So I haven't logged on to play UO in a couple years now, and I don't see myself doing so in the future. I'm 28, my first child is on the way - find out the gender tomorrow. I work two jobs, one regular 40 hour week and then my own landscaping stuff I do in my off time, and I'm looking into purchasing a mini-farm. I've amassed quite a bit of stuff, two houses worth - one full max storage and one medium house near Fel Yew gate. I want to sell everything, my estimate for the stuff in the houses is probably around 10 plat taking the time to piece everything out and whatnot, miscellaneous EM rares, tie dye gift boxes, two non-rep LT. sashes, some one of a kind & useful non-antique no durability greater & legendary jewels & armor, commodity boxes full of mats, beautiful splinter weapons that I've been in bidding wars over - you can check my post history for those lol. I just want to sell everything for UO gold, hell, I'll even sell you the account(s) (if that's permissible). I can open up the houses to the public and allow you to go through the chests and stuff - but I played on EC, so you'll have to download that to go look through all the boxes as I'm not about to sort that ****. Just wondering if there would be any interest at all, thank you in advance and best wishes to all of you 