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Pre-Patch pets - What to do?


Having returned to UO not long ago I'm abit stumped by the new pet training system and my pets are pre-patch so I understand I should take care when I level them. I am not finding a heck of alot of information, discussion or guides on the topic so I'm really not getting any smarter.

I would very much appreciate some input and suggestions to templates and training to help me along.
It's a dragon, a mare and a Ww. On the shard I play I have very high ping so there will be no point building either pet towards PvP of any kind. I will never be able to compete with other players on this shard so I never will.

The dragon:
I am a treasure hunter (but I have soulstones so I swap my template alot) so my main pet will mainly be used for those spawns. I have always preferred my dragon as a main. I have vet & magery.

The Ww:
I figured the Ww might be built for a separate purpose. perhaps boss kills, or AOE for spawns if the dragon already would be as good or better at bosses.

The Mare:
Not entirely sure how the mare could be made to excel in a situation where the Ww or drag would not.
Either for running through thick spawn to get to hard to reach places more easily to farm something or, if the Ww and Drag should be focused on tanking and dps while the mare should be focused around AOE?

Any suggestions on what to aim for and how to build them?
Also.... How do I get powerscrolls on Test Center for the pets to eat?


Grace of Minoc

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Both the WW and the Mare are very nice!

The dragon though, well, you can make him better than he was, with just the one level of training
you are very limited.

I would think the PP mare with Frenzy whirlwind added and scrolled out as much you can would
work really well for a Thunter and general gameplay.

There is, or was last time I checked, some clicky in the Brit Commons gives them out. Can't recall
what it looked like.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Before doing anything on live!!!!

Copy to test, and do it there.

Take the time to tame and experiment on other pets, and read through everything pawain and the ks have done over tje last 2 years. Lots of good info, and you dont want to ruin legacy pets.


Stratics Veteran
The wyrm is beautiful, one of the best I've seen. The mare is also very nice.

The dragon well, sadly, they nerfed untrained legacy dragons pretty badly back in Spring.

I would make both the wyrm and mare Chiv/AI, but thats me. I would also do a lot of reading and train some other things before training them.
Thanks for all replies. Much appreciated.

So then - if everyone agree's that my Ww is my best pet of the three I posted I'll switch my focus to him.
This is about the best I can come up with. Would you all agree that this is a sensible template?

White Wyrm

I'm finding very little info on this topic online, but pretty much everyone I talk to say chivalry is the way to go.
I was left with about 400 points that I distributed among HP and mana in the end.
I mande a template using the planner on TC but when I went to apply it something messed up. All the options for
abilities and moves vanished so I guess I did something in the wrong order or something to cause this to happen.

If you agree with this template, wich order should I go about setting it up without screwing it up?
I have to wait another 24 hrs to copy the character again and do it over. (What a stupid rule!).
And I did find the powerscrolls - its down by the commons, yes. Thanks!
In any case; Oh my! Even though I screwed up the last training session the wyrm was amazing. he was tearing through
everything I put in front of him with ease.
Last edited:


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Stop at 600 HP. Stop Mana at 500 or 600. Put at least 115s where the 110s are if you can. Put 5 Stam regen just in case. Raise HP if any points left.

A few days spent copying to TC is worth spending when you can not get this pet again!

Make @Khaelor proud of your Flappy friend.
Okay. I had originally all of the skills at 120, but was advised to reduce non essencials to 110 in order to increase mana for more dps.

Preferences is obviously fine. People will ofcourse differ slightly on details. My main conscern is to not make any major flaws on him since, like you say, it's a set of unique pets.

Ill make room for some stamina regen. Thank you very much for your suggestions.
Much appreciated.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It will drop mana fast no matter what. The pet lives on Mana regen. You have that at max since Int is so high and the Mana Regen maxxed.

K said it is a Very high end Flappy. Spare no expense on the scrolls.

Build the base pet in the first round. Put scrolls on the last round on and leave Hp at 600 and mana 500 or 600. Take it out for some test runs and see if you want some more mana or HP with the leftover points.

Make sure you max the base damage in the last round FIRST. Stam 150. Either of those not done WILL ruin it.

For first round:

1. Stam 150
2. Set the resists
3. Set the regens
4. Set HP to 600
5. Mana to 500

If you have points left you can use on whatever you want.

The last round has room for:

1. Max base damage
2. AI
3. Chiv
4. All the scrolls
5. a few spare points (200ish)

Thats 400 more mana if you want it there or 60 HP.

Will be a great pet.


That’s a studly wyrm and it deserves the all 120 scroll treatment. I’d spare no expense on that beast!!


Stratics Veteran
Okay. I had originally all of the skills at 120, but was advised to reduce non essencials to 110 in order to increase mana for more dps.

Preferences is obviously fine. People will ofcourse differ slightly on details. My main conscern is to not make any major flaws on him since, like you say, it's a set of unique pets.

Ill make room for some stamina regen. Thank you very much for your suggestions.
Much appreciated.

You the Jimmy the Hand I've seen on Atlantic? If so I would take precaution with any advice from Atlantic tamers.

If you don't scroll this wyrm out with 120 scrolls, it would truly be a shame. (In fact, I would sell it and buy a cheaper/not as nice wyrm over putting less than 120 scrolls on it~)

If I owned this beauty, this is how i would spec it (need to save about 3-5 points on the planner due to rounding in game) That is a pet you would have forever and always be happy with it.

Stam regen is actually important, and there is a fair amount of mobs in game (including bosses) that have crushing blow which reduces stamina. I always put 10 stam regen or more on my legacy animals. Losing just one stamina during a fight can reduce dps by 20% until it's back up to 150.

If you would like to try out a chiv/ai white wyrm of mine on test center, just send me a convo and it can be arranged.


Crazed Zealot
You the Jimmy the Hand I've seen on Atlantic? If so I would take precaution with any advice from Atlantic tamers.

If you don't scroll this wyrm out with 120 scrolls, it would truly be a shame. (In fact, I would sell it and buy a cheaper/not as nice wyrm over putting less than 120 scrolls on it~)

If I owned this beauty, this is how i would spec it (need to save about 3-5 points on the planner due to rounding in game) That is a pet you would have forever and always be happy with it.

Stam regen is actually important, and there is a fair amount of mobs in game (including bosses) that have crushing blow which reduces stamina. I always put 10 stam regen or more on my legacy animals. Losing just one stamina during a fight can reduce dps by 20% until it's back up to 150.

If you would like to try out a chiv/ai white wyrm of mine on test center, just send me a convo and it can be arranged.
this is very nice! Can you also at some point put a similar planner for the Bane Dragon? Thanks!!
You the Jimmy the Hand I've seen on Atlantic? If so I would take precaution with any advice from Atlantic tamers.

If you don't scroll this wyrm out with 120 scrolls, it would truly be a shame. (In fact, I would sell it and buy a cheaper/not as nice wyrm over putting less than 120 scrolls on it~)

If I owned this beauty, this is how i would spec it (need to save about 3-5 points on the planner due to rounding in game) That is a pet you would have forever and always be happy with it.

Stam regen is actually important, and there is a fair amount of mobs in game (including bosses) that have crushing blow which reduces stamina. I always put 10 stam regen or more on my legacy animals. Losing just one stamina during a fight can reduce dps by 20% until it's back up to 150.

If you would like to try out a chiv/ai white wyrm of mine on test center, just send me a convo and it can be arranged.

Yes, I am that Jimmy :)
Ive trained successfully on tc so ive applied it on real aswell. Just waiting for the scrolls to be transferred and he'll be done.

The template is very similar. I did end up with the decision to go all 120 - mainly because it gives a more finished look the annoying part was that in reality the stats (hp and mana) came out as odd numbers. I would much have preferred even numbers for the look alone, but that would have ment 3 points unused and a slightly lesser rank and that wont do either :)

So for the next project ill then start working the mare in accordance to the existing guide.

Looking forward to doing tmaps with a pet thats nolonger equal to a brown bear :)


Crazed Zealot
Yes, I am that Jimmy :)
Ive trained successfully on tc so ive applied it on real aswell. Just waiting for the scrolls to be transferred and he'll be done.

The template is very similar. I did end up with the decision to go all 120 - mainly because it gives a more finished look the annoying part was that in reality the stats (hp and mana) came out as odd numbers. I would much have preferred even numbers for the look alone, but that would have ment 3 points unused and a slightly lesser rank and that wont do either :)

So for the next project ill then start working the mare in accordance to the existing guide.

Looking forward to doing tmaps with a pet thats nolonger equal to a brown bear :)
Jimmy the hand, is an AWESOME name. If I make a thief I will name mine Jimmy Sticky Fingers..Another one would be Mack The Knife for Swordsman..I guess..