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Retaming vs transfering pets

Tabby Kapak

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Hello Tamer friends! A question that feels somewhat silly, for someone playing since 2001, but we hope to get rid of a fear by asking this. We know that retaming pets with other tamers increases the difficulty of taming, up to the point where one cannot tame it anymore. The question now is, does transferring pets also have that effect or not at all? We always have been very reluctant to shift around pets between our multiple tamers because of that fear. We seem to remember vaguely that we once couldn't transfer a pet that we had bumped into, to another tamer of ourselves for lack of control reasons or such. But rationally it wouldn't make sense with things like the Magincia pet stalls and such.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
This is just my view on this, also speaking as someone who has played a long time as well, I’d rather transfer a pet then do the release retame bit. I don’t believe the transfers hurt the pet, as I have done it more then a few times with some of my pets since the revamp.


Stratics Veteran
Hello Tamer friends! A question that feels somewhat silly, for someone playing since 2001, but we hope to get rid of a fear by asking this. We know that retaming pets with other tamers increases the difficulty of taming, up to the point where one cannot tame it anymore. The question now is, does transferring pets also have that effect or not at all? We always have been very reluctant to shift around pets between our multiple tamers because of that fear. We seem to remember vaguely that we once couldn't transfer a pet that we had bumped into, to another tamer of ourselves for lack of control reasons or such. But rationally it wouldn't make sense with things like the Magincia pet stalls and such.
CAH trades our pets around all the time. "Here hold this for a minute," and to and from storage tamers accounts. The pets suffer no ill effects. Some pets we have probably shuffled around a good 20 times.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Releasing reduces the melee Skills. When you trade you lose bonding but the pet is the same.

You can also use the magincia stall to trade pets around on an account. Also loses bonding.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Also remember that a pet can only be tamed by 5 tamers, but any owner can retame a pet at any time.


Stratics Veteran
Also remember that a pet can only be tamed by 5 tamers, but any owner can retame a pet at any time.
Actually that is incorrect. Humans and Gargoyles cannot retame their own Cu Sidhe, males cannot retame their own Unicorns, and females cannot retame their own Ki-rin.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Actually that is incorrect. Humans and Gargoyles cannot retame their own Cu Sidhe, males cannot retame their own Unicorns, and females cannot retame their own Ki-rin.
Ok true, what it actually does is set your difficulty for taming a pet to 0.

While taming a pet that has already been tamed raises it.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Actually that is incorrect. Humans and Gargoyles cannot retame their own Cu Sidhe, males cannot retame their own Unicorns, and females cannot retame their own Ki-rin.
Yes I realized this the hard way... hard lesson learned after accidentally losing my white Cu...