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Ok after I put on the last stats oh him at Level 5 I went to fel with a friend to test out out how often he can dismount as i slapped dismount on hm as a Special. It was very disapointing even though hze was was hitting almost everytime he dident dismount once ? Any Ideas guys?


I Hate Skilling
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Use a Hiryu instead of ruining that beetle?

But could surprise dismount with it. It still carries stuff.

Pets do not use the skills or abilities that you want them to use when you want them to use the ability.

Now you know how to train one. Next time choose AI and rune corruption. Poison can be added if you like.


Crazed Zealot
Use a Hiryu instead of ruining that beetle?

But could surprise dismount with it. It still carries stuff.

Pets do not use the skills or abilities that you want them to use when you want them to use the ability.

Now you know how to train one. Next time choose AI and rune corruption. Poison can be added if you like.
Yep.. Mine is AI/RC/Poison..Works ok.. Problem is no scrolls..


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thanks alot for the info! I will try just that. Btw i had poisoning on the beetle and that worked just fine


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yes, it remains a mount and pack animal - where does the idea come from that it could lose the pack?


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Near I can tell that was a PRE-TEST-CENTER rumor that was dispelled the day pet training went to TC, let alone when it actually went live.