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Very High Rated Naja Question


Stratics Veteran
upload_2018-11-26_12-8-38.png upload_2018-11-26_12-9-13.png

Recently found this 2 slot Najasaurus that barely fits into 2 slots (both pics above are the same pet).
Am I supposed to uncheck the box in this case? (I'd assume so.) Because otherwise it's just odd since it should be a 3 slot but isn't.

Also are these worth much?
(That's either a 4.7 or a 5+, which shouldn't be the case)


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
I beleive skills play a large role in slots, and you forgot poisoning. Mine has better stats and is only 2 slot.

219 dex, and 160.2 resist spells. I think str is higher as well


Stratics Veteran
I beleive skills play a large role in slots, and you forgot poisoning. Mine has better stats and is only 2 slot.

219 dex, and 160.2 resist spells. I think str is higher as well

That skills section only considers overcapped skills though, as far as I know, and Najasaurus can't have overcapped poisoning. To be sure, I put in 100 poisoning anyways just to check and the results were the same. (It resets itself to 0 after you click calculate.)

upload_2018-11-26_16-15-26.png upload_2018-11-26_16-16-10.png

I tried lowering and raising the intensity very gradually by adding or subtracting from some stats to test the calculator for any errors, it always moved predictably. (Adding 10 hits brings it into a 3 slot for both calculations).

Also with those stats, that might well make a better Naja in some ways but resisting and dex don't count for much intensity.
Here I tested using the second calculation (checked 125 minimum box) by setting both dexterity and resisting to the lowest possible and got this-

Those 2 brought it down from a 3 slot calculation on a 2 slot pet to an even odder one.


(Keep in mind this calculator shows the percentages based on the cap of the entire pet type, so a low % in some stats for 2 slotters is normal, since they're being compared with 3 slotters.)


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Stratics Veteran
I think the 5+ rating is just about wrong max values in charts in calculator. Ive been trying to get high stat Ossein Ram and Ive found one with 292 hp (cap in calculator is 290) and thats more then cap. In theory if i will get 5* ossein ram with 292 hp (2 more then cap) you will see that pet will become 3 slot in calculations (because there are versions of naja that are 3 slotters same like nightmare) or just will show more then 100% intensity rating i guess.


Stratics Veteran
View attachment 89863 View attachment 89864

Recently found this 2 slot Najasaurus that barely fits into 2 slots (both pics above are the same pet).
Am I supposed to uncheck the box in this case? (I'd assume so.) Because otherwise it's just odd since it should be a 3 slot but isn't.

Also are these worth much?
(That's either a 4.7 or a 5+, which shouldn't be the case)
Hi. In this case rating them both with and without the checkbox is valid. Pets are now locked into their starting slot upon spawning, so you don't have to worry about them slot jumping with too much intensity (other than a few select pets, like Legacy Dragons and Windrunners/Skeletal Cats). Without the checkbox is how your pet rates in its current state at the time of taming. If you check the checkbox, it makes the assumption that you will skill your pet to 125 natural stats for free before starting training, which is why the rating jumps to a 3 slot (basically if it had those stats at the time of spawning, it would have tamed as a 3 slot).

The reason you get the borderline pet when you set dex to 0 is because it is bumping that up to 125 (with the checkbox) instead of using the pet's actual minimum rating (we don't enforce the database min/max ratings in the event you find a pet outside those bounds). That combined with the lower intensity from 100 resisting spells put it in what I call the "borderline threshold", which is what you see when it lists an intensity for both slot possibilities (if you click on the triangle information sign, it will give an information page on this).

The % rating you get is based on that slot-level. So 94.8% is based on a possible 2-slot najasaurus. This why the rating gets very low once the intensity gets bumped to a 3-slot pet. (There is a bug I do notice in the detailed display though, it shows 5014 as the possible intensity cap, however that is the possible intensity cap of a 3-slot najasaurus -- it should show the intensity cap for the slot level it is comparing against, in this case a 2-slot. I can fix this in a future update. The % rating is accurate for that slot-level though).

To directly answer you original question though, you should uncheck the box if you are rating a pet that can spawn as multi-slot to get the more accurate rating.

100% pets are pretty much only possible on multi-slot pets due to the intensity range available to them. It is much more probable for them to roll stats that put them at the high-end of a 2-slot vs a pet that only spawns in a single control slot range, which would need to roll every stat perfectly.

I think the 5+ rating is just about wrong max values in charts in calculator. Ive been trying to get high stat Ossein Ram and Ive found one with 292 hp (cap in calculator is 290) and thats more then cap. In theory if i will get 5* ossein ram with 292 hp (2 more then cap) you will see that pet will become 3 slot in calculations (because there are versions of naja that are 3 slotters same like nightmare) or just will show more then 100% intensity rating i guess.
There is a wide range of inaccurate information out there on the common mob wikis. We try to validate all information personally with in-game tests the best we can (we tamed/lored probably close to 100 Ossein Rams and never saw over 290). You can always send me or @Khaelor a PM with the lore page of any pets you find outside the spectrum and we can adjust the database as needed.

In theory if i will get 5* ossein ram with 292 hp (2 more then cap) you will see that pet will become 3 slot in calculations (because there are versions of naja that are 3 slotters same like nightmare) or just will show more then 100% intensity rating i guess.
If you were to find a perfectly rolled Ossein Ram it would still rate as a 2-slot pet in the calculator, it would just show as over 100%: Pet Intensity Calculator | uo-cah.com
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Stratics Veteran
Hi. In this case rating them both with and without the checkbox is valid. Pets are now locked into their starting slot upon spawning, so you don't have to worry about them slot jumping with too much intensity (other than a few select pets, like Legacy Dragons and Windrunners/Skeletal Cats). Without the checkbox is how your pet rates in its current state at the time of taming. If you check the checkbox, it makes the assumption that you will skill your pet to 125 natural stats for free before starting training, which is why the rating jumps to a 3 slot (basically if it had those stats at the time of spawning, it would have tamed as a 3 slot).

The reason you get the borderline pet when you set dex to 0 is because it is bumping that up to 125 (with the checkbox) instead of using the pet's actual minimum rating (we don't enforce the database min/max ratings in the event you find a pet outside those bounds). That combined with the lower intensity from 100 resisting spells put it in what I call the "borderline threshold", which is what you see when it lists an intensity for both slot possibilities (if you click on the triangle information sign, it will give an information page on this).

The % rating you get is based on that slot-level. So 94.8% is based on a possible 2-slot najasaurus. This why the rating gets very low once the intensity gets bumped to a 3-slot pet. (There is a bug I do notice in the detailed display though, it shows 5014 as the possible intensity cap, however that is the possible intensity cap of a 3-slot najasaurus -- it should show the intensity cap for the slot level it is comparing against, in this case a 2-slot. I can fix this in a future update. The % rating is accurate for that slot-level though).

To directly answer you original question though, you should uncheck the box if you are rating a pet that can spawn as multi-slot to get the more accurate rating.

100% pets are pretty much only possible on multi-slot pets due to the intensity range available to them. It is much more probable for them to roll stats that put them at the high-end of a 2-slot vs a pet that only spawns in a single control slot range, which would need to roll every stat perfectly.

There is a wide range of inaccurate information out there on the common mob wikis. We try to validate all information personally with in-game tests the best we can (we tamed/lored probably close to 100 Ossein Rams and never saw over 290). You can always send me or @Khaelor a PM with the lore page of any pets you find outside the spectrum and we can adjust the database as needed.

If you were to find a perfectly rolled Ossein Ram it would still rate as a 2-slot pet in the calculator, it would just show as over 100%: Pet Intensity Calculator | uo-cah.com

Thanks Khyro for the in-depth explanation. All your work and findings here and in other threads have been very helpful in understanding pet training and ratings better. I get the idea now, that clarified a lot. :thumbup:


Stratics Veteran
Spent a long time farming and managed to find another one here haha. Unnecessary but I thought i'd just post here since it's on-topic.

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